Chapter 2

Dark Wings


Jessica had a piece of paper with her schedule, two number two pencils, an eraser her favorite, and the sudden bad feeling that Taeyeon could have been right on Cross classes.
The teacher even had appeared, the brittle desks were arranged in rows disorganized, and the material was locked in thecloset with rows of dusty boxes in front of it.
What was worse, none of the guys seemed to notice the disorder. In fact, none of the other guys seemed to notice that they were in a class at all. All remained grouped standing near the window, giving the last puff of a cigarette. Only Ryeowook was sitting on a desk . But the other new students seemed to have already found their place in the crowd.
Jaejoong had a tight group around him. They must have been friends when he was enrolled at first . Tiffany was shaking hands with the girl's piercing in the language that had been caressing the boy's tongue piercing out there. Jessica felt stupidly jealous that she was not bold enough to do anything but sit around with the harmless Ryeowook .
Taeyeon hovered over the others, whispering things that Jessica could not decipher, as some kind of Gothic Princess. When she walked by Jaejoong , he messed up her hair.
"Nice mop, Taeyeon." He laughed mockingly, pulling a lock on her neck.
Taeyeon slapped him. "Hands off, Jaejoong. Ie in your dreams. "She pointed her head toward Jessica.
The hazel eyes flashed to Jessica , which stiffened. "I think I should," he said, and began walking toward her.
He smiled at Jessica, who was sitting with her ankles crossed under the chairand her hands folded neatly on her desk full of graffitis
"We, the new guys have to support," he said. "You know what I mean?"
"But I thought you had been here before"
"Do not believe everything Taeyeon says " He glanced at Taeyeon, who was standing at the window, watching them suspiciously.
"Oh, no, she did not say anything about you," Jessica said quickly, trying to remember if that was actually true or not. It was clear that Jaejoong and Taeyeon did not liked each other, and although she thanked Taeyeon for bringing together this morning, she was not ready to take sides anywhere yet. "I remember when I was a new guy here ... the first time."
He laughed at himself. "My band had just separated, I was lost. I knew no one. I could s have needed someone without "- he looked at Taeyeon-" a schedule to show me how it worked. "
"What, And you do not have a schedule?" Jessica said, surprised to hear a ringing in her voice flirting.
A relaxed smile spread across the face of Jaejoong. He raised an eyebrow at her. "And to think I did not want to come back here."
Jessica blushed. She usually did not relate to rockers guys . Jaejoong reached into his pocket and pulled out a green guitar pick with the number 44 printed.
"This is my room number. Come anytime "
Jessica wondered how and when he had it printed, but before she could respond and who knows what would have responded-Taeyeon heavily crushed her hand in Jaejoong's shoulder. "Sorry, can I not express myself clearly? I already have rights on this. "Jaejoong let air pass through his nose strongly in distaste. He looked straight at Jessica as he said,
"You see, I thought there was even something called free will. Perhaps your pet has a path for herself in mind "
Jessica opened to retort that of course she had a way, it was only her first day and she was still understanding how everything worked.
The other boys filled the desks around her, and soon ceased to be so notorious that Jessica was sitting formally and correctly at her desk, keeping an eye on the door. Keeping a lookout towards Donghae.
From the corner of her eye, she could feel Jaejoong glancing at her. She was flattered, and nervous, then frustrated with herself. Donghae?? Jaejoong?? She had been in this school for what, 45 minutes?-and her mind was already juggling two different guys. The only reason she was in this school was because the last time she had been interested in a guy, things had turned horrible, horribly bad. She should not be permitted to be impressed on her first day of school.
She looked at Jaejoong, who winked, and then he romved the hair dark eyes.
Besides being handsome, yes, of course, he really looked like a person worthy of knowing. He was nice to her. She thought about the green guitar pick with his room number, wishing that he did not give it  freely. They could be ... friends. Perhaps that was all she needed.
Maybe then she could stop feeling so obviously out of place in Cross.
Before the teacher closed the door, she had been keeping some hope that Donghae was in her first class, too.
What was the next hour, Spanish? She looked at her schedule to check in that room was. Just at that moment, a paper airplane flew over her schedule, hit her desk, and landed on the floor next to her backpack. She looked to see who had noticed, but the teacher was busy with a piece of chalk while writing something on the board.
