Chapter 2 - An Unusual Saturday

When the Bell Rang


*Lay Point of View*

I slowly woke up out of my deep, peaceful, luxuries sleep to the sun that bled through my blinds. My room was an orangey color thanks to my curtains that were almost too long for my wall. I began to stretch my arms out over my b…wait what day is it?
With a shock, I popped up and looked at my phone: “Saturday”
Oh thank God.
I lay back down and snuggled into three layers of warm covers. However, I couldn’t help but notice I had a few unread messages from an unknown number.

*Kris Point of View*


I’d been awake for hours. I had been so used to the time zone in Canada and I moved so quickly, that I haven’t had a chance to adjust to the Korean time zone. I had cleaned my apartment from corner to corner. I had organized my clothes by color and season. I had done all my homework due on Monday and still I lay in my bed with nothing to do. Maybe...I should text….Lay…no. He’s probably asleep…I shouldn’t wake him…I’ll text him anyway. 

To: Lay
From: Kris

Hey! It’s Kris, are you free today?

The reply will probably take long…what time is it? 8:45 AM…If only I could cook.
I’ll send Lay another text.

To: Lay
From: Kris

When you wake up let me know if you’re free. I’m hungry and I can’t cook!

I paced my room for a while. I could read…but I don’t have any new books…Ha! I know! I’ll organize my face creams~!
I’ll just text Lay again for s and giggles.

To: Lay
From: Kris

Never mind, I’ll just starve and die. Or better yet I’ll commit suicide because my only friend in this country is unresponsive.

That’ll wake him up!

*Lay Point of View*

I probably slept for another hour or so before completely waking up. The color of my room changed and that kinda bothered me. I ripped my phone from its charger and rolled over to look at the text messages that bombarded my screen.

All from Kris.

I popped up in bed (again) and found the contact I was franticly looking for.
“Hmm, Hello?”

Then I hung up…or he hung up, I couldn’t tell, all I know is that I was spazzing all over my bed. Once I settled down I continued to read the messages. The last one made me laugh. However, he wasn’t going to get a charge out of me. He didn’t deserve it. Not after all those years. I smirked as I texted him back. I threw my phone aside after I sent something special and walked to the bathroom to take a much needed shower (since I crashed playing video games last night).

*Kris Point of View*

Last…bottle…of BB Cream….


My phone vibrated, making me jump, causing me to knock over all the bottles of facial creams and washes. . It took me three hours….THREE.
Angrily I took my phone and clicked the screen.


To: Kris
From: Lay

Cool, Have fun with that <3




I jumped again when my phone buzzed for a second time.

To: Krease!
From: Lay~!!

HAHA, got you! Yeah, I’m free. I’ll text you after I’m done with my shower. Don’t die before then~!

I rolled my eyes and smiled. This wasn’t half bad, I liked him.

*Lay Point of View*

Ever since I can remember Kris was a bad boy. Not necessarily “bad” but…considered bad. He was the jokester among his friends, quite popular too. He socialized so easily with the students, even the teachers. He was always so nice and kind to everyone, even the people who were scared of him.
On the inside he was really innocent too. While his friends made inappropriate jokes and ual references, Kris never really got that kind of stuff. It was like he was immune to everything erted.
Girls and even boys confessed to him all the time and even though he couldn’t accept their feelings he was always so nice to them. I don’t really know why I was so scared of telling him how I felt. I guess…I just didn’t want to get turned down…

I shared just about every class with him, I was even partners with him in my literature class…I did all the work to avoid collaboration. I would keep my distance and watch from affair. As the stalker I was, I would try and sketch his face in my notebooks and planners…I didn’t have a lot of friends…


I didn’t want to get out of the warm shower, it felt so freaking good. As much as I wanted to see Kris it wasn’t a great enough cause to leave the misty heaven. Even though I turned the water off I decided to lie down on the warm tiles that lined the shower floor. I curled into a ball and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.  

*Kris Point of View*

I sat on my couch, bobbing my leg up and down in anticipation. What the hell happened to this kid? Did he die in the shower!??
Unknowingly, I began pacing back and forth in my living room. I didn’t realize what I was doing until I stubbed my toe on the coffee table.
I fell to the floor in complete agony and decided that it was pretty comfortable. I noticed my phone on the floor…too…far…away! Ugh.
Soon enough my eyes got heavy, I fell back into the familiar feeling of sleep.

