First day as a father

Daddy's little angel

"Yeol wake up! we're late!" Suho tries to wake him up but he won't budge as he had a long night "I think we should let him sleep for a little longer, he had a long night, i heard him reading bedtime stories for Chanmi late at night" Chanmi was already woken up by Suho's nagging 

"Chanmi will you tell Chanyeol to wake up later?" Chanmi nods to Suho's request "Hyung do you really expect a little girl to understand what's 'later'?" Sehun asks Suho condescendingly "yes, Chanmi's a pretty smart girl i know she would understand what's later is" he whispers to him "i'll call him later don't worry"

"Chanmi-ah you better wake him up later" Sehun told her like he is a boss or something Chanmi responded by shaking her head in disapproval "did you see what she just did?" Sehun complained to his hyungs while the others were laughing at Sehun. 

Chanyeol was enjoying a very pleasant dream about a certain girl when it was abruptly ended by Chanmi waking him up "What's the matter?" Chanyeol said to Chanmi after being shook by her he looks at his watch "oh my god i'm late"

"Alright guys, this is the 2nd dance class this week and he is still not attending my class, where is he?" Greg asks the members who didn't know what to answer "i'm here!" Chanyeol run as he inhales and exhales intensely "where were you yesterday?" Chanyeol forgot to make an excuse when suddenly

"he was helping me with my dance practice yesterday, duet dance practice" Sulli barged in covering up for Chanyeol "i didn't know you had dance practice yesterday?" Sulli explained her lie even further with intricate details and what not in the end Greg said "well make sure not to be late at my class again, anyway you guys continue on dancing i got some business to deal with" 

"Thanks ssul" Chanyeol hold his hands together as he bows to Sulli "don't mention it" Kyungsoo walks in their conversation "where's Chanmi?" the other members asked the same question, Suho especially won't trust a child's life on Chanyeol so he was extra concerned "relax, i sent her to a daycare, i told them i'll pick her up 2 hours from now" Kai asks him which daycare

Despite being a clutz, Chanyeol is always thinking 10 steps ahead he thought about stuff just last night even the daycare idea. "Sunnyside" the others nods as they all agree that sunnyside is a great idea since it is the number one daycare in that part of Seoul and it's convenient as it is quite close to SM HQ.

"I'm sorry but who is Chanmi?" Chanyeol was about to answer his daughter when Baekhyun answered for him "his niece" saved by Baekhyun he thought to himself. the members then told her all about the story behind Chanmi. "Do you have any picture of her" Sulli asks Chanyeol, he shook his head disappointing Sulli who really wants to see Chanmi "i have one, i just took it this morning when she woke up, she wore your glasses hyung" Kyungsoo shows Sulli the picture

Sulli bursts out saying how cute she is "oh my god, she is so cute! are you sure she is related to you?" Chanyeol paniced thinking that Sulli was on to her "WHAT! OF COURSE SHE IS!" he defended himself, Sulli looked at him not getting the joke "it was joke sheesh calm down yeol, you don't need to yell, she kinda have some itty bitty tiny little wittle resemblance to you" Sulli teases her. Kyungsoo showed Sulli more pictures of Chanmi and the boys continued spazzing how cute she is with Sulli while Chanyeol is busy practicing.

Greg comes in "alright enough dilly dallying, let's get back to dancing, You guys left early yesterday and you Chanyeol you weren't here yesterday so i'm extending my class for another 2 hours or so" Chanyeol was startled and flustered he doesn't know what to do, who will pick Chanmi later sure Sunnyside can extend taking care of her but he doesn't want to bother anyone especially not the workers in the daycare. Chanyeol was really worried, the other boys notice the expression on his face as well.

2 hours have past and he really wants to leave training but can't since Greg is keeping an eye on them and their dancing when suddenly his phone rang "I told you boys to turn off your phones when you practice, whose phone is it?" Chanyeol raised his hand and ran to his bag pack, it was the daycare. 

