Youngjae the Observer

YG High School Host Club

Youngjae chuckled to himself as he observed his fellow host club members. He realized something was definitely sparking, and it was slowly turning into something big.


“What was that for?” Rinn shot at Kwangmin, and Youngjae immediately recognized the facial expression on Kwangmin's face, but it passed so fast that no one could actually catch him doing it. It was the same expression when he didn't get something he wanted.


Unlike his elder twin, he was the more sensible one, keeping his thoughts to himself, always calmer than Youngmin, who tends to be really hot-headed. But both of them were equally devillish when it comes to pranks, teasing and all sorts of mischevious stuff.


“Nothing.” Kwangmin said, expressionless as he always was and walked to the couch, sorting his feelings out. He thought Rinn would be happy staying with them, but even if she wasn't, he certainly was, and he still couldn't figure out why.


Youngjae sat beside Kwangmin, holding his favourite clipboard as he clicked his pen close after finishing the last of yesterday's work profit. “You appear to be quite occupied with your thoughts.” Youngjae started.


Kwangmin laid his chin on one hand and looked at Youngjae. “Do I?” he asked, but it seemed that the question was directed more to himself. “Well, yes. Was it because of her?” Youngjae said as he tilted his head towards Rinn, who was angrily muttering to herself.


Kwangmin hesitated a little. He really didn't know what he saw in her, but silently, he guess he was attracted to her. His mother always told him that his ideal type was something more  demure and with prestigious family background.


Rinn wasn't exactly lady like or demure, she was more of a bubbly and cute person. And she didn't exactly came from a prestigious family. Well, basically, if she was, Kwangmin would have known her, and she wouldn't have to get a scholarship into this school anyways.


“I- I don't know.” Kwangmin sighed exasperatedly. Youngjae nodded to himself thoughtfully. “Hmm... if you're really interested in her, you better make a move.” he said, patting Kwangmin on the shoulder before retreating to the jungle bar, where Jongup was playing by himself.


“Make a move?” Kwangmin muttered to himself silently, not exactly knowing what he meant. Youngmin came and sat beside him, his expression unreadable, but Kwangmin knew something was on his mind.


“What's with that face of yours?” Kwangmin asked, nudging his shoulder. Youngmin pouted sulkily. “See your own. We're twins anyways.” he said. Kwangmin can't help but bit back a smile. He knew his elder twin was like this when he didn't like something, and he had a faint idea about who he didn't like, but Kwangmin thought he should just make sure.


“Aawww... Is my Youngmin jelly, huh? Is he? Is he?” Kwangmin said while poking his brother, looking up at him cutely as he bounced on the sofa. Level #1: To annoy the truth out of Youngmin, he gives in easily to cute things.


Youngmin shunned away. “Leave me alone, okay?” he muttered, crossing his arms. Kwangmin wasn't giving up, but he inwardly sighed. Youngmin usually gives in at level one. He usually couldn't stand Kwangmin's cuteness (well, we all couldn't).


“Ooh, touchy. Come on, just tell me okay? I promise I won't laugh or tease at you or steal your jar of jelly beans you hid in the treasure box under your bed.” Kwangmin said solemnly, holding his hand out, doing the 'scout's honour'. Level #2: Acting as the mature counsellor, Youngmin tends to give in at this level.


Youngmin wavered, “Well, you promised... Wait a second. How did you know I hid my stash of jelly beans in my treasure box under my bed?” he shot, glaring at Kwangmin.


Oops, Kwangmin mental slapped himself. Time for level #3, the final stage. There's no way he won't give in. Kwangmin took a deep breath. Oh boy, how Youngmin will hated this.


“Of course I knew. You know, when the time we kissed. I saw in beneath the bed when we rolled on the floor.” Kwangmin said nonchalantly, shrugging. Youngmin gasped and his face immediately flushed.


“N- NO WE DIDN'T... KISS! You're making us sound like weirdos!” Youngmin blurted, standing up in horror. Just then, G-Dragon passed by. “Who kissed?” he asked, looking at both of them.


“We did. Just talking bout some stuff you wouldn't want to know.” Kwangmin said coolly. G-Dragon drew in a sharp breath. “OMG. Tell me ALL about it. What happened?” he said excitedly as he squeezed in between the Jo twins.


“I'm telling you, we didn't...kiss, okay?!?! We were playing pillow fight at night and-” Youngmin started, but a wide grin turned up on G-Dragon's face.


“There, there. Naughty, aren't you guys?” G-Dragon teased. Youngmin became even more flustered. “It's not what you think! It was just a game and I accidentally pushed Kwangmin down the floor and I toppled above him. That's all!” he said, almost crying.


“Oh my, not telling me the full story? It's okay, I'll get the details from Kwangmin later.” G-Dragon said, winking at Kwangmin before going to the snack bar.


“AAAGGGHHHH!!! KWANGMIN, I'M SO KILLING YOU!!!!” Youngmin shrieked, strangling Kwangmin. Kwangmin laughed as he pushed his hyung away.


“It's good to see you back. Now, are you telling me or should I go tell Leader-nim the details?” Kwangmin said, waggling his brows.


“You know we didn't kiss too, okay? You just wanted me to tell you that I hated Minwoo.” Youngmin said, pouting as he crossed his arms.