*Lay Point of View*

My eyes shot open. What. The. ? Where am I? Who am I? What is this?
I just had the…oddest dream……I guess its time for a flash back, huh? Would it be a flash back though? I mean it didn’t really happ-

I was sitting in an empty classroom. Everyone was gone, almost like one of those really sad anime episodes or randomly intense movies. I stood up from my seat as something told me to look out the window. You couldn’t pay me enough to go outside. There was…a mob of people? Everywhere! Almost like every empty space was filled with a person! They looked like roaches! It started to scare me so I turned around only to face Luhan.
“Lu-Lu! Don’t go outside! There are all these weird people out there! W-what’s wrong?”  
Luhan looked almost sick. His eyes were covered by his bangs as he looked to the floor.
“Are…you feeling alright?”
Without a word Luhan took a step towards me. His hands reached out and pushed harshly on my chest. I fell back, almost in slow motion, only I tripped on something and fell out the window. My heart was about to burst, I was going to fall into that pit of people and die! In a panic I closed my eyes waiting for it to be over. However, when I opened them I was sitting with my friends. We sat in a booth in a dark smoky room. There were weird things on the table…were they…drugs? ! Alcohol and pills were everywhere! What the !??
I began panicking all over again. On the other hand everyone else looked completely calm! Baekhyun and Chanyeol were even making out!! What!? I looked to my right and there was Kris. He had a rather calm smile on his face, he was laughing with someone, but I don’t know who. All I could see through the gray smoke was black hair and a shiny earring. Something inside me twisted. It was the same feeling I used to have when I watched Kris in middle school; that same feeling of not being seen, not being loved by the one person I wanted to be loved by. I wanted to cry. I was about to get up when Kris turned to me. His eyes were piercing.
“Stay with me Lay~!!” He almost shouted over the loud music. I couldn’t help but blush as he pulled me into a warm hug. My eyes closed sinking into his safe embrace. He repeated himself, “Stay with me Lay.” Slowly, his voice turned into a whisper. “Stay with me.”  
I opened my eyes and noticed that I was somewhere else. Kris still had his arms around me, only we were laying down….
My heart raced. I shot up and looked around. I didn’t recognize the room. I didn’t recognize the sheets. Clothes covered the floor. Rain pounded against the window. I looked down and felt a wave of peaceful feelings as I studied Kris’s beautiful face. Every curve, every contour was beautiful, perfect even.

My heart jumped when there was a pounding at the door. And then I woke up.


The blow dryer hit my tired face. My hair danced across my forehead as I ran a brush through the thin brown strands. Sighing, I looked at my phone. It was almost 2PM. Crap. Should I text him?...Nah, he can wait.
I walked out of my bathroom and the small TV that was on top of my dresser. ing Titanic was on…ING TITANIC. I mean I’m not one for foreign movies but REALLY!? Sometimes I think that it’s a good thing that my parents moved back to China…I wouldn’t want them to see me spazz like this.

Quickly I pulled my clothes out from their neat folded pile. I always cleaned my favorite clothes first so I could wear them more often. I crawled into my closet to find the other pair of my shoe when I heard my phone vibrate.

*Kris Point of View*

That was the oddest ing sleep ever. I can’t remember my dream but I know Lay was in it and some y teacher…
I wiped the drool off of my BB cream covered chin as I held the phone to my ear. This better be ready.

“….why are you out of breath…?”
“Haha wouldn’t you like to know~”
“I’m kidding. I’m digging through all my shoes! I can’t- find- my- AH-HA!!!”
I jerked my head away from the phone and was I…blushing? Snap out of it!
“So I take it you died in the shower?”
“No, actually I fell asleep.”
“Ha! Well…so did I, only on the floor. Since we slept through breakfast and lunch, how about we go out and get something to eat? Like an early dinner or something?”
“Sounds good, where do you wanna meet?”
“….I…I really don’t know this city that well actually…”
Did he just groan? Or was that a laugh…I can’t-
“How about you text me your address and I’ll meet you at your place?”
“Oh! Thank you!”
“Yeah. See you in a few.”

Now I have to wait…again.

*Lay point of view*

Why is that actress so pretty!?
Anyway, I took my keys and headed out into my apartment. I used to share it with someone but they kind of disappeared…I don’t know but all I know is that they still miraculously pay their half of the rent. So in turn, I get a huge apartment to myself and only pay half the price. I took a bottle of water from the fridge and headed out the door.

I’m surprised that I’ve been able to keep my calm around Kris for this long. It this was a few years ago I would be stuttering and blushing all over the place…I mean I still kind of do that, but at least I can act suavely and not completely spazz. I guess after a few years of not stalking him and actually making friends, I’ve become…normal.

After a few blocks of houses and shops, I finally reached a rather rich looking apartment building. Crap, what kind of money did Kris have!? Forget how I thought I had it good with my apartment! Jeez!!

Where the hell?
“Up here goofball!”
I looked up and saw Kris resting on his windowsill. ing Juliet. I could almost here that soft piano piece in the Titanic movie as the wind blew his hair out of his eyes…that smile…UGH! If my life was a movie…
“The door is open, come on up!”
Of course it is.