Jessica looked nervously to her left. When Jaejoong looked at her, he dedicated a wink and a cute little waved that made her whole body clench. But he did not seem to have seen or be responsible for the paper airplane.
"Psssst," came a whisper silent behind him. It was Taeyeon, who indicated her with her chin to pick up the airplane. Jessica bent to reach out and saw her name written in small lettering on the wing.Her first note!
Already waiting for the exit? Not a good sign
We are in this hell hole until lunch
That had to be a joke. Jessica check her schedule for the second time and realized with horror that the three morning classes were in the same room number 1, and the three would be taught by the same Mr. Jang.
He had disengaged from the board and was sleepily walking through the room. There was no introduction to the new guys, and Jessica could not decide if she was happy about it or not. Mr. Jang had only printed a list of books in each new student desks. When the packet stapled landed in front of Jessica, she leaned forward to look excited
A closer look at the agenda was all it took to see that Taeyeon had been good about being in a hell hole: a burden impossible reading
She and Yuri used to sneak texting, but to do here, Jessica would definitely have to learn how to fold a giant paper airplane . She tore a sheet from her notebook and tried to use as a model the airplane of Taeyeon.
After a challenging origami minutes, another plane landed on her desk. She looked at Taeyeon, who shook her head and gave her a still-have-much-to-learn eye roll.
Jessica shrugged apologetically and turned to open the second note:
Oh, and until you have good aim, better not send messages about Donghae at me. The guy behind you is famous for his football interceptions.
Good to know. She had not even seen the friend of Donghae, Leeteuk sit behind her.
Now she turned slightly in her seat until she peered through the corner of her eye. She dared to flip through his notebook on the desk and caught his full name. Park Leeteuk
"Nothing to send messages" Mr. Jang said severely, causing Jessica turn her head back with attention. "Nothing to copy, and look at the work of others."
Jessica nodded in unison with the other guys just stunned until the third plane landed in the middle of her desk.
Only 172 minutes to go!
Hundred seventy-three excruciating minutes later, Taeyeon guided Jessica to the cafeteria.
"What do you think?" Asked.
"You were right," said Jessica numb "Why would anyone teach a subject so depressed?"
"Aw, Jang will relax soon. He puts his no-face insolence whenever there is a new student. Anyway, "said Taeyeon, pushing Jessica," it could be worse. You could have been assigned to Ms. Chu. "
Jessica looked at her schedule. "I have her in biology in the afternoon block," she said with a sinking feeling in her stomach.
While Taeyeon was spitting a laugh , Jessica felt a blow on her shoulder. It was Jaejoong , passing them on their way to lunch. Jessica would have been spilled on the floor if not was for his hand  catching up her to steady her .
"Ehh care." He gave her a quick smile, and she wondered if he would have beaten on purpose. But he did not seem so childish. Jessica looked at Taeyeon to see if she had noticed anything. Taeyeon raised her eyebrows, almost inviting Jessica to talk, but none of them said anything.
Taeyeon took Jessica by her elbow.
"Avoid the chicken fried steak at all costs" she instructed as they followed the crowd into the din of the lunch room. "The pizza is good, the chili is good, and beetroot soup is not bad. Like beef stew? "
"I'm a vegetarian," said Jessica. She was looking around the tables, looking for two people in particular. Donghae and Jaejoong. She would feel much more comfortable if she knew where they were so she could eat her lunch pretending not seen either. But so far, no sightings ...
"Vegetarian, huh?" Taeyeon pursed her lips. "Parents hippies or your own poor attempt to rebellion?"
"Uh, no, not just-"
"Like meat?" Taeyeon turned Jessica's shoulders ninety degrees until she was looking directly at Donghae, sitting at a table across the room.
Jessica let out a long breath. There he was. "Now, that goes for all the meat?" Taeyeon singing aloud. "As if you do not eat him?"
Jessica punched at Taeyeon and dragged her to the lunch line. Taeyeon was chuckling, but Jessica was blushing, which would be terribly obvious in the fluorescent light.
"Shut up, he obviously heard you," she whispered.
Part of Jessica felt good to be making jokes about guys with a friend.
Assuming that Taeyeon was her friend.
She still felt bad about what had happened this morning when she had seen Donghae. That impulse toward him she still did not understand where it came from, and now he was here again. She forced herself to take her eyes off his brown hair, the smooth line of his jaw. She refused to be caught staring. She would not give him any reason to insult her a second time.
