Tied up

Its Gonna Be Love

"Relax seohyunaa~ your makeup!" Tiffany exclaiming at seohyun, she was nervous at the entire time playing her fingers to ease her nervousness, her unnies always cheering her up to relax. She was wearing her beautiful gown that she pick when shes with Seungri .. 

"Hyuniie~ just relax.. Fany unnie is right.. Keep cool before your makeup get ruin" Yuri said rubbing her back.

" i never thought that our seobaby is the first one to married.. " Yoona said, Seohyun smiled.

"Chinja?! I thought i'll be the first one to be married on all of us" Sooyoung pouted.

"look at you soo.. How could you be the one to married first? .. you havent boyfriend.. your always busy with food how could you find a boyfriend?" Tiffany said.

"Aishh.. Its not only me who busy on food even Yoong" Sooyoung muttered.

"Its different! Yoona loves food but guys always approach her so isnt hard for her to get boyfriend" Tiffany said. Sooyoung just rolled her eyes.

"mwuh? I have a suitors too.." Sooyoung 

"Unnies stop it.. " Yoona said at the two bickering.

"Seohyun?" Yuri called her. She was still playing her fingers playfully just watching at her unnies bicker in each other.


"Smile.. You should smile, Its your day" Tiffany said cheering her. She smiled.

"thats better.. Dont be nervous.. " 

"unnie gomawoyo~" she smiled at her unnies.

"Aww.. Its ok! As long your happy.. " they went for a group hug.

" aish.. Stop the dramas before it pooled of tears here" they all laughed.

"Baby are you ready.." Seo's mom entered inside. She nodded and smiled.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The ceremony were starting, guests , foods are ready. Seohyun walks on the ailse with her Appa and Umma on their both side. She smiles at the guest , admiring her beauty. She saw Seungri standing like a prince waiting for her princess to come . Closer by closer she saw Seungri smiling at her admiring her bride.

"I gave my daughter to you.. Please treasure her" Seo's dad said as he give Seohyuns hand into Seungri.

"Neh!" Seungri. Seohyun hugged her appa and umma. Her unnies smiling cheering at her she smiled like Tiffany said and turn back into Seungri " shall we?" She nodded and they faced the priest and started.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"You may now kiss the bride" after that word , they were faced each other ,Seungri leaned closer to kiss her bride, Seohyun close her eyes. There lips met, Seungri gently kiss her after they broke apart Seohyun was blushing hard the guest chuckled at her pure innocent. Seungri chuckled along.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

They walked together greeting there guest congratulating them n' praise, Seohyun smiling all the way praising her and Seungri " A perfect newlyweds " they say and given a warm bliss of applause.
She saw her unnies walking toward her. She smiled. 

"ahh.. Im happy for you Seohyunaa~ "Yoona hug her. " gomawoyo Yoong unnie".

"so how was it?" Sooyoung said. She look at her unnie in wide eyes.

" the kiss .." she became flustered and blush so hard at her unnies, waiting for her respond.

"unnie.. "

"c'mon we all know that you havent a first kiss before .. so how was it?" 

"stop it sooyoung!" Yuri slap her shoulder.

" what do you feel? Bbali! " Sooyoung ignored yuri and just groaned. 

"ehh... Its w-wierd and s-strange" she shyly respond feeling her cheeks burning.

"Your blushing again" Tiffany chuckled.

"chinja? Isnt it really obvious?" she said touching her cheeks. They nodded. She bury her face into her hands. 

"ohh? Anneyoeng " her unnies greeted someone she look back.

" are you hungry? " Seungri said. She just nodded. Seungri were with his hyungs. Looking at her unnies.

"whats your topic here? Can i join your conversation?" Seungri smiled.

"Ahh.. Where just talking about Seo's first kis.." Sooyoung blurted, Yuri closed before she could finish her word.

"Ahh~.. Mianhaeyo.. She just hungry .. hehe" Yuri chuckled nervously.

"Anneyoeng~ Unnie lets eat c'mon Bbali!" Yoona brightly pull Sooyoung to prevent saying anything. 

"Hyuniie~ we catch you later.. Anneyoeng" Tiffany and yuri bowed at them. And run towards through Yoona and Sooyoung.

"Ri.. We catch you later" Ji Yong pat his shoulder. He nodded.

"Anneyoeng seohyun-sshi" Ri's hyung greet before walk away to them. Heading into her unnies.

" you sure your not hungry?" He said in concern voice.

"Neh! oppa.."

"what your unnies talking about? your first kiss? Is that it?" 

"ahh.. Its nothing oppa" she blush again. He chuckled.

"so am your first kiss?"


"Wae?.. If im not who?" 

"e-eh.. Ohh? Oppa look " she pointed something and run, Seungri somehow trick he see seohyun was running away from him. 

