We're On Hello Baby!

Baby Love

Nobody's POV

SHINee and the HeaRtbReakeRs soon arrived to their destination. One by one they got out of the bus. Taemin started to run and hid behind a tree. "Run! Run! Run" Taemin said. Everyone just laughed at his childish ways. They looked around trying to find where they were but they were completely clueless. 

"What is this? Where are we?" asked Jonghyun looking so confused. Onew noticed a sign and soon everyone looked at his direction.

"It says we are at......" said Onew.

"Buk Chon Han Ok Village" Key, Kuru, and Jonghyun said.They soon walk to their destination. 

"It's extremely cold" said Jonghyun.

"You got that right" said Jin hugging herself for warmth.

"Is it really a cold day?" asked Onew.

"Protect Korea's traditions" Key and Nami said. They soon see a traditional house in their sight.

"It's this place" said the PD.

"We're here?" asked Mayumi.

"Is it really here?" asked Minho.

"I think it's a historical drama" said Taemin.

"Are we filming a historical drama?" asked Nami.

"Open! Open the door!" said Jin talking like the historical times. 

"We are not filming a historical drama? Right?" asked Minho.

"It really seems like it" said Yunni.

"I had a feel! We are going to film a historical drama!" said Jonghyun.

"SHINee and HeaRtbReakeR Chunha!" said Onew. (for people who don't know what is Chunha it refers to the historical  korean drama) Onew and Jonghyun started to make weird noises. They soon enter the traditional korean styled house.  They were awwed by the beauty of the house.

"It's not the atmosphere to film a historical drama" said Kuru.

"What would this be?" asked Jonghyun.

 "What is this? What are we going to do?" asked Taemin. Suddenly the PD started to talk.

"The program the you guys will be doing is...." he said.

"Hello Baby" the PD said. SHINee and the HeaRtbReakeRs were so shocked. Jonghyun started to laugh.

"Wow, really?!" asked Mayumi.

"Then are the HeaRtbReakeR noonas going to raise us?" asked Taemin.

"Really?" SHINee asked.

"Big hit! If it's true, that's because of Taemin's image" said Jonghyun.

"That doesn't make any sense" said Nami.

"We're raising a baby right?" asked Key. They soon have a group meeting.

"We're in big trouble" said Minho.

"How are we going to raise a baby?" asked Jin.

"Whatever is it, I'm fine with it" said Key looking so calm.

"Honestly, Im not confident" said Jonghyun.

"Me too" said Onew.

"Why?" asked Kuru.

"Because I'm still a kid, I guess that's why I don't like kids" said Jonghyun. Minho just laughed at what Jonghyun at  said.

"Me too. It's not like I don't like kids. I just think I can't take care of one." said Minho.

"Yeah same here" said Yunni.

"I don't have confidence, but I do want to raise one" said Taemin.

"We don't know anything, do you know how to make milk?" Minho asked.

"You guys don't know but we do" said Jin making everyone laugh.

"Even changing diapers. I know it all, I just don't like it" said Jonghyun. Minho was dumbfounded and started to laugh.

"It seems fun" said Mayumi.

"Yeah, I think it will be cute" said Taemin.

"I wanna meet the baby!" said Minho.

"Anyway, because of our image, too but I think we have to do this, so let's try our best first!" said Onew.

"Yeah Onew is right. Plus we're not alone we have each other. All of us will go though all the tough times. We'll help each other raise this baby. So come on let's raise a baby" said Yunni.

"Okay yeah let's do this" everyone said.

"So the leaders just cleaned up our situation just like that?" asked Key.

"Yup" said Onew.

"Yeah it's the job of a leader" said Yunni.

"So the program starts now. Since this is SHINee and the HeaRtbReakeR's Hello Baby let's show people our setimental side. I think it will be fun to play with the baby" said Minho.

"Yeah I want to play with the baby too" said Taemin and Mayumi.

"But first, we got kidnapped in the morning and we are out here" said Onew laughing with the others. They entered the house and see a room with a wall filed with comments.

"Something's there. there's something there" said Jonghyun.

"SHINee Appa and HeaRtbReakeR Umma" Minho read.

"What is this" asked Kuru.

"I think the fans wrote this" said Onew.

"Comments that the fans posted" said Nami.

"Did they really write these?" asked Key.

"It's really what the fans wrote" said Jonghyun.

"Let's read them" said Jin.

"Taemin and Mayumi the babies will take care of the baby" Jonghyun read. Suddenly Taemin started to hiccup.

"What's wrong with you" asked Key.Everyone else was just laughing at Taemin.

"Taemin is hiccupping from the surprise of doing SHINee and the HeaRtbReakeR's Hello Baby" said Minho.

"What else is there" said Jonghyun. Then Taemin starts to hiccup again.

"Excuse me, If you hiccup one more time, you're going out" said Key.

"Okay I won't do it again" said Taemin.

"I won't let it pass" said Key

" I hope the baby is a boy because if it's a girl when you change her diaper...." Key said. Taemin then hiccuped.

"Taemin!" said Jonghyun.

"Taemin, tell us" Jonghyun said.

"Yeah what were you thinking?" asked Mayumi.

"Wait because it's a girl" asked Jonghyun.

"I'm nervous" said Taemin.

"Because it's a girl?" asked Jonghyun.

"Don't worry we'll change the diaper if it's a girl" said Kuru.

"Why are you like this?" Key asked.

"I don't know, I just keep hiccuping!" Taemin replied.

"Just hold your breathe" said Nami as Key puts him in the corner.

"Hold your breathe and come back later" said Key.

"Cute SHINee Dad. D-A-D and cute HeaRtbReakeR mom M-O-M. I'm looking forward to SHINee becoming dads and the HeaRtbReakeRs becoming moms" Key read the comment. Then Taemin came back when his hiccups were gone.

"Babies taking care of a baby? Since there's Taemin oppa and Mayumi unnie, they can communicate well." Key read.

"You guess right" said Key looking at the camera.

"Who are you saying you will look over when you're not grown up either? This isn't looking over the baby but growing up with the baby" Key read while laughing with everyone.

"i'm looking forward to that date, only being happy that you guys are really going to do this." Key read.

"This was really welcoming" said Mayumi.

"Almost everyone asked, how will babies take care of a baby?" said Kuru.

"I think it will be fun" said Minho.

"But I really don't know,I don't really have confidence taking care of a baby" said Jonghyun.

"We won't know anything until we see the baby" said Yunni.

"We're all looking forward to it" Nami said.

"When can we see it" asked Minho.

"Before you can meet the baby, we're going to test your skills of being a dad and a mom" said the PD.

"Skills of being a dad and a mom" asked Jonghyun.

"How do you test our skills of being a dad and a mom?" asked Jin.

"You guys need to pass it to meet the baby. If you can't pass, then SHINee and HeaRtbReakeR's Hello Baby will end with this first episode" said the PD.

"End without the baby?" Minho asked.

"It's just like the title Hello." Key said.

Well that's the end of this chapter sorry if I update late I was really busy these pass months. Well I keep on updating as soon as I can! So please comment and subscribe! 


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axianluv56 #1
Wow I can't wait to read some of the future chapters!!!!!!<br />
Plz add sum excitment n drama!!!!!yayayayayayayaya