Do you believe...

Fallin For You [Hiatus]



I'm scared of what you'll say

So I'm hidin' what I'm feelin’



“Donghae?” A tap on his arms pushing Donghae back from his reverie. He turned to whoever person tapped him with confused look.

"You seem distracted. What happened?" asked Siwon with mouth full with food. Heechul had visiting him this afternoon and sent a dinner pack for him before he left to Japan. And now, he and Donghae were enjoying late dinner at hospital cafeteria.

Donghae didn't answer Siwon question, he just stared at his coffee cup and sighed, "How you meet Heechul hyung before you become his boyfriend?"

Siwon's eyebrows rose in confusion but he brushed off his own confusion and replied Donghae's question, "Well, we met at library. Don't laugh, he loves to come to library too you know. Back then, I just freshman and he's my senior. But since we attending different faculty and we have different friend, it was hard for us to meet outside except in library."

"Do you fall in love at first sight with him?"

Siwon shook his head, "No, I don't think that was love at first sight. Okay, I admit I have special interest to him, the first time I met him. Who won't, right? He's so beautiful, but I was completely fall in love with him after we became friend for few years. He's a person with completely opposite personality with me but strangely, he was the person who could understand me better than other person whom claims has similar personality with me."

Donghae could see pure happiness inside Siwon's eyes when he was talking about Heechul. Donghae sighed. He felt pity for himself, though. "Do you believe love at first sight?"

"Of course." Siwon answered immediately.

Donghae finally smiled.

"But," Siwon continued,

Donghae's smile slightly falter.

"Love at first sight usually hard to be a real relationship since sometimes the feeling wasn't mutual or in other word only one person who felt it and maybe the other wasn't feel the same."

Donghae's smile completely disappear as he admitted that Siwon was say the reasonable thing. He likes Hyukjae, but Hyukjae already have boyfriend. One sided indeed.

"Dr. Choi Siwon. We need you for regular check up round. Thank you."

Siwon checked his wristwatch and hastily packed the empty food container. "I go now. See you later, Hae." He bid goodbye and rushes heading toward his room before went to emergency room.

Donghae sighed again. He slowly made way to his room and after he sit on his usual spot, his hand fumbling inside his bag looking for his phone and no message from Hyukjae. “What do you hope stupid? He won’t send text message.” He scolds himself and turn on the radio instead of replying unnecessary message from Heechul.

-Hello listener. Still with DJ Eunhyuk here. Now we move to next segment. A Confession's Corner. In this segment, you can share you story, problem or maybe your confession or anything. Visit our radio homepage and leave your message there and I’ll read your message. While waiting your message, I’ll play one song from Rania, Dr. Feel Good, because today I was visiting hospital and seriously, there were a lot of good looking doctor at hospital nowadays and could make my body felt like ice cream which will melt down here and there. Ah, enough with my story. So,  sent your confession, okay?-

Donghae couldn’t help but smiles again. There something inside the Radio DJ self that makes him always want to smile or laugh. Maybe his voice or maybe his witty personality or maybe because he always have a story behind every song he chose. Donghae didn’t understand but he like it.

As if his hands have own brain, they start moving and typing the radio homepage address and after that, he starts typing the confession. “You’re so pathetic doctor.” He mocked himself and waiting the DJ reading his confession. The confession corner started. Donghae was not really paying attention to other message, which mostly contains the story about broken heart, fall in love, and complain about work and so.

-The last message for tonight is from lonely doctor-nim.- Read the Radio DJ.

Donghae immediately fixed his attention to the radio.

-He wrote, ‘It’s maybe sound overly sentimental but can I ask you something? ’ Of course you can ask me lonely doctor nim. ‘Do you believe love at first sight?’” there’s a short pause and unconsciously, Donghae hold his breath, “Yes, I do.” Donghae breath in relief after the DJ said his reply. “I think love at first sight is exist, because my relationship with my boyfriend is started because of love at first sight. So, lonely doctor nim. Don’t worry, I do believe love at first sight. This is special song for you from Jung Yonghwa, Love At First Sight (You’ve Fallen For Me). I’m DJ Eunhyuk. See you tomorrow.-

Donghae smiles again when music filled the room, “Yeah. I fell in love with him.”


Hyukjae packing his stuff quietly. He checked his phone and sighed. His boyfriend didn’t texted him nor called him. Maybe tonight he must go home alone again, since no one will come to fetch him.

“Hey, DJ Eunhyuk. You’ll go home now?” asked the radio DJ of next show.

