
Last night had been one of the best nights of my life, waking up was great as well. I've never woken up to something more beautiful in my life. Jinyoung's face. I woke up earlier then he had, as usual.

Normally I'd get up and wash up to get ready for the day but this time I didn't even bother making a noise for the other members to realize I was awake already. It was 7 a.m and I wanted this to last as long as possible. He looked lovely when he was asleep. Well, he looked lovely doing anything really. Jinyoung was the most beautiful man I've ever seen. His skin so soft and flawless, and his eyes so beautiful and warm. I love Jinyoung and that was the absolute truth.

About another hour later Jinyoung had finally woken up. He rubbed his eyes, looked at me and smiled. "Good morning Channie." he said, in that still sleepy kind-of voice. I smiled back at him and kissed his forehead. "Good morning, Jinyoung." It was then that I really realized how much I missed this, waking up and actually being able to talk to him, and that this time I was able to do more than just talk to him.

We stared into each others eyes for a couple of minutes until he broke it off, kissed my cheek and got off of the bed to go wash up.

I followed Jinyoung out of my bedroom and waited outside of the bathroom door until he got out so I could go in and wash up. While standing by the door, CNU walked out of his room and approached me. "I see you and Jinyoung talked about things while the rest of us were out last night, huh?" He smiled at me and I laughed. "Uh- Why, yes... Yes we did." I smiled. "That's great to hear and I'm glad you two are okay now, well- From what it looks like, you two are a little... More than okay." He giggled lightly and I nodded my head.

CNU walked away, shouting at the others that were already downstairs and he walked on down the stairs, his voice becoming distant.

The bathroom door finally opened and I was still patiently standing there. Jinyoung gave me a smile when he walked out of the bathroom, wrapped in only a towel. My eyes widened at the sight of his body; he smelled heavenly, entoxicating even. He walked on into his room, I suppose to get changed, I walked into the bathroom and got washed up.

I walked out of the bathroom and into my room to get changed, once I was ready I walked downstairs and smelled something very delicious. Breakfast. I guess the members had prepared it while I was upstairs getting ready. I got to the dining room and there sat Baro, Sandeul and CNU, all smiling at me when they saw me.

"Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning, Gongchan." they all said at the same time in a bright tone.

I smiled and sat down at the table, prepared to eat the delicious looking food, most likely prepared by Sandeul.

"Where's Jinyoung?" I asked. Baro cleared his throat and giggled. "Well, isn't that something that you're supposed to know, Gongchannie?"

I smiled and shook my head while looking down at the table. "I'm gonna go upstairs to look for him." I got up from the table and walked back upstairs. I knocked on Jinyoung's door, signing by a hum he invited me in. He was shirtless and still looking in his closet for something to wear. When I walked in he looked back to see who it was and gave me a smirk when he saw that it was me.

"Channie," he pouted "I can't find a shirt to wear." He made his way toward me and pressed his bare chest against me. "Come, help me look for one?" He grabbed onto my shirt and walked me over to his closet.

He stood behind me while I stood in front of his closet looking for a shirt for him to wear. I finally picked one out, it was a light yellow color, it didn't have any design or logo on it. I turned around slowly; him only taking one step towards me to be once again pressed against me.

"I want you to wear this one," I said in a soft tone of voice; we were so close to eachother, our lips almost touching, I could feel his breath on mine as he spoke: "I like it, I'll wear this one then, Channie." He grinned and finally pressed his lips against mine. My tongue made its way into his mouth and before I knew it the shirt I picked out for him was on the floor and we were on the bed.


Hello!! I haven't updated in forever because I've been away on vacation and I haven't found the time to update, so here it is, chapter two! Chapter one was really long and chapter two is just so short and I apologize but I hope you all like it!

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Chapter 3: Waa ~ ~ how cute! seriously was so cool! I'm glad that everything is back to normal * W *
Chapter 2: OHO! you did update! *^* love you author-nim! :3
OH MY THIS JINCHAN FEELINGS!!! //fangirling mode activated//! HAHA XDD anyways, i'll wait for the next update! FIGHTING! ^3^
Chapter 2: Here a new reader! OMG I loved it! I hope the relationship is THIS UKE GONGCHAN, * ¬ * Jinyoung shirtless, must be a great view!! I hope you update soon! ♥
uguuok #4
Chapter 1: ehey~ THIS IS SWEET! *Q* :3 aww~ i would like more update, dear author-nim *^*