"Anyway," Taeyeon scoffed. "He's so focused on that burger, he could not hear nor Satan's call." She gestured at Donghae, who looked intensely focused on chewing his burger. Eliminate that, he looked like someone pretending to be intensely focused on chewing his burger.
Jessica looked across the table at the friend of Donghae, Leeteuk. He was looking directly at her. When he noticed her eyes, he moved his eyebrows in a way that Jessica could not decipher but still scared her a little.
Jessica turned to Taeyeon. "Why is everyone in this school so weird?"
"I will choose not to feel offended by that," Taeyeon said, taking a plastic tray and giving it to Jessica. "And I will focus on explain the fine art of selecting a seat in the cafeteria. You see, you never want to sit near-Jessica, beware! "
All that Jessica did was take a step back, but when she did she felt the shock of two hands on her shoulders. Immediately, she knew she was going to fall.
She reached out to steady, but all she found was the hands of someone else tray full of food. Everything fell with her. She landed with a thud on the floor of the cafeteria, a full plate of borscht on her face.
When she pulled enough  beets soft of her eyes as to see, Jessica looked up. The more angry goblin who ever seen was standing over her. She had bleached hair , and a look of death.
She bared her teeth and hissed to Jessica, "If the mere sight of you has not ruined my appetite, I'll do you buy me another lunch."
Jessica stammer an apology. She tried to get up, but the girl pressed the heel of her boot on the foot of Jessica. The pain traveled up her leg, and she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming out loud.
"Why not just leave it for later," said the girl.
"Hara is enough," Taeyeon said coldly. She reached down to help Jessica to stand. Jessica made ​​a gesture of pain. The stiletto was definitely going to leave a bruise.
Hara turned to face Taeyeon, and Jessica had the feeling that was not the first time that clashed .
"What you have become fast friends with the newcomer," Hara growled. "This is a very bad behavior"
Jessica swallowed. the word was enough to make Taeyeon wield the fist and threw a punch that landed in the right eye of Hara. Hara staggered back, but was Taeyeon who caught the attention of Jessica. She began to convulse, her arms thrown up and waving in the air.
It was the wrist band, Jessica realized with horror. It was sending something like a shock through the body of Taeyeon. Incredible. This was cruel and unusual punishment, for sure.
Jessica's stomach churned as she looked at her friend's body shudder. She stepped forward to grab Taeyeon just as she crumbled to the ground.
"Taeyeon," Jessica whispered. "Are you okay?"
"Wonderfully." Taeyeon's dark eyes fluttered open, then closed.
Jessica gasped. Then one of Taeyeon's eyes opened. "Are you scared, right? Aw, that's sweet. Do not worry, the shocks are not going to kill me," she whispered. "They only make me stronger. Anyway, it was worth giving a black eye to that cow, Do you know? "
"Well, Cut it, Cut it," a hoarse voice echoed behind them.
Seoyeon was standing in the doorway,with her face red and breathing heavily. It was a little late to cut anything, Jessica thought, but then Hara was moving towards them, echoing their stilettos on linoleum. The girl had no shame. Was she going to hit Taeyeon in front of Seoyeon ?
Fortunately, Seoyeon burly arms closed around her first.
Hara tried to kick her way to freedom and started screaming. "Somebody better start talking," barked Seoyeon, squeezing Hara until she was languid. "A new idea, the three will be submitted to punishment tomorrow morning. Cemetery. At dawn! "
Hara looked Seoyeon. "Do you chill out already?
Hara nodded stiffly, and Seoyeon let her go. She reached down to where Taeyeon was still lying on Jessica's lap, her arms folded across her chest. At first, Jessica thought Taeyeon was sulking like a mad dog with a shock collar, but after Jessica felt a little spasm in Taeyeon's body and realized that the girl was still at the mercy of the wrist band.
"Come," said Seoyeon, softer. "We're going to turn you off"
She extended her hand towards Taeyeon and helped raise her small, trembling body, turning once in the door to repeat her orders to Jessica and Hara.
"At dawn!"
"I'm looking forward," Hara said softly, bending to lift the beef stew dish that had fallen from her tray. She balancing on Jessica's head for a second, then turned and crushed the food in Jessica's hair. Jessica could hear the splash of her own mortification while everyone had their look of the new girl covered in stew.
