
A Love That Can't Be Returned

Disclaimer: This is purely fiction and for laughs. I do not seriously believe Minhyun is obsessed over walls. Enjoy!

P.S. If you have any suggestions for future fanfics, let me know in the comments! :)




Minhyun looked around the set, feeling excited. This was it. This was their debut music video. After all the work, all the time, it was finally here. Filming of the dance scene went through smoothly, and there was a break as JR did his individual lip syncing. Then it was time for Minhyun to do his.

The director gestured him over to the corner and Minhyun’s heart fluttered. The wall was, perfect. Just perfect. He shook his head to the dismay of the hair stylist. Wait, why was he thinking of like this to a wall? It was just at wall! Yet when he gazed upon it again, he couldn’t help but feel slightly attracted. It was one nice wall.

“You will film there,” the director informed him, and Minhyun’s heart grew. He would be able to be near the wall, even touch the wall? All of a sudden, he was very excited. “But first we will film in the hall,” the director continued and Minhyun’s heart sank a little. He quickly pushed away the thought of liking a wall so much since it was ridiculous.

They shot the part of Minhyun lip syncing in the hall, but the entire time he couldn’t stop thinking about that wall. What would it feel like to lean against it, to touch it? Why all of a sudden was he nervous to be by it? It was impossible to crush on such a thing.

Before he knew it, the time came to film and he gingerly sat down before slowly leaning against the wall. It felt...nice. ‘Is this okay? Can I touch you like this?’ he silently thought. There was no answer as he relaxed against in it in the corner along a row of lockers. A few stylists came up and fixed his hair and positioned him before handing him a book to pretend to read.

Soon the filming began once again and Minhyun lip synced to his part over, and over again while being given directions of how to act and such while all he could think about was the wall. He was sad to leave it, but got to watch as Baekho and Aron did their solo parts.

When Aron leaned against the same wall, a feeling of jealousy rose up in him. ‘No, she’s mine. The wall is mine only!’ That’s when he realized he truly had a crush. An insane, unbelievable crush on an object.

Aron’s scene against the wall quickly ended to Minhyun’s relief, but sadly they had to go. Minhyun gently touched the wall and whispered, “I’ll come back someday,” before leaving.


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Chapter 2: Hahahahaha OMG Minhyun have crush on a wall xD