"yah! Mrs.Lee .." he shouted and chased seohyun heading to their families.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sooyoung and Yoona were busying eating there foods unlike Yuri just sighed at the two in there own world, world lots of food. Tiffany sipping white wine. They were sitted in a round table.

"Hi girls mind if we join?" the guy said with three guys in his back staring at them.


"Sorry were late" Ji Yong said without hesitation sitted beside yoona, yoona look at him, he smiled at her. Daesung and TOP sitted along, YoungBae was hesitating to sit beside Yuri ,but he still sitted before he loses into this unknown guys. 

"Oh?? sorry dude!" TOP said and waved into the four guys walking away in dissapointment.

"whats that for?" Tiffany asked beside him TOP.

"Nothing.. We just notice that jerks keep drooling you girls in the entire ceremony" Top explained.

" So you guys keep staring us on the entire show? " they just show their a cheeky grinned.

"Hello Yoona? Can i call you that?" Ji Yong said at Yoona non stop eating.

" its ok .. i will call you then Ji Yong oppa" she said in natural way n' focus again at her food. Ji Yong just amazed at her. 

" try this yoona.." he said and putting the other dish on yoona's plate. 

"chinja? Oppa is it delicous?" she squeled in excitement. Ji Yong happily nodded his head he's happy yoona was comfortable with him. The others just looking at them like a pair of love birds.

"ahh.. Im jelous" Sooyoung pretend to pout.

"You jelous? Say Ahh~" Daesung pick her spoon and try to feed Sooyoung.

"Mwuh?" she was confused, shes just playing at yoona.

"thats what im talking about soo.. Find a boyfriend before you married" Tiffany said. With that Sooyoung became silent and shyly look at Daesung. She never knew that Daesung is that cute and charming. The girls just giggled at Sooyoung.

" i need a comfort room " Sooyoung stand up and head toward the rest room. They just look in each other and turn to Daesung in i dont know look.

"whats wrong wit unnie?"Yoona asked Tiffany and Yuri.

" i dont know? Maybe he just realize she found hes mr. Right " Yuri reply.

"Wae? Yul how about you? How long you'd found your Mr. Right?" Tiffany , Yuri always boasting at them in the apartment that she found her mr. right and its Young Bae her ultimate crush she even busted his suitors for it.

"Taeyang Oppa~.." Yoona teased in aegyo voice, Yuri were blushing hard and shot them a death glare. Tiffany and Yoona laugh at her.

" is that so? I think our Bae find her girl " They guys teased along. YoungBae was flustered. The two just shyly low their head.

"Yoona.. Theres another italian dishes there.. want to try?" Ji Yong said he know Yoona loves food.

"Chinja? Lets go oppa" Yoona stand up pulling Ji Yong, He look at Young Bae and mouthed "its your chance", TOP and Tiffany seem know what to do.

"uhmm.. We go along"


"I go with them" Daesung wink at his hyung running toward the two leaving Young Bae and Yuri alone. They were silent ,no one attempting to speak.. But Young Bae being a guy he speak first to release the awkward moment.


"Hi .. Youngbae-sshi" she smiled shyly.

"uhmm.. Much better if Youngbae Oppa" he smiled. Yuri seem shock but slowly her lips curve into a smile.

"Chinja? Can i call you oppa?" she lighten up . Youngbae show his charming eyesmile to cause yuri melt.

"Mianhe..Oppa on my unnies isnt that they mean" she explained herself because for her friends teasing.

" its ok! Im already familiar in that kind of stuff.. My co-members even doing that.. Everytime ". They both chuckled.

"so can i call you yuri?" she smiley nodded.

"oppa can i have a favor?"

"neh! What is it?"

"can i have a autograph?" she nervously plead. Youngbae chuckled, he might a shy boy in there group. 

"Neh! Who am i to decline to a pretty lady's request.."Yuri blush but quickly took her handbag searching for a piece of paper but she saw nothing. She sighed.

"uhmm.. I think i dont think a dont have a paper.. maybe next time oppa." she said dissapointed . Youngbae lighten her up.. thinking what he could do. He then got an idea and take his handkerchife on his pocket. Yuri look at her in confusion.

"oh? What are you doing" he signed his signature on his own yellow handkerchife.

"take this.." 

"o-oppa? Butthis is yours.. " she said.

"anniyo.. Take it as a gift" he smiled and giving his handkerchife to yuri.

"chinja? Oppa?.. You sure.. I can pay" she said handed the handkerchife. Signaling to took her wallet.

"Anniyo.. No need"

"you really sure oppa.. Is that so jeongmal kamsahaminda~" she said, her heart is jumping into a happiness, she got Bigbang Taeyang's signature plus sign on his own handkerchife. She felt lucky, She was overwelhm deep inside putting the handkerchife in her handbag. She then turned.

"can i have a favor too?" she gave a wide eyes to him and nodded.

"can i get your number? If yot dont want its okay i understand.. " he suddenly regret his last word.

