
You Make A Choice

Alex and YongGuk walks out of the elevator past the reception where the receptionist Hana looks over at them and smirks ”Private show?”

“I don’t like you” YongGuk says but Alex pulls him with her over to the reception “Hana will you please tell him you were kidding”

“Right I was kidding” Hana chuckles “But I still think you would be a natural and I’m sure a lot of people would pay good money”

“My girlfriend is not gonna strip for anyone other than me” YongGuk says and points a finger at Hana “You are very annoying”

“Don’t worry” Alex turns him to face her “Never gonna happen”

“Better not” YongGuk smirks and leans closer giving her a kiss “I’m not sharing”

“I know a lot of guys who are very disappointed and one who would probably object” Hana says while pretending to work.

“We are going” YongGuk sends Hana a glare and pulls Alex along with him. “Hana you are paying for that” Alex laughs and calls back at her

“Just take it out of my paycheck” Hana chuckles and waves bye to them.

YongGuk takes Alex out to the car he borrowed for the occasion. He wanted to pick her up on the motorcycle but she can only hold on with one hand so he decided not to. “Can’t you tell me where we are going?” Alex asks as they start driving

“So impatient” YongGuk chuckles and shakes his head

Alex moves her left hand down his inner thigh and looks out the window “Fine” she taps on the inside of this high while looking out till YongGuk removes her hand “Don’t do that” he shakes his head again biting on his lip “I’ll crash”

“When are we there?” Alex asks and YongGuk laughs and sends her a look “Jeez you are like a child” he smiles big and looks back ahead. He can’t remember the last time he was this happy and he loves every second of being able to be like this with her. Like a real couple not worrying about everything else in their lives.

“I’m a little worried” She mumbles “I normally don’t go anywhere without backup anymore”

“I’m here” YongGuk says “You really think I’ll let anything happen to you?”

Alex looks over at him and smiles softly “Tell me where we are going”

“Hopeless” He sighs and shakes his head “Fine. I guess I should tell you now. We are going to meet my brother” he sends her a looks seeing her smile disappear “I want you to meet him… and him to meet you” he looks back ahead. He called him 2 days ago and told him Alex had been asking for a second chance. It got rather heated and they had a huge argument. YongNam doesn’t want YongGuk to get hurt so he is strongly opposing Alex and the call hadn’t ended very well. YongGuk then called again last yesterday but it ended with an argument as well. Today YongNam had called him and said if he would try to understand and said he just couldn’t see her make him happy. YongGuk then decided to introduce them today. YongNam had gotten very quiet but had eventually said okay.

“Y-your brother?” Alex looks petrified.

“Yea” YongGuk looks at her shortly frowning a little “You okay?”

“I have never met you brother” Alex slides down in her seat with a worried frown

“Well… isn’t it about time?” YongGuk looks back at the traffic

“Maybe…” Alex mumbles “What if he doesn’t like me?”

“Are you nervous?” YongGuk sends her another look

“Yea” Alex nods “It is your brother… If he doesn’t like me…” she looks at YongGuk “It is your family”

“I didn’t know that worried you” YongGuk frowns

“Off course it does” She mumbles “What kind of family would welcome me…? I thought that was why I never met them before… course you know they wouldn’t”

YongGuk pulls in at a parking lot, parks and turns to look at her “Alex I love you. I’m gonna spend my life with you so I want them to meet you”

“Good luck explaining it” she mumbles “Hey mom and dad meet my girlfriend. She has killed more people than she remembers, dies every year and oh yea she is the devil” she huffs and looks at him “They will hate me and they will think I’m trying to destroy your life… which may not be that far off”

YongGuk steps out of the car and walks over to her side, opens the door and pulls her out “it’ll be okay. You’ll do this for me right?”

She looks down and nods “I’ll do anything for you”

“It is going to be fine” he kisses her cheek and moves his arm around her “Come on. We are late”

“Great… he’ll probably blame me” Alex mumbles. YongGuk chuckles and shakes his head “Hopeless”

They walk the rest of the way to the restaurant where YongNam is already sitting rather nervous. He looks up every time someone comes in but it is never them. He got a table far in the back so Alex and YongGuk has the smallest chance of getting recognized.

