Alphabet Love

D is for developing


(A/N: When you read this chapter, I recommend listening to Beast's Oasis, Beast's Because of You, Exo's Angel, or SHINee's The World With You ^-^ Also, don't forget that the apples thing was around mid-September, so she sees him in school for the first time in October, and talks to him in November. So right now, its the beginning of December)

Somehow, in some weird way, that day Seohyun chastised Kyuhyun brought them close together. Despite their incredibly opposite personalities, the two became quick friends, and Seohyun's feelings were always b in her heart, threatening to overflow. Of course, Yoona and Yuri were still her best friends, but having her first male friend was exciting, especially since she liked this boy.

She constantly thought of him; stealing glances, weaving fantasies, and replaying special moments over and over in her head. Though she didn't realize it, she was even smiling more, and tended to drift off a lot and get distracted. It was clear she was in that blissful infatuation phase we are all so familiar with.

Once, Yuri caught Seohyun gazing at Kyuhyun, and Yuri smiled gently.

"Wow Seohyunnie, you really like Kyuhyun, don't you?"  She asked softly.

Seohyun started, surprised, and started to protest. However, the lie caught in , she glanced back at him again, and took a deep breath. "Yeah... I guess I do." Her answer was as hushed as the question, but a sense of realization lingered in her voice. Seohyun looked down.

Afraid another question would torment Seohyun further, Yoona spoke up jokingly, "No more than you like Minho." Yuri pressed her lips together and looked at the tall soccer player who stood further down the hall. She nodded. "I guess so." Yoona was surprised by this serious response from her usually outgoing and crazy friend.

Her worries faded however, when Yuri teased, "What about you and Kibum?" Yoona pictured the handsome boy and his incredible smile.  Her own lips pulled up, and she just shook her head.  All three stopped talking, allowing each of them to lose themselves in their thoughts of their crushes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

It was very cold on the last day of semester; so cold it was snowing.  Despite the pretty weather, Seohyun was rather sad that the day had come.  She would not see Kyuhyun for three weeks.  When the final bell of the day rang, she sighed.  To comfort herself, she thought of how she could still talk to him over the phone.  But it wasn't the same as being in his soothing prescence, with his beautiful dark eyes peering down at her from underneath his thick, dark hair, his scent of faint cologne in her nostrils, his deep, tender voice- She stopped herself.  Thinking of it would make things worse.

After she exchanged Christmas presents with all of her friends, Seohyun trudged home sadly. 

She did not notice a figure follow after her hurriedly, too caught up in her own world. 

Once the person finally caught up to her a hundred yards from the gates, they put their hand on her petite shoulder. "God Seo, must you walk so quickly?"

The hand on her shoulder and the voice behind her made her jump.  However, it took her a second to realize that she recognized that voice.  The hand didn't feel unfamiliar either.

"Kyu?" She asked in disbelief.

Sure enough, when she turned around, there he was with his hands behind his back, looking at her warmly. Unconsciously, she beamed at him.  "I'm walking home Kyu.  Why are you here?"  Though her question wasn't friendly, she couldn't keep the smile out of her voice. 

He smirked at her, and the comfortable expression made her heart race. 

"Well you left me so eagerly-" She felt slightly insulted "-That I didn't get enough time to give you this." He pulled out a small box, gift wrapped and dressed with a ribbon.  Seohyun stared at it uncomprehendingly. 

"Take it, Seo!"  He said, laughing at her reaction. He pushed the box into her hands. "And Merry Christmas." He added as an after thought. Kyuhyun noticed her shiver at the cold, but said nothing. 

Though the touch of his hands was gone promptly after her hands grasped the gift, Seohyun felt the feeling burned into her memory. She was still in shock. She had wished him with her and now here he was in front of her.

He smirked in amusement at her again, and started to walk away, his purposed achieved. Seohyun remained frozen in place for a moment longer, then she raced after him impulsively.  Once within distance, she flung her arms around his back, hugging him from behind. She put her cheek to his shoulder and said, "Thank you."  Kyuhyun extracted her from him and smiled knowingly.  "You're welcome."

Seohyun then said, "I'm so sorry Kyu. I didn't know you were getting me something!" She sounded flustered. "If I did, I would have gotten you something too!"  He shook his head in amusement.  "It's ok Seo."

The separation after that was hard for Seohyun, but the small box in her hand gave her strength.  She managed to turn away and not look back.

However, if she had looked back, she might've glimpsed the thoughtful look he gave her as he watched her she walk away.


Hi guys! I'm sorry, I would've updated sooner, but I dislocated and fractured my elbow so I was out for a little while.  Typing is hard >~<

Oh, and I also managed to squeeze my two ultimate biases in this chapter, lol! Kibum and Minho <3 Haha, if you look at my profile, I have my bias list there ^^

Anyways, tell me what you think! Hope you liked the chapter!

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rachelsammmer #1
Authornim, please update. I love your story so much ❤❤❤
Chapter 10: Okay, fighting then author-nim!! ^O^
My SeoKyu feels are raging XD
Chapter 8: OHHH I wish Seohyun had said yes TT^TT Maybe because I want her to get distracted from Kyuhyun *until he breaks up with Jessica COUGHS*
Chapter 7: (And again I'm commenting, just couldn't help it D:)
I don't like KyuSica TT^TT But Seohyun is right; she shouldn't hurt Kyuhyun anymore...But on the other hand, I do like SeoHan >.> (Although SeoKyu ftw still ;w; <3 )
Chapter 4: MY GODS. So freaking cute with your pairings >< Although I'm a hardcore MinSul shipper, I do like Yuri x Minho as well :)
Oh God, Angel by EXO is so perfect for this chapter. I even read the part where Seohyun was missing Kyuhyun when the sad-ish part in the song was being played, and when the song was "Eternally loove~" Kyuhyun had caught up with Seohyun and their nicknames are just a;lksdhgawpeihgawipnv I'm dying of this cute and beautiful story omg <3 <3
:( Get well soon author-nim <3 Fighting!! <3 <3 (Sorry for commenting for the third time ._. )
Chapter 3: Ermahgahds.
Feeelllsssssss!!!! Seohyun finally striked up a convo with that mischievous elf ;w; <3 <3 <3
Kyuhyun really is special ahaha X3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Wow...I've just finished reading the first chapter and I'm already amazed. You're really, REALLY good. And besides; this is SeoKyu ouo SEOKYU FTW!! Author-nim fighting!! The story is already so beautiful!! ^_^
Stand4SeoKyu #8
Chapter 9: Kyu please juz break up with that girl and confess ur feeling to seobb..
Chapter 9: Ohoooo.... kyu likes seo too right? Kekkeke.... ill wait for the next update...
Chapter 10: Awww I know how you feel author-nim, especially since I'm going through the same thing :p Fighting~