"Anniyo.. Oppa i would love took" she said. Youngbae sighed in relieve. They exchanged phones saving there numbers to one another after saving they exchange their phones to the real owner.. Then after awhile Ji Yong, Yoona , Tiffany ,TOP, Daesung arrived and join on them. Just about a few hour the newlyweds join them.

"hyung.." Seungri approached them with her wife.

"wheres sooyoung unnie?" Seohyun sitted that pulled out for her with her husband. 

" they just went for a comfort room " Yoona said.

"ohh.. There she is" Sooyoung sitted in her chair.

"unnie.. are you okay?" Seohyun said worryly.

"Neh! dont mind me.. im just tired" 

"is that so?" Seohyun just smiled at her. She just nodded.

"unnies i'll spend the night on Moms house.. '' 

"Dont worry about us we can managed" Tiffany said ,she know that Seohyun is worrying at the them.

"Dont worry.. Well will having them ride " TOP.

"Thanks hyung~" Suengri.

"nah~ its nothing.. Besides we know that guys still stalking at them" they all look were Top saying it was the four guys still looking at their table. 

"ohh~ so see you hyung" Seungri said.

"c'mon we have to go" seungri pulled seohyun.

"Anneyoeng unnies , oppas " she bow before walking away, Seungri hold Seohyun's hand. They follow behind the two walking hand in hand until they reach in the car and witness the two enter, waving at them before it gone and smiles.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Seungri and Seohyun was silent inside the car, they were stealing glances to each other until they reach home. Mom was already there waiting for them to come. Mom gave a warm welcomed for the couple.

"Seohyunaa~ welcome to the family" mom said and gave her a warm hug.

"gomawo mom" she replied. 

"ah.. Enough of the thankings .. Have a rest first you might tired" she smiled. It was big house unlike her home the kitchen was huge like umma, mom loves to cook to. She go upstairs there was three rooms .. She slowly walk into the doors one by one. She open the last door, think that it was Seungri's room. She slowly open it and entered inside it was huge big room with king size bed and well decorated , theres a bunch of cd's on the desk with there Bigbang album. she sitted in the bed after scanning around, she took the panda stuffed toy that standing in the corner of the table on the right side of the table, she embrace and smells Seungri's masculine scent, there was a picture of Seungri on the table smiling , he's smiling brightly on the picture there was too a picture of baby boy. She seriously stare at the pictures as she put it back on their perspective place , She admit that Seungri is a good looking guy. But she cant explained why her heart beating so fast when he do something sweet treating her a princess her guy friends , suitors even doing it to her. But among all of them only seungri can thump her heart. And she dont know why.. 

"Do you like here?" she was startled as a voice rang up on the silent room.

"oppa you sacred me to death" she said tapping her hand on her chest.

"oops.. Sorry"

"its okay oppa.. Your room was really huge huh?" she said browsing every sides inside. He chuckled at her wife.

" do you like my panda? " he come toward seohyun and sit beside, She nodded.

"Neh! Its cute.. I have a lots to teddy bear too and sorry if i touch it without your permission" she exclaimed brightly.

"Chinja? Nah! Its okay.. All that i own is your own now." he smiled at her wife cuddling he's panda bear . He chuckles.

"mwuh? Oppa what so funny?"

"nothing.. I just love seeing you like this" she knotted her forehead.

" i never knew that you have a side of this.."

"side of what?"

" i just imagined you and our baby playing with that panda" her cheeks became crimson red.

"Oppa" she hide her face on the panda but Seungri take it off. 

"why you always hiding your face from me?" he snatch the panda before she can take it back.

"N-nothing.." He smirked and popped on his mind.

" i remembered! " he said looking Seohyun playfully.

"what is it?" and became nervous.

"you still didnt answered me.....Am i your first kiss?"

"a-ahh.. O-ppa i remembered.. I need to change"she quickly run to the bathroom to divert the question, but Seungri catch her before she enter in the bathroom , backhug her tightly not letting her go.

"your not going anywhere" he whispered.

"O-p-pa .. Oppa" she flustered. 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

A/N: Sorry for the late update.. But gave you guys double update.. Hope you like it guys, thanks for the new subcribers :) Enjoy reading ^^.

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kpopbezt #1
Chapter 10: update soon..
HottestVIPSone #2
Chapter 10: Reread the entire story again to refresh my memory~ SeoRi is just sooooo cute now haha. Hopefully Bae will court Yuri successfully and well... Ji can get Yoona's number!xD
Woofanynminyul4ever #3
Chapter 9: They are so sweetttttttttttt!!! Please update soon!!!
litorral #4
Chapter 9: Seungri is making Seohyun blush so much. :-)
Chapter 8: They both love each other now. :-)
hehe i hope you like it ^^
HottestVIPSone #8
Chapter 6: Ahhh. Double update! :D both of them are falling in loveeeeee!
thanks guys .. i`ll update soon as possible . i hope you like it :D