He looks up again seeing a couple coming through the door. He recognizes his brother and next to him he spots Alex hiding her hair and not really looking too happy. He doesn’t know if YongGuk told her about their conversations and he fears if he did she might be rather pissed.

“Over here” he waves and YongGuk sends him a smile and leads Alex over to the table

“Sorry we are late” YongGuk says “I lost track of time”

“No problem” YongNam mumbles and slightly eyes out Alex who is looking down.

YongGuk gestures for her to sit and takes a seat beside her “Okay” he takes a deep breath. the awkwardness is horrible “Alex, YongNam, YongNam, Alex” he introduces the two and Alex forces a smile and bows her head “Hi”

YongNam bows his head as well “Hi”

YongGuk looks from one to the other kind of thinking this might not have been the best idea. Alex was a nervous wreck the entire way here and he kind of figures YongNam might not be thrilled about meeting her either. They don’t say anything till the waiter has taken their orders. YongGuk sighs and leans back “Could this get more awkward?” he asks looking from one to the other.

YongNam takes a deep breath and looks at Alex “Fine. Why did you say those things in that interview?”

“YongNam!” YongGuk frowns but Alex stops him from scolding him “It’s fine. He can ask” she looks over at YongNam thinking about her answer “I said what I said because I had reached a point where I didn’t see a way I could be with YongGuk” she says calmly

“You didn’t want to be with him?” YongNam asks looking straight at her

“I missed him every day” Alex looks at YongGuk who sends her a small smile. “I just...” she looks back at YongNam “I was in a hole and I didn’t see a way out. I wasn’t gonna force him into my life when I hated it so much myself”

“So why would you come begging at his door?”

“She didn’t beg! I didn’t say beg” YongGuk interrupts “Don’t change my words!” he scowls at YongNam who ignores him and looks at Alex who nods a little “I died for a while. Stuff like that kind of makes you rethink your life. I was lucky enough to have some amazing friends who have been very patient with me so I decided to take control of my life. I didn’t know what I was going to do about you” she looks over at YongGuk “Seungho told me no matter what I wanted I owed it to you to explain myself so that is what I wanted to do but when I saw you… I didn’t think I could accept losing you”

YongGuk takes her hand and smiles calmly

She looks back at YongNam who looks a little less reluctant towards her “He was really upset” he says

“I know” Alex nods “I’ll do my best to make up for it”

YongNam looks from her to YongGuk who is smiling at her. He looks back at Alex again “I care a lot about my brother. I don’t like seeing him hurt and he was devastated”

“Yah bro” YongGuk frowns at him shaking his head and running a hand across his throat to make him shut up “You don’t have to make me sound like a loser”

“Well… I can when you are. You cried” YongNam teases. Alex chuckles and looks at YongGuk who scowls at his twin “Bro… That’s my girlfriend”

“I think it is sweet” Alex smiles at YongGuk who pouts “Sweet… great”

YongNam chuckles and looks at Alex “He is quite emotional isn’t he?”

“He is” Alex nods and looks at YongNam “Very needy”

YongNam laughs and nods “His ex said something like that as well. They were together for quite some time and she always said…”

YongGuk hammers his hand in the table and glares at YongNam. Alex looks at YongGuk “Your ex?”

“Uhmm…” YongGuk looks at her shortly and then glares at his twin again “That is a long time ago”

“I just didn’t know you had a long time girlfriend before me” Alex shrugs

“Well… you never asked” YongGuk mumbles and looks at her “You think I was a before I met you?”

“You acted like one” Alex smirks making YongGuk turn all sorts of red “I did not!”

YongNam bites his lip trying not to laugh.

“You were so insecure” Alex teases

“You used to go out with Kei!” YongGuk whines

“I know and you were scared you were no match” Alex smirks as YongNam breaks out into laughter.

