Kyuhyun's 10 Questions

Days leading up to the debut

Five days have passed since Mrs Cho came to their dorm. Min still has it as a secret and the envelope is hiding in his bottom drawer where nobody usually opens neither does he.

“Kyu could you get me a shirt?” Min shouted from the bathroom. Kyu got up from the bed and headed to chest of drawers where Min usually keep his shirts. He picked out a pink one and passed it to Min who has his hand sticking out from the bathroom door. Kyu went back to close the drawers but found the bottom drawer not close tight. He was about to close the drawer when something caught his eye. An envelope addressed to his name. Seeing how it was already unsealed, he opened it. To his surprise, he saw pictures of him when he was a young boy. A piece of paper slipped out and fell onto the floor. Rather than getting teary he got confused how his mother could still be alive and angry at the fact that the envelope was in Min’s drawer, probably already read by the older male and that he didn’t tell him about the envelope.

Min came out from the shower to find Kyu squatted at the chest of drawers holding something yellow in his hands. His eyes grew bigger, cussing in his mind. Kyu took the envelope and faced Min who was still in shock.

“K…Kyu..” Min stammered

“Let’s play mine 10 questions now shall we?” Kyu said angrily

Min could only look towards the floor trying to avoid Kyu death glare.

“Question 1, What is this?” Taking a step nearer to Min

“Le..letter from y..your m..mother” Taking a step back

“Question 2 Why did you open it?” Taking another step closer to Min

“I..I k..know I shouldn’t have but I was just curious.” Retreating a step back

“Question 3, Why do you have it?” Taking another step closer to Min

“S..she ask me to to you” Retreating a step back

“Question 4 Why didn’t you?”  Closing down on Min

“I.. didn’t w..want you to get confused, sadden and reminded of the past.” Min realizing there was no more space to move backwards.

 “Question 5 My mother is alive?” Placing his cold hands onto Min’s shoulder


“Question 6 when did she pass you this?”

“F…five days ago” Plucking up some courage to face Kyu eyes which were burning holes in his.

“Question 7, when were you planning on telling me this or did you even plan on telling me this?” Shaking Min by his shoulders.

“I…I did p..plan on telling you, b..but only after our debut.” Min confessed pulling Kyu’s hands off his shoulders. Min saw tears rolling down Kyu’s cheek, he lifted up his hands reaching out for Kyu’s cheek when it got slapped away by the younger male. Tears now filled the older male’s eyes, he just wanted to protect Kyu, why wouldn’t Kyu understand that?

“I don’t understand you! I tell you everything in my life! Even the accident! I thought you could understand me and I could trust you! How could you do this to me?” Kyu shouted, eyes burning holes in Min’s face.

“I..I j..just wanted to protect you, like how I always did.”

“Question 9, So is this how you want to protect me? Keeping secrets from me?

“Kyu.. I..Its not like that. I didn’t know how to tell you, that’s why….” looking down towards the floor

“You don’t know you to tell me?!?!?! You could have just told me the truth!!!” More tears flowed from his eyes. Kyu lifted up his fist aiming it towards Min’s face. He wanted to punch him but he just couldn’t do it. He lowered his fist in anger.

“I Hate You, Hyung” Kyu said in detest before walking out of the room.

Min couldn’t do anything to stop Kyu, he knew Kyu would not forgive him anytime soon. He lied on his bed crying, thinking of ways to let Kyu forgive him. He was even more upset that Kyu was calling him Hyung rather than Min now. Which totally means that they weren’t on talking terms anymore.


A few hours later, Kyu came back into their dorm reeking from alcohol. He couldn’t walk properly and was stumbling all over the place. Min who was waiting for kyu to come home got up and helped him.

“Kyu.. You’re drunk.” Min tried holding Kyu to guide him to his bed.

“Get away from me!!” Pushing Min off him.

Min who was ever so persistent. “I’ll get you some fresh clothes” Running towards Kyu’s closet trying to find a comfortable set for him.

“Here you go. Let’s get you change.” Min tried helping Kyu change.

“Let go off me!!” Pushing Min away which cause Min to fall down to the floor. “Never come near me again, don’t even try to touch me. And from now on, don’t call me Kyu anymore. It’s Kyuhyun from now on.” Kyuhyun threaten as he lied on his bed dozing off reeking of alcohol.

All Min could do is to watch Kyuhyun in disbelief. He sat on the floor not wanting to get up to return to his bed. No tears could escape his eyes for the whole 3 hours he sat on the floor. Not moving an inch from the position he was in 3 hours ago. He fell asleep on the cold hard floor hoping one day Kyuhyun would realize that he was only trying to protect him. 

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ichbindeinvater #1
Chapter 11: Great fic! Tbh the story was kinda coming to an abrupt end, but still very well written!!! ^^
Minh-Phungly #2
Chapter 10: Amazing author nim
I love it. I really love your KyuMin Storys
Chocolatemushrooms #3
This was so interesting! I could really feel the characters emotions.
Waaaaaaaaah ~ Awesome ^~^<br />
ahhhhhh... i just read all the chapters of this story today. all i can say that your story was so touching. i never really cry while reading a story, but i cried so much while reading this story. it was really touching especially when they broke up.<br />
the ending was nice,but what will happen to sungmin?????? is he gonna join KRY????<br />
thanks for writing such a great story :D
this is so sweet..<br />
kyumin here is going to be eaten by ants for their sweetness.. <br />
kekeke..<br />
great story.. =)
..i thought there is a new chapter here,hehe,anyway merry christmas!!you're so good by giving away suju stuff!!