Chapter 2

I'm sorry

Kai woke up smelling the odder of of his favorite breakfast .

He walked to the living room hoping to find his boyfriend there and apologize for what he did yesterday.

He spend the last night like hell thinking of how stupid he was and how harsh he was on his boyfriend.

He know he would've just talked to him nicely and demanded for explanations but not that way not the way he treated him yesterday he felt really sorry and all he wanted was to ask for forgiveness.

he found the cleaned living room empty so he searched in the kitchen but he didn't find his beloved Baek there he searched in the bathroom in the guest room in the balcony but he couldn't find him.

He starts to freak out and returned to the kitchen to find his favorite breakfast lay down nicely with a white rose the one Baekhyun likes a lot and a letter beneath it

Kai's anger start to shown as he hit the table with his fit and his eyes got watery after reading the letter that Baekhyun leave for him.

"Why Baek why?" He murmured ripping the letter and throwing it in the garbage.

"Why didn't you tell me? a-and i didn't trust you" Kai said mumbled as he let the tears flow down his cheeks.

After an hour of sobbing and turning the dorm into a mess again he build the courage to call Kris's house to tell them that his coming but he wasn't expecting the answer he got from them.

"What do you mean he's not with you guys" Kai screamed panic shown in his voice.

"I mean he is not with us but why? don't tell you guys had a fight!! Kai i will ing shove your balls if you hurt him" Kris yelled from the phone and Kai start to tremble.

"H-Hyung i f-ed up soo bad"Kai said with a shaky voice and Kris got more worried. 

"What do you mean you ed up so bad? what did you do to him?" Kris asked confusedly and Suho who heard all the conversation came rushing to Kris and pulled the phone to his ears.

"KAI WE ARE COMING RIGHT AWAY AND WE BETTER FIND BAEKHYUN IN THE FREAKING HOUSE" and that's how Suho got angry pulled his boyfriend and headed to their dongsangs's dorm.

Kai who was starring at the phone slowly walked to the living room and sat in the couch covering his face and crying for what he did to Baek.

"Kai where are you?" Suho called walking to the dorm of course they had the key (let's just say they were like a family and they have both's key dorm)

"Kai!!" Suho was confused at the mess that he seeing in front of his and the to why is Kai sitting like that and crying.

"Omg what happened?" The overly worried Suho run to Kai hugging him and rubbing his Back to comfort the younger.

"I don't know where he is" Kai said desperately and Suho winded his eyes.

" What do you mean you don't know where he is?" Suho asked worriedly.

"He wrote a letter telling me that he's in your dorm and he will stay there for a while but you said he wasn't with you guys" Kai explained.

"Why would he stay with us for a while? did you guys fought?" Kris asked throwing Kai a confused look and a glare.

After Kai told them what really happened from the last night till this morning Suho couldn't hid his emotions and slapped Kai hard in the Face.

"Is that how you show love to my brother?" Suho said with tears in his eyes but Kai couldn't respond he could just lower his head in shame.

"Suho calm down please can't you see he is guilty?" Kris said pleadingly and hugging his Boyfriend tightly But Suho just pushed him away glaring at him with teary eyes.

"How dare you be in his side?" Suho yelled for the first time at his lover but Kris understand, he understand that his lover is just stressed about the news i mean it's his brother for god sake that was just a few days ago then he was by his own boyfriend then he just disappeared like that it actually hurt Kris to see Suho like that.

"Suho babe i swear that we're going to find him okay" Kris hugged his boyfriend again comforting him and whispering that everything's going to be okay.

After another hour passed and after a lot of tries of calling Baekhyun with no good result at all and after Suho calmed down and apologized to Kai and the latter did the same. they were just sitting blackly staring at nothing waiting for something to happened like Baekhyun calling them or showing up.

~~Baby don't cry tonight~~

Kai winded his eyes hearing his Phone ringing He Quickly answered the answer already knowing that it's his boyfriend's tone.

"Baekhyun baby where are you please forgive me I'm so sorry please come back to me" Kai said with one breath desperately wanting to hear the latter's voice but all he got is an unfamiliar chuckle from the other line.

"Who is this?" Kai asked confusedly and Suho got close to Kai's phone to listen to the conversation but Kai quickly turned it to the loud speaker so that everyone was hearing.

"If you're really sorry then listen carefully to what i got to say or I'll kill your little tasty lover over here"a voice said making the three froze in their places.


Author's note: I'm so glad that you liked this story thank you guys you're the best and i'm sorry again for this short update it's just i don't know in my other fics the chapter are longer than this one and i don't know what happened to me here oh well hope you liked this chapter and i welcome any ideas from you guys anything that you wants to happened in this story just tell me and I'll see what i can do okay and also sorry for my English it's bad i know mianhae~~

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NEvelyn #1
Chapter 4: "Die " yeah die!!! Dieee how dare you kidnap baekhyun XD
Chapter 4: yeeey Kaibaek and Krisho /o/
when the kidnapper said his name is "Moon" suddenly I remember Moon character from Line sticker =))
kyungsooslove #3
wow i really admire this story and love it so mush!!
EXO_luver #4
Chapter 4: Yay! *Shoots confetti* Bacon is in the house woohoo woohoo *Dancing crazily* nway that was seriously a good Kaibaek story :')
Xiuchen moment kekeke~ Chen luckily yr not trollin if not i could've hit u wif a hammer but nahh you'll be the Troll Star as long as u live nway...
Chapter 4: Yay! Finally Baek is safe and sound :3
Kyucifer #6
Why don't update your KaiBaek/KrisHo fics? ;A; I need more of this story too.
Chapter 3: Omaigosh Kai!!! What have you done to our dear Bacon?! Ugh. But I forgive you since you feel guilty. Please just save Baek! Huhu!
EXO_luver #8
Chapter 3: OMG poor Baekkie nuuuu Moon i'm gunna kick yr a** anyways sorrie update soon and i'll subscribe u!! XD
Chapter 3: who's the kidnapper? Moon? O_O
Ouh poor Baekki, but yay Chen n Tao will hired

every chap is short, u knew it already kk~~^^
i still love this though
so, when u'll up date this one too?
before EXO comeback? coz i'm sure u'll get many mooooore idea when they're comeback, please don't abandon this one its too beautifull to be abandoned *make-failed-puppy-dog-eyes O_O
huhuh pleASE update!!! my kaibaek feelzzzz..... <3