“I knew it! We really are twins!” Kwangmin exclaimed, giving him a tight hug. “Yeah, whatever.” Youngmin muttered sulkily.


“Hyung, you know what happens when we hate someone, right?” Kwangmin said, grinning. Youngmin turned away. “Not in the mood.” he said, pouting.


“Coommeee oonnnn.... You're never NOT in the mood for pranks!” Kwangmin tried again, nudging him. His twin sighed exasperatedly.


“I'm seriously not! Not when the Rinn and Minwoo looked like they liked each other.” Youngmin mumbled. Kwangmin frowned. “No way. Have you forgotten? Only we know that Rinn's a girl. Unless...” he said, then suddenly gasped, his twin doing the same.


“HE- HE'S GAY!!” they shrieked. “Who is?” Rinn suddenly turned up beside them and asked. The twins simultaneously jumped in fright.


“AHH!! RINN! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!” Youngmin shrieked, grabbing his chest. Rinn shrugged. “I just heard you said someone was gay... I was just curious.” she said.


The Jo twins pulled her in a huddle. “Rinn-ah... Are you close with Minwoo?” Kwangmin asked. Rinn inwardly smiled at his name. “Sure. He treats me well.” Rinn said, making the twins gasp.


“Of course! This shows he's really gay!!” Youngmin hissed to Kwangmin, and Kwangmin nodded urgently. “Rinn-ah, we have no intention of sabotaging your friendship, but... you have to be careful of Minwoo...” Youngmin said.


The twins looked around them, then ushered Rinn to be closer. “... we think he might be gay.” Kwangmin whispered.


Rinn kept silent for a while. “You guys are weird.” she said, shaking her head as she went out of the room. “Remember, club duties after school!” G-Dragon called after Rinn, his mouth full with canapes.


The twins stood where they were, then turned to look at each other. “Wow.” Kwangmin exclaimed. “It was as if she doesn't care that if Minwoo was really gay.” he continued.


Youngmin shrugged, a smile visible on his face. It was as if he was already happy, knowing Minwoo was gay. “Neither do I. I don't mind having a gay friend if I was her.”



Rinn went into class 1C, and for the first time, she was there to study, but there was only one period left. So basically, ever since she stepped into this school, she hadn't had a chance to properly study in her classroom.


“Rinn? I thought you'll be with the host club till school ends?” the teacher asked, holding up the host club emblem. Rinn awkwardly stood there, looking at her hands.


“It's okay. Take your seat.” the teacher said and resumed her teaching. Rinn looked around the classroom and headed towards the empty window seat at the corner of the classroom.


A piece of folded paper was passed to her, written 'Rinn' on the front. Curiously, she opened the paper to have a look.


Turn around. There was no name signed, but when she turned around, she saw Minwoo, smiling to her from two seats away. Beside him was a girl, and was currently smiling to her too.


Rinn awkwardly waved to the girl, and the girl silently squealed. She scribbled on a mini whiteboard and held it up.


WeLcoMe to YG, Rinn read as the girl ducked down and wrote another sentence. You're definitely my host after school.


Rinn almost fainted. “Everybody knows I'm a host already?” she thought. That club's advertisement power is definitely no joke.


Minwoo peeked at the board and chuckled. Rinn sighed. First she made a fool out herself in front of her dream boy, and now she was stuck as a guy with girls fawning over her.


Good luck, Minwoo mouthed, giving her a thumbs up. Rinn meekly smiled back, but sighed when Minwoo looked away. He's never gonna ever see me as a girl, she bitterly thought.


“Sick as a guy?” Someone said behind her. She turned around to see Yukwon, arms crossed, slumped in his seat with a cap covering his face. He took off the cap and leaned forward, yawning as he propped his chin up on his arm.


“It's okay, no one really even mind if you're a girl actually. I see no difference.” Yukwon teased, chuckling to himself. Rinn pouted, feeling all stupid again for falling for Minwoo. He's probably categorizing her under the 'guy friends' section. Her eyes sunk, and her shoulders dropped, thinking of what's happening to her lately.


Yukwon froze. “Hey, I- I didn't... I mean....” he stuttered, putting one hand on Rinn's shoulder, trying to make her turn around so he could see her expression, while silently wishing she wasn't crying. He was extremely allergic to tears.


“KIM YUKWON!!!” Gummy seongsaeng-nim yelled from in front. Yukwon stood up, stratching his head. “Yes, Gummy seongsaeng-nim.” he mumbled, stuffing his hands in his varsity jacket's pockets.


“Why are you disturbing Rinn?” The teacher questioned. The whole class turned to Yukwon. Some girls cheered him on silently, some squealed from the far corner of the classroom.


“I wasn't.” he said indignantly, pouting slightly. The teacher sighed. “See me after school.” she said, continuing her teachings.


Yukwon slumped back into his seat and pulled his cap back on his face. This time it was Rinn's turn to feel bad. She turned around, wanting to apologize to him, but he was already asleep, his arms crossed, but somehow it seemed like he was angry at her.

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Chapter 8: NUUUUU!!!
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Chapter 6: so nice.......
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this is gonna be great..
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i'm gonna love this! :D