They don't know about us

Secret Love
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Dahae's Pov


"I said 1 and 2 and 3 4 ooh, Sigani modeungeol haegyeolhalgeoya " I sang Leehi's debut song. This song matches my voice, not to brag.

I was cooking Luhan's favorite meal, Beef Stew.

Even if he was Chinese, his tongue really loves this western food.

I tasted the soup and I smiled in delight "he will surely love this"

I set the table perfectly.

Ding dong~~

Oh, He is here.

I skidded all the way to the door and opened it gently.

"Han, you are here" I said sounding a little bit shaky.

He smiled brightly, the smile that could make my heart leap like a crazy frog.


Author's Pov


Luhan ate the stew that she made for him.

"It is delicious, even more delicious than it was before" he said complimenting her cooking.

He stood up and back-hugged her.

"should we go to the movie theatre?"Dahae asked.

Luhan stiffened. He let go off her from the hug.

He still didn't want their relationship to be out in the public. He knew that he was a sissy jerk who is ashamed to tell everyone that his girlfriend is not hot but a plain jane. He wants to be those guys who has hot girls by their sides but NO. He fell in love with a plain jane. His friends, especially Kai has some cheerleaders that is why he wont go out in the public. 

" don't...really think it is a good idea"

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Chapter 8: what? update soon
i Miss this story,, pls update soon author nim :D
avisdawn #3
Chapter 8: New reader here :)
Chapter 8: Please you have to update it Authornim! you can't leave me hanging here.....
Chapter 8: How could you Luhan
ImJooYeon #6
Chapter 8: Please update soon authornim ^_^
Chapter 8: Pls..... Update! LUHAN WHAT DID YOU DO. SEHUUUUUN >_<
hara_ya #8
Chapter 8: Oh yeahhh dahaeee inner beast slowly unleash..gth luhan!!! Go dahaee go seehun..hihi
Chapter 8: You updated c': Yaaaaas like omg. You're freaking amazing!
please update soon......