. This apartment is nice. So clean!! What...Wait…I am actually in Wu Fan’s apartment! I wonder what his clothes smell like…
“Sorry I just have to email someone then I’ll be ready!” I heard his voice coming from…somewhere. I decided to wonder. Shut up, I’m not stalking.
His kitchen looked so modern; all this high tech stuff that I would probably set fire to. His living room was neat and organized. All his books were sharp and clean on their shelves, waiting to be read for a second time. Movies were aligned under his TV, some were foreign and some were Korean. Somehow I found my way down a hall, there was a bathroom, a closed door, and then I found it. His music room. I always had a feeling that he secretly loved music. He played it cool with sports in middle school, but I would sometimes find him in the music room (that’s where I usually hid from people anyway). A piano was the only instrument in the room. On the other side were three different computer screens and a mess of papers. This was probably the only messy room in the entire apartment.

“Snooping are we?”
“WAH!!” What was he trying to give me a heart attack!??
He laughed at me, “Chill, Its fine. You like music?”
“That’s like asking if I eat food.” He laughed again.
“You play any instruments?”
“I’m hungry, let’s go.”
“O-oh, okay…”

Yeah I changed the subject. I didn’t want to spark any memories of our previous “relationship”.


We walked down the street in silence for awhile until Kris spoke up.
“So…where are we going?”
“Oh…I thought you knew…”
“Sure, why not.”



Well this isn’t awkward.

“So are you from Korea?” here come the questions…maybe I should just run.
“Um no…”
“Oh that’s right you said you grew up far away.”
“Can I ask where that is?”
“…Well where is it?”
“I said you could ask but I don’t have to answer.” Damn I sound like a .
“…You’re going to tell me.”
His face changed…it was his face. I’m going to die!
“Your going to tell me sooner or later. Someday I’ll force it out of you.” Stop. Stop, keep your mind out of the gutter!! ACT COOL!!
“Well you can try, but you’ll never know my weakness.” Seriously, you’ll never know because its you.



It got quiet again. I hate this. I’m better at texting and pretending that I’m cool!! Breath…

“So…” HE SPOKE!! “Before you interrupted me in the apartment, I was going to ask if you played an instrument.” Crap.
I tried to look preoccupied by looking around for the ramen shop when I knew exactly where it was. “Y-yeah.”
“Really? What do you play?” Crap. Crap. Crap. I can’t remember if he knew that I played piano in middle school…
“U-um…piano…and guitar.” I am so dead.
“Oh! That’s cool!”
“Yup…” Does he seriously not remember me!? I mean it wasn’t that long ago! Maybe he’s one of those people who remember names and not faces. No one say Yixing, no one say Yixing, no one say Yixing. 



Freaking silence. Break it! BREAK IT LAY!!
“Do you want to shop around before we eat?” So original…You’re so smart Lay. Hey! Here’s an idea! WALK INTO EFFING TRAFFIC!!
“Nah, its okay. Like I said this morning, I haven’t eaten anything. If you let me I would probably eat your shirt.” Oh god please do.
“Okay then…” I guess I made a confused and misfitty face because Kris laughed. Oh god I love that laugh. I want him to laugh all the time. I want it as my ringtone!!

“Here we are.” I’m amazed at myself for sounding so calm.
We waited until an elderly couple walked out of the building. Kris. Lovely Kris held open the door for them (even though they didn’t notice). When we walked in, the strong smell of broth filled my nose. Oh god, I’m hungry.
The people behind the counter yelled out a “Welcome!” and we took our seat next to the window.

“Do you come here a lot?” Why is this day becoming ‘Let’s ask Lay 20 questions and see if he passes out’?
“Not really, I came here once or twice with a few friends for during finals and stuff. Its good comfort food.”  
“I see.”




THANKFULLY some preppy, young girl hopped over to take our order. (A/N: I have no clue what goes on in a ramen shop unless this is Naruto which its not. I wish I knew, but I don’t, sorry~) She looked four, first of all, and she wouldn’t leave. She. Wouldn’t. Stop. Staring. At. MY. WUFAN!!!!!!!!
“So would you like anything else~?”
“No thank you.” Stop smiling Kris.
“Would you like a coffee~?”
“No thank you…” Stop being nice.
“Would you like-”
Did I just yell that?

Whoever it was – it was me – it made the girl leave and that made me happy. A few people were staring at me but I didn’t care. Kris was especially judging.