“He was a singer of a rock band!” YongGuk turns more towards her

“So am I” YongNam points out “You think you can match me?”

“You be quiet” YongGuk scowls at him

“He has a point” Alex points out

“Don’t gang up on me!” YongGuk looks at both of them “Kei was older than me, covered in tattoos, fit as hell, lived with you and he was in a band who had actually released an album” he looks over at YongNam when saying the last comparison.

“So?” Alex smiles at him

“You made SooHyun walk around in his underwear with you in the room!” YongGuk frowns “You showed all your tattoos to 10 guys at the same time… You have no boundaries”

“That one doesn’t count” Alex points at him “I was very drunk… and I resent that. I do have boundaries”

 “You had in the back of a club with two people sleeping in the room AND backstage at your boyfriend’s concert” YongGuk huffs

“You know about that?” Alex scratches her neck

“Yea I do” YongGuk scoffs and leans back in his chair crossing his arms looking rather upset “I can’t believe you thought…” he shakes his head and looks away.

“Maybe you should take a walk” YongNam looks over at him “I want to talk to Alex and maybe it’ll be easier without you”

YongGuk looks at the two and nods. He is pretty annoyed right now anyway “I’ll take a walk” he stands up and leaves. Alex sighs and looks after him “Great…”

YongNam leans his elbows on the table and looks at her “You want to marry him?”

Alex stares at YongNam a little shocked about his question “W-what?”

“If he asked you right now would you say yes to marrying him?” YongNam asks looking her in the eyes

“Well… yea” Alex nods and frowns a little “But we aren’t ready for something like that. We just got back together”

“He already proposed didn’t he?” YongNam tilts his head

“He promised that he would ask me to marry him some day… and that was a long time ago” she looks down and sighs “Before I messed everything up”

YongNam eyes her out. He really wants to figure out if she is as invested in the relationship as YongGuk is. “If YongGuk asked you to choice between him and your job what would you pick?”

“Did he ask you to ask me these things?” Alex frowns

“No, this is me trying to protect my brother from getting hurt” YongNam says.

Alex sighs “I didn’t become this person because I thought it could be fun” she looks straight at YongNam with serious eyes “I became this person because people wanted to kill me and I had too much to live for. Yes I was throwing everything away and I got lost in my own hell but I learned… Listen” She leans towards him as well “When I first met your brother I was just someone who didn’t give a . I got in fights, drove around on my motorcycle and caused a hold lot of worries. I don’t know if he told you how we met and what happened to him but from the moment I met him he has been a big part of my life. I confided in him and told him my secrets without really knowing him. We became friends and I honestly just saw him as someone who needed help and I wanted to help him, I really just wanted to help him... I don’t know when he started having feelings for me but I should have guessed something was up when he was an towards Kei” she thinks back and smiles a little “It must have been so bad for him when he had to apologize to Kei”

She chuckles and looks to the side “I wasn’t home when he got there and Kei had him helping put moving furniture. I had just moved into a new place. I came home finding them working together. So strange to think about now. My past boyfriend and my future boyfriend working together…”

YongNam looks at her and listens. He had no idea about any of it. YongGuk never said anything involving Alex.

“He called me a monster once” Alex looks back at YongNam “Said I wasn’t human because I refused to accept that the people who hurt him were getting away with it. It hurt” she frowns “I had gotten beaten up pretty badly but his words hurt worse”

“Who hurt YongGuk?” YongNam frowns “He was hurt? When?”

Alex looks down “It really isn’t my place to tell. I’m sorry”

YongNam nods. He does understand why she can’t tell but he feels hurt that YongGuk wouldn’t tell him anything.

“You know… the first time I killed someone” Alex mumbles “YongGuk was at my apartment when the police escorted me back. Seungho from MBLAQ was there as well” she looks up at him again and he listens to her observing her face when she talks. He has seen her before off course on multiple pictures shown to him by his friend so he knew she had those majestic features that made her seem very cold but with her red hair hidden and light makeup, sitting there so calmly and talking she doesn’t seem cold at all.

