Yay!! I manage to have a friend!!!!

내 일기 - MY DIARY


4 January 2013, Friday


Dear diary,


Olla, me diary.... I'm back from school... HEHE... I sound so happy don't I. You knoe what happen at school??? I MANAGE TO FIND A FRIEND!!!! HORRAY FOR KIM SHIN YEONG THE GREAT.... Her name is Lee Geum Hee. She went to the same class as me.... Actually, she's the on who make the 1st step to approach mama...


Lee Geum Hee's Pix

She's cute doe....


She's very nice... She is quite a playgirl because she have a lot of boyfriends.... Ya, of course she have a lot of boyfriend bcuz she's cute... She said that she had 20 ex-boyfriends and now she have 10 boyfriends.... WHAT THE... I was speechless that time because ya that's a big amount... So, that's all about my new friend, Lee Geum Hee. I'll write to you tommorow, okay? So, BYE~~


Her boyfriends pix...

 and more.....

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Nice story & description! - Yuki
shiningdorks #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
shin_yoonjo12 #3
please update soon