Hyukjae laughed and nodded, “Yes DJ Yesung. See you tomorrow.” He bid goodbye to him and to another staff before leaving the radio building.

Hyukjae known as Eunhyuk, worked as radio DJ for almost 5 years. He held two-radio show, first show running every night and the other every Sunday morning. He loves his job, despite sometimes he felt bored and exhausted with his job. Adding a boyfriend who has unpredictable personality into his life and he just want to say ‘ my life.’ aloud right here and there. He try to understand his boyfriend personality, it just, as times goes by, his boyfriend seem start to distance away from him, and yeah, the story about sweet boyfriend he always tell on his show was a lie. That was like, his secret wish about a perfect boyfriend, which he hasn’t get until now.

He walked with gaze fixed to the ground. Watching his worn-out shoes wrapped his feet and not really watching the step lead him to where, until he bumped into someone.

“We should stop meet like this Hyukjae.” A pair of firm hand held his shoulder, preventing Hyukjae from fell down.

Hyukjae looks up and smiles, “Yeah, you're right Donghae.” For strange reason, he felt so happy when he saw Donghae again. Maybe because right now, he needed someone to stay beside him and maybe Donghae could be a good companion for him today. “Do you want a cup of coffee?”



“I felt guilty at Hyukjae. We should stop this now.” A man with beautiful face who sat across him suddenly said those words with tears covered his eyes.

There’s nothing, which could make his heart clenched in pain besides tears on eyes of person he loves but he won’t let him go nor ended their relationship, no matter what. “I couldn’t stop loving you.” He replied stubbornly.

“But you’re Hyukjae’s boyfriend. You’re my best friend’s boyfriend.”

“Yes I am, but Hyukjae who loves me and not the other way round. If not because you, I won’t agree become his boyfriend. I’ll break up with him.”

“No, don’t do that! You’ll hurt his feeling.”

“And you don’t mind to hurt my feeling? You don’t mind to hurt your own feeling? Only because Hyukjae’s parent helps you once, doesn’t mean you must sacrificed everything for him and his family. You have a right to be happy. Including in love.”

“I-I don’t know. I-…” the fresh tears now pouring. His body shook as he tried to prevent himself from sobbing too loud.

Kyuhyun sighed. He stood up, approaching his boyfriend and pulled him into his embrace. Comforting him and say nothing. He closed his eyes, said sorry to Hyukjae for the hundredth times already, since he lie to him about his another relationship. “Why everything become so complicated now?”




reply chapter

A/N: Why you can guess that was Kyuhyun *pouts* maybe because Siwon was already Heechul boyfriend *laugh* and I bet you can guessing Kyuhyun other boyfriend. OTP,hehehe...

hanchulovekyumin : Yeah, poor Hae..

monkeydancer  : It's Kyuhyun...

lady_na : Yeah, that's Kyuhyun

queenchi : Yes Hae, Fighting...!!!


Oh, CONGRATS FOR SUPER JUNIOR. 3 Awards in GDA this year, Disc Daesang, Disc Bonsang and MSN Southeast Asia yeaayy...^^

picture not mine.

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 5: Looking forward...
Curious what will hyuk do if he know the truth???
eunsweetlover #2
Chapter 5: omg! i felt in love with this story! is soooo cute and the way donghae fight for his feelings for hyukki is so lovely please update soon
257471 #3
Chapter 5: woah this is great...
aissshhhh really curious, poor hyuk, why they lying to him???
please update soon :)
Chapter 5: and fighting Author-nim!
\^O^/ *throw KyuMin's and HaeHyuk's video tape* *i'll keep SiChul's for my self XD*
Chapter 5: that was It's You performance >< omg...SiChulHan Epic!
Chapter 5: aigo..i am so sorry..i just read this chapter..oh my..i am sorry, Author-nim D:
i hope Hyukkie will know the truth really soon and he will have his own happy love life with his HaeHae ><
Chapter 5: Sungmin, you are so stupid = = Don't you think Hyukkie will hurt even more when he finds out the truth? Hyukkie is a bit selfish and insensitive but as a Hyuk!bias, I still hope he will not hurt so much ; ~ ;

Thanks for writing an interesting fanfic, author-nim xD wish you can update soon <3
Chapter 5: maybe hyukkie gonna hurt at first but it will cleared out soon just like what he said on the radio... kyumin should really tell hyukkie so he didnt get hurt more

thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 5: Yeah.. I wish hyuk'll be okay.. Now.. He already fall for hae.. Just wait 'till he realize it ♥ wish you can update soon author-nim^^