“I told him we should end it” Alex smirks and shakes her head “He was so angry with me and refused to leave”

YongNam smiles a little

“It was all over the news what had happened”

“I remember that” YongNam nods “The racer from Japan turning out to be alive. Everyone was talking about it”

Alex nods “YongGuk was there with me. I thought everything was over but he refused to hear it and just said he would stay with me”


Alex nods “We were a couple when he got kidnapped” she then says looking straight at him. Off course he knew about that. His entire family had been so scared when they heard about it and off course he knew Alex had been the one who saved him and that it almost cost her her life. That is no secret and everyone knew Alex worked for the idols and were friends with several at them. He even knew YongGuk knew her but he just never believed the two could be involved.

“What the news said happened… it wasn’t true” Alex confesses “YongGuk got kidnapped because of me. Not because he was with me… The people… they were the ones who…” she takes a deep breath “It wasn’t a coincidence that he got kidnapped despite what everyone thinks and they kidnapped him because they knew I would try to rescue any idol. They didn’t know he and I was a couple I think”

YongNam frowns a little

“They wanted to kill me because it would help their status. I was already the . Everyone knew me, everyone knew I couldn’t get taken out so they went through YongGuk to get to me” Alex explains “I was furious. I didn’t plan on surviving. I… uhm… I had a split personality” she looks down and frowns “When I crashed in Japan my brain created… well me but the old me was still there and she had already tried to get us killed before. I knew if I went in there she would take over but to save YongGuk I didn’t need to consider it. I went in and got him into safety and then… then the shooting started. I don’t know when she took over and I don’t really know what happened. YongGuk told me when he came out Ali was standing up. She had mocked him and told him I didn’t love him. Said I was a flaw in her brain and that he was weak for loving me”

YongNam looks at her sad eyes seeing the pain and he is close to shedding a tear. It is just too sad.

“She shot… me in front of him” Alex closes her eyes for a moment “In the chest” she moves her left hand up over her heart “And I bled out in his arms. I remember hearing him cry, telling me he loved me… He never told me before that” Alex wipes her eyes smiles a little embarrassed “I wanted to say something but I couldn’t. I was… dying”

YongNam sniffs and Alex looks seeing him wiping away a tear.

“We just thought it was the trauma” YongNam looks at her “He was so broken… He didn’t say anything and just cried refusing to stay at home. Did he go to you?”

Alex shakes her head “I was in the hospital. Intensive care. YongGuk was in my apartment with some of my friends. I had given MBLAQ’s manager the final word regarding my life and I actually told him to let me die if anything happened but he didn’t listen and they brought me back. I lost my memories again and only remembered Seungho”

“From MBLAQ?” YongNam nods

“Yea” Alex nods as well “He has been taking care of me since the day I met him and he is my brother. Blood means to me” she shakes her head “They were all there.. All my friends waiting to hear if I was okay… I have no idea how I have been so lucky” she frowns “How I could take it all for granted…” she takes a deep breath and looks at YongNam “YongGuk had been at the roof when I came back… He looked so lost when he came down and saw me. He stood in front of me and I tried to remember him but I just couldn’t. I felt his heart beating, saw him cry… Then he broke down and told me he couldn’t lose me after what we had been through and I remembered” she smiles a little “I kissed him and he was so happy. Told me how much he loved me and said I could never leave him”

“Please stop for a second” YongNam takes napkin and wipes his eyes

Alex chuckles warmly at him “Are you okay?”

“No” he mumbles and sniffs “Don’t tell YongGuk I cried okay”

“I won’t” Alex smiles and waits for him to collect himself. He takes a deep breath and frowns at her “So how could you end up leaving him anyway?”

“Throughout all the time I have known YongGuk I helped him out. Emotionally he helped me but I felt I had to keep him safe and when I found out more people wanted to kill me I just thought they would go through him again. I didn’t want to risk him getting hurt”

YongNam nods “I actually understand why you did what you did” he looks at her “It must have been hard to do. I can hear in your voice you love him”

“I just… didn’t handle things right. I should have known I could talk to him. It was just too hard” Alex says. YongNam nods and looks over seeing YongGuk coming back. He looks a lot calmer now. When he comes over Alex smiles warmly at him “Feel better?”