"Hyung can i answer this, it's really important" Chanyeol pleaded and begged, Greg waves his hand signalling him to go on and answer his phone. Chanyeol went to outside "hello this is Chanyeol?" the person on the other end of the line was surprised to hear his deep voice "Hello, this is Stella from Sunnyside, i'm here to call you about Chanmi, you are her guardian correct?" Chanyeol answers "yes guardian not father but guardian, i will come and pick her up as soon as possible" 

"no need, there is someone else who want to pick her up in your behalf but i can't approve of it without your permission, there is a woman here, the one who came to pick her up is Qian..Song Qian" Chanyeol was confused at first he doesn't know any Song Qian and then he facepalmed and realized it was Victoria "neh i know her and sure she can pick her up, can you connect me to her?" after some rattle noises

"Chanyeol" Victoria greets Chanyeol and she continued "Sulli asked me to pick her, you don't mind do you?" Chanyeol repeatedly says no like a motorboat "sure please i'm kinda in a pickle right now, thank you for agreeing to this" Victoria says that it was the least she can do after her up long time ago. Chanyeol goes back in smiling, relieved that Chanmi is not alone and in Victoria's care, Suho looks at Chanyeol "why are you smiling? who was that?" Chanyeol walks past him without realizing someone was talking to him

"it was the daycare, they said that Victoria picked Chanmi up, now i don't need to worry about a thing" Chanyeol gets back to dancing position "alright, everyone ready to start again, no more important calls to answer? i suggest you boys turn them off or turn it on silent if you don't want me to confiscate it" the boys says yes in unison like a group of soldiers following commands. 

Meanwhile, "She is so cute, doesn't talk much does she?" Luna said to Victoria "Yeah, the person at the daycare centre said that she knows how to play along but doesn't really talk much, quite the opposite of Chanyeol if you ask me" Krystal chimed in "what is she doing in a daycare shouldn't she be in school, she seems like the age to enter school" Victoria shakes her head at Krystal "school for little kids is not like you sign papers today and you enter the next week, i remember my cousin had to register for her son 6 months before that boy even starts going to school, i think it's the same here as well"

Amber jumps in "we should help educate her when she's not in school" and she continued "you know she kinda looks like Chanyeol with some bits and bops from other people of course, whose the father again?" Sulli shrugs "all i know from the boy was that Chanmi is his niece and she grew up with her grandparents, maybe on the countryside, let's ask her" the doorbell rang repetitively "hold on, i'm coming" Krystal opens the door and it was the manager "guys pizza is here" the girls ran to pick up their pizza as they were all hungry and Victoria runs to pay for the food

"I don't know why i have to pay for this unhealthy stuff" she whines as she takes out the money from her wallet and gives it to the manager "shouldn't you be the one paying for them?" Victoria complains to her manager "hey i already paid for dinner last night" Victoria grunts and tells him to run along "go on you stingy person" before the manager tried to defend himself Victoria shuts the door.

"Sulli here you go" Victoria hands over the pizza to Sulli but Sulli didn't answer her, she was in a daze "sulli? what's the matter?" Sulli shakes her head and smiles "nothing unnie, ooh pizza i'm hungry" ensuring Victoria nothing is wrong "Chanmi do you want pizza as well?" Amber offers pizza and she nods while smiling "she must be hungry" Luha exclaims

"No! she can't have Pizza, she needs healthy food" to which Krystal asks Chanmi "Chanmi-ah, do you want pizza or vegies?" Chanmi "pizza" the rest cheers when they finally heard Chanmi speak "the queen has chosen her lunch" Amber gestures her hands like she is bowing to Chanmi, Victoria looks at them "you guys disappoint me especially you Chanmi" while she munches on celery.

Sulli was dazing "Sulli-ah, your pizza is getting cold" Luna said to Sulli, Sulli woke up from whatever day dreaming she have and continues to eat. 


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Chapter 1: Pleeeez update soon.... I'll be waiting :)
arescom #2
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