
It had been a normal day at the dorm that we all stay in. Well, almost normal. The tension between Jinyoung and I was quickly getting worse. The two of us haven't spoken to eachother with comfort for months now. The other members started to notice only about a three weeks ago. Nothing was as normal as it used to be between us. We tense up when we speak to each other and this look upon both of our faces appears and we just don't seem happy. There was something up with us and the others were very worried about it.  

"So um.. We're all free to do anything we want tonight, are we actually going to do something or are we just going to stay sitting on this floor quietly." Baro said as we were all sitting on the floor of their dorm's living room floor. He wanted to go out and do something, he was bored of the nights when we actually have freedom and chose not to do anything.

It wasn't like this before. --Before Jinyoung and I formed this tension between us and made everything seem so awkward. We all used to go out and do fun things with eachother. Usually always went to a karaoke bar or went bowling. We all looked at Baro and  thought about what we were going to do. Later on that night the others decided they were going to the movie theatre.

"A-Are you two coming along?" CNU asked Jinyoung and I as we both sat on seperate couches, both of us with such sad looks upon our faces. "No, I'm going to stay here tonight, I'm feeling a little sick and I need to get some rest, don't let that stop you all though, I'll be fine, you all go out and have fun." I replied and gave off a small grin, or atleast I tried to.

Jinyoung also wanted to stay home, obviously, but he wasnt too sure about staying after I had already beat him to saying that he wanted to stay home, I knew it. CNU, with a dissapointed look on his face, nodded at me in understandment. He looked at Jinyoung, waiting for a reply to the question he had asked. "I uh.." Jinyoung cleared his throat. "I actually think I'm going to stay here too, I-I'm not feeling to great and I have a huge headache, I don't think it'd be a good idea if I went out tonight." Jinyoung responded, instantly regretting what he had said. I cleared my throat after hearing what Jinyoung had said and walked quickly upstairs to my room.

CNU looked at Jinyoung and sighed. "Y-You two need to work things out okay, I'm upset that you guys wont be coming along with us but this is the right time to at least talk to each other, which is something you guys haven't done in months. Please, just work things out.. I want us all to be happy, normal again." CNU looked at Jinyoung, nodded his head and walked out the door before Jinyoung could respond.

I heard Jinyoung walk up to his room and close the door behind him. I had the urge to go knock on his door and talk things out, I didn't want to continue this way with him. We're both supposed to be happy with eachother and be close friends as we always have been, ever since we were younger, but that's not possible. It's not possible for me to be friends with someone that I want to be more than friends with. I don't think it's normal.. For me to like Jinyoung or even like a person with the same as me but I just do, I'm attracted to Jinyoung in ways I am not even able to describe. 

I left my room, walked downstairs and sat on the couch. I the t.v and put on a movie. I started thinking about what the chances are that things will be normal between Jinyoung again and tears instantly streamed down my cheek. It's been a while since I last felt this way, so sad and so empty. I wanted to talk to Jinyoung so much and I wanted to be able to love him in the ways I desire to. 

I heard Jinyoung walked downstairs but I didn't turn around to look at him. I didn't want to look at him, not like this, I didn't want him to see me like this. "Gongchan.." He whispered. I hummed in response but said nothing, afraid that if I let out a sound my voice would crack or I would whimper. It was the first thing he's said to me in this period of not speaking to eachother.

"Gongchan I-I want to talk to you.." He walked around the couch and sat next to me, not looking at me but looking down on his lap. "I want to fix things between us and I-" He looked at me and his eyes widened. He took me into his arms and held me as if nothing even had ever happened between us, as if we've had the healthiest friendship in the past two months.

"Gongchan are you okay, why are you crying Channie?" I tried pulling away from him but he held me even tighter.

Jinyoung hugging me just made everything worse. "Gongchan.. Please answer me.. A-Are you okay, why are you crying Gongchan?" He said in a soft voice, his voice cracking while speaking; it was absolutely heartbreaking.

I felt his tears fall onto my shoulder,  I couldn't allow that, no, I wouldn't allow that. I pulled away from him, this time successfully and I wiped my tears. "I-I am so sorry Jinyoung, don't worry about me okay, I'll be fine, please don't cry, you have no reason to be crying Jung Jinyoung." I looked into his eyes for the first time in which what felt like forever.

"I don't know what's wrong with you Gongchan but whatever it is, I am worried about it, I'm worried about you in general Gongchan, I know that we haven't spoken in two months but I can't stand to see you sad." Tears kept streaming down Jinyoung's face and it was so heartbreaking, I couldn't say anything to him. He took me into his arms once again, this time though, I wasn't pulling away; I let him hold me, ever so tightly as I burried my face into his chest and sobbed. 

I pulled away again as soon as I calmed down. He looked at me with a face of relief, obviously happy to see that I wasn't crying anymore, just that made me feel warm inside.

Jinyoung was looking down at his feet, rubbing my crossed legs to comfort me. He cleared his throat, looking eager to say what he was about to say and suddenly, I felt nervous.

"Gongchan.. I want to talk to you about.. Us. I can no longer stand not speaking to you and after what just happened-..." He paused for a while. Looking up and into my eyes, now, he began to speak. "I have feelings for you Gongchan, I want to be more than your friend and I think that's why we've distanced from eachother. I didn't want that to happen but it did and that was the last thing I wanted to happen. I am.... I'm in love with you Gongchannie, and this distance between us is killing me. You may not feel the same way but I don't care, this is how I feel and I'm glad I finally got this out." Jinyoung took a deep breath. My face went red and I smiled, still crying and I felt so relieved to hear what he said. I threw myself into his arms, making him fall back into a laying position on the couch.

 "I-I feel the same way about you, Jinyoung." I said, muffled though, due to my face being burried into his chest, once again crying; this time tears of joy.

Jinyoung looked happy and relieved after he and I had confessed how we feel about each other. I was glad that what happened tonight wasn't the end of our friendship but it is possibly the start of something more than a friendship.

Jinyoung and I lied on the sofa together in silence, cuddling. I was holding him and lightly ruffling my hand through his hair; he was humming.


The rest of the members finally got home around 3 A.M, they found us asleep on the couch and moved us up to the room, I was half-awake and was aware that we were being moved upstairs into our rooms, well.. My room, they put us to sleep together. I heard one of them say that they were glad we made up and that they wanted to talk to us in the morning.


Hi!! Ok this is my first update and idk what to leave in authors notes, I hope you all liked it okay bye!

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Chapter 3: Waa ~ ~ how cute! seriously was so cool! I'm glad that everything is back to normal * W *
Chapter 2: OHO! you did update! *^* love you author-nim! :3
OH MY THIS JINCHAN FEELINGS!!! //fangirling mode activated//! HAHA XDD anyways, i'll wait for the next update! FIGHTING! ^3^
Chapter 2: Here a new reader! OMG I loved it! I hope the relationship is THIS UKE GONGCHAN, * ¬ * Jinyoung shirtless, must be a great view!! I hope you update soon! ♥
uguuok #4
Chapter 1: ehey~ THIS IS SWEET! *Q* :3 aww~ i would like more update, dear author-nim *^*