“Yea” he smiles and her and nods “Sorry I got mad. But… you know”. YongNam looks at the two and then stands up and walks over to YongGuk giving him a massive hug “I’m so sorry bro. I had no idea” he closes his eyes almost hugging the air out of the rather confused YongGuk who sends Alex a look trying to understand.

Alex chuckles a little and looks down at her class.

YongGuk frowns and pats YongNam on the back “You okay?”

YongNam shakes his head and refuses to let go. His brother has been through so many things that he didn’t know about, so much hurt and pain that he kept to himself. He just can’t let him go.

YongGuk keeps patting his twin on the back and sighs with an eye on Alex wondering what in the world she has told him.












Dididi I'm in such a good mood.. Enjoying writing xD. I thought the ending with YongNam hugging YongGuk and refusing to let go was so cute especially when YongGuk can't understand what is going on.

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Changed my poster again. Made it myself.. I think I'm learning how to do this :P


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Chapter 101: NOOOO it cant be over. So sad but kind of expected it to end like that. I dropped a tear or two reading it.
Chapter 101: WHUT??? Noooo~ (Even though I completely agree with Va-Nila)
It's a very Alex-like (THAT Alex, from the first story) and I kind of like open endings and that free spirit of hers, aren't you planning to resolve the supporting characters? I mean THIS ending fits Alex but the rest of the characters're sort of left hanging in the air... will Soohyun's gf write Alex's story as she promised, how's the HimSeop and that hint of DaeJae, Doojoon broken heart, Seungho's longing for Ali?
Maybe the triquel or spinoff is planned somehow, huh? huh?
Since Alex is left in Denmark you at least can tell us abt her adventures there (will she be as neglectful for Sok's heart with her lifestyle? With minor switching back to Korea to show how's the rest of the characters doing including Guk). She might get to be friends with the guy whom she broke and fixed a shoulder since he'll most likely will take advice to google "Alex the red Devil" lol and then they'll "accidentally" meet on the streets as he wanted to know more abt her? ;)
Oh pweeeeze make smth more with Alex, she's such a unique & colourful character!~^^
Va-Nila #3
Chapter 101: I like this ending! It's very Alex. A purely perfect ending wouldn't have made sense to me and JBAJDN A anyways THANK YOU FOR THIS ROLLER COASTER RIDE
Chapter 101: OMG! I can't believe it's already over T.T I'd never thought I'd be seeing the "complete" sign next to the title OTL

I really LOVED this story as much as the first one and I'm really glad that you wrote a sequel *.* Thank you for all of this! ^^
user555 #5
Chapter 101: OH MY GOSH MINI HEART ATTACK WHEN I SAW THE COMPLETE SIGN!! woah what a crazy turn of events as if this probably fits the story best but because im a er for happy endings damn :((( that was so unexpected and sad and ughh but its probably the better way to end it. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PROVIDING ME WITH HAPPINESS OVER THIS STORY FOR AGES! remains one of my favourites! youre very realistic and imaginative haha thank you so much!
user555 #6
Chapter 99: omg how exciting! hopefully theyre a nice family
Chapter 98: Sweetness overload! :D
(I can't listen to the song on a mobile device :( )
Oh, Natasha is up! I myself found abt Guk's sis like a month ago? lol She looks totally badass! But I can't get why she has RUSSIAN name?? (I mean is it her real name or just like a "stage" one? O.o)
Chapter 95: I adore this chapter~^^
It actually made me... happy
user555 #9
Chapter 95: wow this got me going after reading the first paragraph, cried 3 times in a row!!! what is going on holy crap i love sok sososos much hes such a beautiful kid and i love all the characters and their personalities and how beautifully this is written XXX
Chapter 94: God I bet Alex would be soooo I dunno... pissed? with Sok -__-