" Priceless," Hara said, taking the smallest camera back pocket of her black jeans. "Say ... stew," she sang, taking some pictures in the foreground. "This will look great on my blog"
"Nice hat," someone said from the other side of the cafeteria. Then, embarrassed,
Jessica rolled her eyes at Donghae, praying that somehow he would have missed the whole scene. But no. He was shaking his head. He looked annoyed.
Until that time, Jessica had thought she had a chance to get up and get rid of the problem, literally. But seeing the reaction of Donghae-well, finally made her to break.
She would not cry in front of all these horrible people . She swallowed hard, stood up, and left.
She hurried to the nearest door, wanting to feel some cold wind in her face.
Jessica decreased the step, but was so far from the parking lot as she could before stopping completely.
She dropped her head in her hands, knowing she had to go back. But when she raised her face in her palms waste reminded her that she was still covered in Hara stew meat. Ugh. First stop, the nearest restroom.
Back inside, Jessica slipped into the ladies room just as the door opened.
Tiffany, who seemed even more perfect redhead , now that Jessica looked as if she had just gone to dive into a dumpster, she squeezed to pass. "Whoops, sorry, dear," she said. Her voice was soft , but her face was crumpled to the vision of Jessica. "Oh, God, you look terrible. What happened? "
What happened? As if the whole school did not already know. The girl probably was playing the fool to revive Jessica whole mortifying scene. "Wait five minutes" Jessica replied, with more harshness in her voice than she intended. "I'm sure the comments spread like the plague around here"
"Do you want my makeup?" Tiffany asked, raising a pastel blue bag. "You have not seen yet, but Iyou will do it..,"
"Thanks, but no." cut Jessica, going to the bathroom. Without looking in the mirror, opened the tap. Splashed cold water on her face and finally let it all out. Tears falling, she pressed the soap dispenser and tried to use some hand full of cheap pink soap to scrub the whole stew.
The bathroom door creaked open and Jessica squeezed against the wall like a frightened animal. When a stranger came, Jessica stiffened and expect the worst.
She had a slim figure, accentuated by an abnormal amount of clothing in layers. Both hands were folded on her back in a way that, after the day that Jessica had had, she could not trust.
"You know, you can not be here without a permit," said the girl. Her calm tone seemed to mean business.
"I know." The look in the eyes of the girl confirmed the suspicion that Jessica was absolutely impossible to have a break in here. She began to sigh in surrender. "I just-"
"I'm kidding." She laughed, rolling her eyes and relaxing the posture. "I steal a little shampoo from the locker room for you," she said, showing in her hands two seemingly harmless plastic bottles of shampoo and conditioner. "Come on," she said, riding a lawn chair. "Let me clean you. Sit here. "
A sound half sob, half laugh she had ever escaped the lips of Jessica. The girl was being nice to her-not only friendly reformatory, but as a kind person regularly! For no apparent reason. "Thank you?"
Jessica managed to say, still feeling a little defensive.
"Oh, and you probably need a change of clothes," said the girl, looking at her black sweater over her head and taking off  to expose another identical sweater underneath.
When she saw the surprised look on Jessica's face, she said, "What? I have a hostile immune system. I have to use many layers. "
"Oh, well, you'll be fine without it?" Jessica was asking herself, but had not done the right thing as long as removed the meat coat she was wearing.
"Of course," the girl said, taking off. "I have three more under this. And a couple more in my locker. Be my guest. It hurts to see a vegetarian covered in meat . I'm pretty sympathetic. "
Jessica wondered how this stranger knew hers food preferences, but more than that, she had to ask, "Um, why are you being so nice?" The girl laughed, sighed, then shook her head. "Not everyone in Cross are ing ."
"Huh?" Jessica said.
"Cross ... and ing . Nickname city average for this school. Obviously no real here. I will not push your ears with some of the harshest nickname with which they came.
Jessica laughed.
"All I want to say is, not all here are complete idiots. '" Only the most? "Jessica asked, hating that she already sound so pessimistic. But it had been a very long morning, and she had already been through a lot, and maybe this girl is not the judge for being a bit surly.
To her surprise, the girl smiled. "Exactly. And they of course  have given the rest of us a bad name. "She advanced her hand. "Im Yoon Ah. You can call me Yoona. "
"I get it," said Jessica, too exhausted even to realize that, in a previous life, she should have let go a laugh before the joke of this girl. "I am Jung Sooyeon."
