

Halfway through Teacher Jung's lesson, Joo Young had pretty much zoned out along with the majority of her classmates. She didn't even realize when the bell had rang until the sudden cheers of relief were made, followed by the movement of desks which included her own. Her legs dropped and the soles of her feet hit the wooden floor with a loud thunk as her desk was pushed away once more. She didn't even so much as bat her eyelashes at Yi Kyung who sneered at her openly on the way out, kicking her desk to emphasize his point. She didn't like him much either.

There's a grace period before the next class begins and the students are chatting each other up like never before. Since Joo Young is pretty much stuck in the back, she suffers listening to a group of girls babble on about clothes, make-up, and that doesn't concern her. She even wonders for a second what this one girl is doing with some type of pink balls device constantly rubbing against her cheeks. She sighs heavily as she slides her desk back into place and folds her arms so that she can place her head against them on the desk. With a smack of her lips, she lets her eyes drift close as she tries to block out the noise. Just then, a voice pops up and sings in a cheery tone, "Hi!"

Joo Young figures the greeting isn't directed towards her and decides to ignore it but then she can feel someone poking the upper part of her arm. She tries to will whoever it was disturbing her peace away but the person seemed to be pretty persistent and determined to get a word from the transfer student. Though unwilling to speak, Joo Young hoists her head up sluggishly and stares up. She finds that the classmate is a girl fashioning a short boy-ish hairstyle and a grin plastered on her face. She wishes the girl would go away.

"Hi there! My name's Lee Gang Joo," she introduces herself. Suddenly a few more students join the two without warning, two boys in fact. Though Gang Joo sneers at the intrusion she doesn't say anything.

"I'm Byun Ki-Deok," says the dorky looking boy who had spoken up for her earlier. "If there's anything you'd like to know about going on around school, you can talk to me."

"Kim Song-Deok," the other guy says whom Joo Young guesses is Ki-Deok's partner in crime.

 Nevertheless, there's a silence that escalates after the introductions. Joo Young stares at each of them individually and they just smile but the awkwardness does start settle in. Joo Young didn't ask for their names and she didn't have 'making buddies' on her agenda for the day. She pushes back some long curls of her hair behind her ear before speaking. "Did . . . you guys have something to say to me?"

"Wow~," Ki-Deok exclaims, "You speak really good Korean for a transfer student. Can you speak Japanese as well?"

"Of course she can you idiot," Gang Joo states as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, a fist raised in warning at Ki-Deok who flinched slightly.

Song-Deok frowns and asks, "How would you know?"

Gang Joo sneers at the two boys.

"Well do you speak Japanese?" Ki-Deok asks again. He leans in resting his forearms on the desk and his chin in his hands, all while batting his eyelashes in a girly way.

Joo Young is a little creeped out but she would admit the group was pretty entertaining. Still she just couldn't see herself fitting in with this crowd. She's an outsider by nature.

"Hey," Gang Joo says, "You don't have to speak in Japanese, you can just ignore these two."

"Uh . . . that's okay," Joo Young laughs awkwardly. She ponders for a bit on what she should say but then she figures the three will be happy with anything. The three students wait eagerly. After clearing , she speaks in fluent Japanese. "I figure people in Korea would always love to hear someone speak in Japanese."

"Woow~," the three say in unison as they applaud her. Ki-Deok pretends to swoon. He's the dramatic type.

"Oh I think I'm in love," he says placing his hands over his heart.

Gang Joo tuts softly at the boy with a disapproving shake of her head. "Aigoo, are you trying to scare her off? Hey Ki-Deok, no one asked you be here."

"Whatever Gang Joo. Let's go see what the others are up to Song-Deok," Ki-Deok suggests. He looks back to Joo Young and waves, "Farewell, my love. Until we meet again."

The two boys head out the back door of the classroom. Joo Young snorts and mutters under her breath, "Is he for real?"

Another girl joins them, wrapping one of her arms around Gang Joo. "Hey, let's head to the bathroom real quick huh?"

"Oh okay," Gang Joo smiles. Before heading out, Gang Joo gives Joo Young her goodbye, suggesting they meet up again for lunch. Joo Young nods her head and watches the girls make their way out the door as well. By now many of the students are just loitering in the halls, some still inside and scattered about. A few girls and maybe one boy were studying and then there was a boy in the front who appeared to be putting his pencils and pens away or arranging them, Joo Young couldn't tell. Then there was the President she'd met earlier who was sleeping his time away as well as another guy was in the next row over. Joo Young noted how tall they were and figured with all the sleeping they clearly do, it wasn't really a surprise. Eventually she settled for trying to get a good nap before the next class would start. Maybe she'd grow another inch or two.

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Updated 4/3/13


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Shajah #1
It's been awhile since I've been on here. I came to check on this story as soon as I signed in. Was hoping that it was completed. Hope u come back and finish it! Hwaiting!!!
Va-Nila #2
Chapter 6: Update soon author-nim! IM TOTALLY in love with the story! i'm sad theres no more chapters to read so please come back and continue!! <3
Shajah #3
Chapter 6: Hi!^^
Have you stopped writing Shelter...or are u experiencing writers block?
Shajah #4
Chapter 6: I wish there was an insta-chapter button. I'll be back...dun dun duunnnn
Shajah #5
Chapter 5: I finished the chapter with a smile on my face.
Shajah #6
Chapter 3: Another wait. But it's all good.
Shajah #7
Like this story so far. After the chapter ended I was very disappointed I couldn't continue Reading. Upload as soon as possible please.