I Knew You Were Trouble



“How could the bane of my existence look so angelic?”

Song Yeon Hee never saw it coming. She was too naïve, too trusting, too blinded by love, to see him for what he really was. Her destruction in disguise. She fell for him, without knowing him, the REAL him. And that led to catastrophic consequences.



Annyeong! This is just a little brain fart I had. Hope you like it. Comment please, and try to keep it to “constructive criticism”. Kamsahamnida!


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kim_ahjong #1
Chapter 1: yaahh Wuyifan didn't love her anymore because he love me..kekeke~ no no just kidding :D i will read the sequel tomorow Okaiii :))
Chapter 2: dont worry i understand and i will waittttttt!!
Chapter 2: so this means new poster to make? (YEEEESSS)
Chapter 2: omg a sequel? yes please!
Chapter 1: what the? hes such a jerk!!!!
Chapter 1: awwww i thought there would be more drama to it oh well...
Chapter 1: this was so sad T_T
kris is such a jerk....
sequel?? but it's okay if you don't make one :)
it was really good~
fantasydesire #8
Chapter 1: TT____TT

kris you douche. ><"
Chapter 1: Daebak. :D
EunsooAndexo #10
Chapter 1: Sad... (•-•)