"And everyone calls you Jessica," Yoona said. "And you transferred from high school in Bucheon."
"How would you know that?" Jessica asked slowly.
"I was right?" Yoona shrugged. "Just kidding, I read your file, duh. It's a hobby. "
Jessica stared blankly. Perhaps she had been too quick with that reliable judgment. How could Yoona access at her file? Yoona let the water run.
When it was hot, she motioned Jessica to bow her head in the sink.
"You see, the thing is," she said, "I'm not really crazy." she rose through her hair wet. "No offense." Then she low back. "I am the only girl in this school without a court mandate . And you may not think it, but legally sane has its advantages. For example, I'm the only girl in that trust to be office aide. Which is stupid on their part. I have access to a lot of confidential. "
"But if you do not have to be here,"
"When your father is the gardener of the school, so they let you go free. So ... "
Yoona stopped.
Does Yoona father the gardener?, By how the place looked, had not crossed her mind that had ever been a gardener.
"I know what you're thinking," said Yoona, helping her to wash the last of the sauce of her hair. "What grounds are not exactly well kept?"
"No," Jessica lied. She was willing to stay on the good side of the girl and wanted to expose the vibe we are-friends. "It's, um, very nice." "Dad died two years ago," Yoona said softly. "They went so far as to attach me to the old principal Cho as my legal guardian, but, uh, they never went so far as to hire a replacement for dad."
"Sorry," Jessica said, lowering her voice as well. So anyone here know how it was going through a big loss.
"Okay," Yoona said, spreading conditioner in her palm. "It is really a good school. I like it a lot. "
Now Jessica's head rose, sending a spray of water around the bathroom. "Are you sure you're not crazy?"
"I'm kidding. I hate it. Totally . "
"But you can go," Jessica said, tilting her head, curious.
Yoona bit her lip. "I know it's morbid, but even if it were not attached to Cho I could not. My dad's here. "She gestured toward the cemetery, invisible from here. "He's all I've ever had."
"It's more than what others have in this school," said Jessica, _ thinking in Taeyeon. Her mind recalled how _ had squeezed her hand in the court today, the eager look in her brown eyes when Jessica did promise to go to her room tonight.
"She'll be fine," Yoona said. "It would not be Monday if Taeyeon was not hauled to the hospital after an attack."
"But it was not the fight," said Jessica. "It was that band on her wrist. I saw it . That was shocking her . "
"We have a fairly broad definition of attack here in Cross. Your new enemy, Hara? She has assembled some legendary fights. They keep saying they will change her medicines. Hopefully you'll have the pleasure of witnessing at least one good attack before they do. "
Yoona processor was quite remarkable. It crossed the mind of Jessica asking what was the story with Donghae, but the complicated current her interest in him was better to keep .
She felt Yoona´s hands dripping the water from her hair.
"That was the last," Yoona said. "I think eventually you are free of stew." Jessica looked in the mirror and ran her hands through her hair. Yoona was right. Except for the emotional scars and pain in her right foot there was no evidence of her quarrel with Hara in the cafeteria.
"I'll have to put an eye on you, right?"
Yoona tangled her arm through Jessica and led her out of the bathroom. "Just stay on my side and nobody gets hurt."
Jessica shot  a worried look at Yoona but Yoona´s face said nothing.
"You're kidding, right?" Said Jessica.
Yoona smiled, suddenly cheerful. "Come on, we have to go to class. Are not you happy we're in the same block in the afternoon? '
Jessica laughed. "When will you stop to know all about me?"
"Not in the near future," Yoona said, dragging her down the hall to the classrooms of concrete blocks. "You'll learn to love it soon, I promise. I am a very powerful friend to have. "
I should be at school, but unfortunately (so fortunate) I have a fever, thinking that my mother is not around here, I decided to update, if my mother does not come soon I will be working on the next chapter.
Thanks to subscribers, you make me want to work harder in this fanfic.
I promised to update Only One, but the feeling does not come 


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Chapter 3: It sounds scary.....what sica see's
Chapter 2: Love what yoona said at the end.......
Chapter 1: Donghae just insulted her....
Haesicalove #4
Omg, wow, you're writing is by FAR the most advanced writing I've seen in asian fan fics! Please continue!