You're My Everything

Soo-Ah's POV

After seeing how Minhyun was flirting with another girl, after he just asked me out, I was determined to make him fall for me. If that's how he wants to play it, then lets do this.

Plan to make Minhyun fall for me:

1. Make sure my 'y' topic dance catches his attention.

2. Find out what type of girl he's interested in (Stalky, stalky!)

3. Be the girl of his dreams during the date, then making sure he will learn his lesson for hurting others girls' hearts.

"Soo-Ah?" said teacher Ma.


"It's your turn. Get on the stage, please." she said.

"O-oh, neh." I ducked my head a little for a bow and walked up the stage.

Suddenly, the music started and my body took control. My movements went with the rhythm of the song. I jumped up high in the air and landed perfectly, which caught Minhyun's attention.

Plan to make Minhyun fall for me:

Step 1, check!

Finally, the song ended and Minhyun's eyes were still glued to me.


Minhyun's POV

Woah.. She was amazing.. *Mentally slaps self* Snap out of it, Minhyun!

This can't be happening. I was just going to play around with her for a while, NOT fall for her. This is probably going to go away soon. Calm yourself, Minhyun.. calm..

I took a deep breath and walked over to the rest of NU'EST. They were surrounding Soo-Ah, complimenting and talking about her performance.

"You were awesome!" said Ren.

"Yeah, amazing!" said Baekho.

"So y, heheh!" said Aron.

"Guess you were okay.. nice dance moves..." mumbled JR.

Even JR complimented her.. hmm.

"Thanks guys!" Soo-Ah smiled brightly.

To be honest, Soo-Ah is quite pretty.. her personality is great too. Her dancing is amazing as well, and sh-- SNAP. OUT. OF. IT!

I slapped myself in the face, then noticing Soo-Ah looking at me. All of a sudden, I started feeling sweaty, my heart was thumping and racing.

What is this feeling? What's happening to me...?

I put my hand over my heart, feeling how hard it was thumping...



Sorry for the short chapter! It's because it's really late right now ans I'm super sleepy. MUST. SLEEEP. *Yawns* Good night, guys! I hope you guys like it. Please comment and subscribe!<3 No silent readers, I want to get some feedback or a few things I can do to improve my story to make it more enjoyable to read!<3 Thanks for reading! (:

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Chapter 5: It´s so great story, update soon:D
HarukaChanO3O #2
Chapter 4: I..I...Update soon! I love it~ :3
The only thing I would change is length, Besides it being short chapters it's good so far~
FinJee #3
Chapter 3: Ah you should update moreeeeee
Chapter 3: This is good so far ^^ Actually, I'm hoping JR will fall in love with Soo-ah too xD Maybe because i'm JR biased c;
I suggest slowing the plot down a little..it seems to fly by. And hopefully the chaps will be longer soon :)) That's all!~ Good job!