“You yelled at that poor girl.”
“She was annoying me.”
“….You remind me of someone.” OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGod
“R-R-R-Really!? W-Who, um, w-w-who??”
“Why are you stuttering?”  
“Thirsty…” I whispered in a husky voice and nervously chugged my water.
“Anyway…I can’t seem to put my finger on it, but you just seem so familiar.”
My heart was literally beating so far out of my chest that it was hitting the other side of the room.
“Well…that’s…cool….l-let me know when you f-figure that out…”
“Will do~”

Thank the good lord and back that our ramen came. It was the same annoying girl, but as soon as she gave us our food she left. I think we pretty much inhaled our food…poor noodles never had a chance.
“Oh wow that was perfect.”

“I know right?” I’m sure if my life didn’t depend on staying awake, I would have gone into a food coma.
“This iced tea isn’t that bad either.”
“Blah, I don’t like iced tea.” I really didn’t.
“What!? How!?” Kris was in utter shock…please, stop being so good looking Wufan, my heart can’t take it.      
“Tea should be hot, not iced.”
“Then you don’t like bubble tea?”
“I love bubble tea.”
“IT’S THE SAME THING!” Whoa there hot pants. “You’re drinking this.”
“What?” Yes, force me.
“You’re drinking this tea and you’re going to like it.” Only if it’s by mouth…your mouth. Can I just take a moment and point our how cute his smirk is?

He forced the drink into my hand. I looked at it. Well, I looked at the spot where his lips have been…indirect kiss. INDIRECT KISS!!! This is it!! Our first unofficial kiss!! YES! YES! YES!! So close! Just one more inch!!!


“Whoa sorry man! I didn’t see you!”
The brown icy liquid was everywhere. On my shirt. On my pants. Up and down my arms. It was bad. The cup was on the floor and not on my mouth. Why? Why? WHY!??????
“Are you okay Lay?” Kris looked generally concerned. For me? Really…I feel…touched. I think that reality had finally hit me. I was sitting at the same table as Wufan. I was spending the day with Wufan. I am practically on a date with Wufan. If I was home I would be spazzing on the floor.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just…sticky.”
“Lets pay and then you can clean up at my place.” Oh my God what.

Well Kris was a gentleman and he paid for both of us even though I had money. I awkwardly walked like a penguin back to Kris’s apartment that couldn’t be farther away. He laughed at me.
“Do you want me to carry you or something?” Yes, but I might pass out.
“No, its fine I can make it.”
“If you say so.”
“Thanks, by the way, for paying. You really didn’t have to.”
“Nah, its okay.”

This silence was okay. It was better. In fact it was comfortable. We walked and that was it.




Hello Kris’s apartment, we meet again.      

Yay~~!!! ITS UPDATED~!!! I'm so happy because this was half written for about a month. When I re-read it and I was at the part of Lay's dream, I was like O_O omg whats going to happen!? 

Thank you to all my lovely subbies~!! I hope this chapter was worth the wait!! I don't mean to be bias but this is one of my favorite fics that I'm writting, its fun ^^

Love you all~~ Now i get to sleep and read fics in bed~~ 
Love Love Love <3~!!!

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leolliepop #1
Chapter 4: im so glad youre back! =D this chapter is really funny and cute, yixing is so cute but poor bb with his internal conflict.... i cant believe kris doesnt remember anything bout yixing
Chapter 4: awwww finally an update! soooo happy by seeing your update, author-nim.. hahahaha yixing, LOL. you're really cute, xingxing~
seriously in love with this fic.. kai burst into the room ?? hmmmm, it would be one of an interesting part of this fic.. hahaha
well, update soon, author-nim.. :3 thanks for this update, ne? :D
this story reminds me of my high school days :')
CauldronofPrydain8 #4
Chapter 4: YOU ARE BACK!!!!! REJOICE!!!!
can i just give you WOLF HUGS????? *screw it, who want to be hug by wolf? kkkkkkk~*
please update soon hehehe, im grinning like an idiot while reading this. nthanks for writting!!! ^^
Chapter 4: Maybe you could make Kris jealous? So he would fight for Yixing's attention~
Hyoneschwan #7
Can't wait for the next chapter!
I love this crazy stalker Lay XD
Chapter 3: Yixing, from 1 to 10 scale of craziness, you're at 9, dear.. hahahaha LOL
you're super awesome, author-nim!! You're describing them perfectly till i can imagine the scene like a film in my head~ geez, you're daebak..
well, update soon, ne? :D
Chapter 3: Omg this story. Really I love this chapter so much! I laughed all the time! Yixing is crazy! Totally crazy! Ahahah I can't wait for nexttt and god the end is so cute~
Please update soon! :))
Chapter 3: LOL~
u oo, i hope Kreaaase hear that 'good night, I LOVE YOU'

Lay, he is soooo hilarious >w<
oh, i can't wait when Kris know that Lay is his cutie lovely stalker since middle school!
Nice ^^
update son!
Sorry for my horrible english hehe