YG High

YG High School Host Club

Rinn's P.O.V


“Eun Rinn-sshi, where have you been?” Teddy seongsaeng-nim, my homeroom teacher asked after school. No words formed in my brain. Well, you can't blame me. I'm not good with strangers, especially new teachers. So I just stupidly stood there, looking at my hands.


Okay, let's do a bit of recap.


After me being announced as the 'YG Host Club Dog', I was pushed out of the room, still stupidly wailing 'NOOOOOOO!'. Yeah, that's how stupid I was.


Then, I realized I was totally unfamiliar with this place. There were classrooms, classrooms and more classrooms EVERYWHERE. It was quiet in the hallways as everyone was in their classes. So basically, I'm lost. In a school.


I thought I should beg for mercy and ask one of the brats inside the room to help me around the school as my last choice. I was dramatically practicing how to beg for forgiveness in front of the room before going in to do the real deal. The drama queens inside the room might not accept a simple apology so I tried to do it theater style.


“O MY LEADER, MY SUPERIOR LORD! I BEG FOR THY'S FORGIVENESS! THE COFFEE STAIN SHALL BE- SHALL BE- uhhh...” I paused halfway, kneeling while ing my arms upwards.


I was having my own dramatic moment when someone patted me. I flung around, and my hand swatted the person with a loud 'PAAK', which was loud enough to be a fire alarm.


“Ouch!” the guy was covering his cheek, which probably was going to turn neon red. “OMG, ARE YOU OKAY?!” I shrieked as I flew to the person's side and removed his hand from his face to see the damage.


Then I gasped. My eyes widened and I start to hyperventilate like the idiot I was.


It was the cute guy I first met, the guy I had bumped into earlier! -insert screams and swooning-


“I'm okay... really.” he replied as he gave me a comforting smile. I tried to smile back, but I'll probably end up smiling like a erted e to a kid so I held back.


“You must be Rinn. Gummy seongsaeng-nim asked me to search for you. We're having art class in 1C now.” he said. I nodded, his words that registered into my brain became hieroglyphics. I don't know what I was thinking. It's like I might start dancing to Egyptian music.


He coughed awkwardly, seeing that my dumb mouth wasn't giving any response, and I was just standing there, worshiping his godly looks. Not the smartest thing to do, I know.


“Uh, my name's No Minwoo.” he said, and I could see him silently cursing himself for contributing to the awkwardness. I couldn't do anything about it, my brain kept repeating 'No Minwoo' and making it into a song.


“Ahahaha... hehehe...” I replied. Okay, not reply, maybe stupidly giggle.


He looked at me for a while, as if holding back his laughter. Then he laughed, as if he was watching a comedy. “I- I'm sorry!” he wheezed between his laughs, looking at me apologetically. I gawked at him, still nothing registers into my brain.


He stopped, his hand covering his mouth, still chuckling. “I'm sorry. It's just... I can't hold it anymore... I mean, it was since just now... I saw you...” he said, still catching his breath.


I was still dreamily looking at him when suddenly the harsh reality forced itself into my brain. I gasped in horror. HE SAW ME PRACTICING MY APOLOGY. THE SHAMEEEEE!!!!!!


I felt like clawing my face into pieces and burying myself alive. I just embarrassed myself in front of my future husband! And now probably NOT my future husband! I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS SO STUPID! I CAN'T BELIEVE-


Minwoo burst into another round of laughter, this time clutching his waist. I pulled my face. “OMG, DID I JUST-” I shrieked, my toes curling in shame.


He was still laughing as he nodded, while continuously spouting 'sorry' between his laughs. I feel like stepping into an incinerator. This feels like hell. I covered my face while silently wishing this never happened.


Minwoo pried my hands off. I saw his mouth was still twitching from laughter, and I looked at my toes. The embarrassment is still fresh in my mind that I think it's gonna last for a decade.


“Hey, it's okay. This is a secret; between two of us, kay?” he said, giving my shoulders a light  squeeze. I nodded shamefully. And he's gonna remember my embarrassing moment forever, I thought bitterly.


“Come on, let's head to class.” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling my lifeless form towards class 1C.


So here I am now, in class 1C, facing my homeroom teacher after class.


Teddy seongsaeng-nim sighed. “It's okay. Minwoo told me that you're lost. I'll arrange Minwoo as your school guide for this week. I expect you to catch up after a week. As a scholar, slacking is a no-no. Understood?” he said. I nodded meekly. Yeah, whatever he said.


“You can go for your recess. Dismissed.” he said before turning back to his paperwork. I sighed as I walked out of the classroom.


“DOG!” Someone called. Oh. There's a dog in the school compound.


“HEY DOG!!!” The same person shouted. Dogs shouldn't run about without a leash. I'm allergic to dogs.


“HEY! DO YOU HAVE EARS?!?!” The shouting came again. Ears. Of course dogs have ears. And they probably couldn't understand what is the person shouting anyways.


A hand grabbed my shoulder and I was turned around. Instinctively, I chicken-chopped the hand that landed on my shoulder. “HWAI YAYAYAYAYAHHH!!! GET AWAY ERT!!” I shrieked in alarm.


“HEY, STOP!” the person grabbed my hands as I desperately tried to fling away. I looked up and saw Youngmin, the elder jerk-twin. I stopped struggling. He blew his fringe away angrily as he threw my hands down.


“You're late, dog. We're working every day after school, don't you know?” he said in annoyance. I shook my head lifelessly. I had been lifeless since... since I knew Minwoo's probably gonna think I'm strange. -sobs-


Youngmin sighed. “Come on. We have work to do.” he said, pulling me towards class 1G. There were a lot of female students inside, drinking tea while chatting to each of the host club members.


Youngmin continued to pull me towards the mini kitchen. “Here is where you're gonna work. You shall help with the food and drinks preparation. Everything you need is here. I have work to do, so I'll leave the rest to you.” he said.


I was looking at G-Dragon talking to a girl while sipping his coffee, when I suddenly got curious. “What do you guys actually do?” I asked.


“Entertain our guests.” Youngmin said, while scavenging the mini fridge, mumbling 'marshmallow cake' repeatedly. “That's all? You... entertain girls?” I asked.


“Well... Yes and no. We do entertain boys too. But usually it's scam. They just wanna know what are we doing, you know, out of curiosity.” he replied, his brows furrowed in concentration. “AHA! FOUND IT!” he exclaimed as he emptied the packet of mini cakes on a silver tray.


“Now if you excuse me, I'll get going. Make some coffee, boy. Serve it to Youngjae. He's crying for one already.” he said, then mumbled to himself about 'coffee addiction'.


I was searching for coffee powder when I realized there was none. Then I saw a packet of coffee beans right beside a coffee grinder. I sighed. Looks like rich people drink coffee right from the original source.


Luckily I have experience as a barista, thanks to my dad. He makes me work part-time sometimes for extra pocket money. Suddenly, I could feel a pair of eyes shooting glares at me. I had a feeling that if I don't start brewing the coffee, I might need a coffin.


I finished the coffee with my lattee art, a series of hearts and a combined rosetta. Hopefully that Youngjae brat isn't complaining.


“Here, enjoy your coffee.” I said, passing him the cup. He looked at it at first, frowning, then suddenly, he gave me a smile. “I'm sorry, today's monday. Our host club serves using Luzerne tableware today. You might need to check on the tableware schedule that we set at the sink.” he said, his eyes flickering with that familiar evilness.


I returned his tight-lipped smile. “Okay.” I replied before stomping off to the mini kitchen. Seriously, he knows how to get his revenge well.


Halfway through, I overheard a girl talking. And apparently, I was her subject of topic. “Oh my, don't you think having a servant like him is a bit too degrading?” she said. “Yeah, and isn't he the scholarship student? You know you could have hired a full-time servant rather than a part-time one. Min-ah's parents know where to hire good ones.” another one chimed in.


I clenched my teeth. Okay... It isn't my fault doing this... It isn't my fault... Looks like I'm stuck with that mantra.


I went over to the sink to check the tableware schedule. My eyes popped out at the amount of foreign words that I had to deal with. Monday, Luzerne. Tuesday, Wedgwood. Wednesday, Dansk. Thursday, Mikasa. Friday, Versace. -hiccups-


Okay then, I'll start off with Luzerne, whatever that is.


I looked up at the rows of cupboards above me. It was too high for my measly height. I sighed as I looked around for a stray chair. None. Looks like I had to deal with it the hard way.


I climbed up the countertop to reach the cupboard handle and tugged at it, but it won't budge. Probably being shut together using magnets.


I tugged harder, and again it didn't open. So I had to use my forbidden superhuman strength. -cough-


I mustered all my strength and pulled it. It flew open and my hands slipped, my arms flailing around in midair like a retarded windmill. I reached for something to grab and unfortunately, it was the tablewares inside the cupboard that I grabbed. And I was already falling backwards, pulling a set of tablewares with me.


A pair of arms caught me just as I fell, and I stood on the ground safely.


“CRAAAASSHHHH!!!” the ceramic tablewares broke into pieces. Youngjae came over, clicking away on his calculator. “Another 2 million won added to your debt.” he said nonchalantly, though I swear I could see a smug-happy smile behind his expressionless face.


That's official, I hate him.


I turned over to see my savior. Unexpectedly, it was Kwangmin, jerk-twin number two, with his arms still dangling around me. He looked... shocked?


“Uhh... thanks.” I said, facing him. His mouth is still gaped wide, his eyes as wide as his mouth. “Uhh... Hello?” I asked, fairly uncomfortable in the position I'm in. He suddenly snapped awake and looked at me, with a weird look that I'm unable to comprehend.


“Could you just...” I said, pointing to his arms. He blankly looked at his arms, then suddenly realized as his eyes doubled its size. He quickly retracted them as a cloud of redness appeared on his flustered face.


I sighed, thinking about the heaps of debt that I'm collecting just in one day. “Looks like I'm servant to YG Host Club for life.” I moaned sadly.


Kwangmin staggered away, unable to believe what he actually knew as he fought to keep his head straight.

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Chapter 8: NUUUUU!!!
jessicamaylee #2
MushroomPea #3

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Chapter 6: so nice.......
kaisooyoung #5
this is gonna be great..
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i'm gonna love this! :D