Chapter One

Millennium Butterfly

“Sweetie, I’m leaving now!”

“Wait!” I yelled from upstairs. I quickly put down my guitar and headed down to the front door. I smiled when I saw her all dressed up for her 3rd date with the same guy. It had been a long time since my mother was this happy with a man, other than me of course. “Ah~” I said looking her over dramatically. “You look wonderful Mom.”

She blushed, smoothing down her teal dress. “Always the charmer,” she teased. I laughed and gave her a peck on the cheek.

“He’s going to love you in that dress.”

“He had better love more than the dress,” she scolded as she swatted her purse at me.

“Ouch, ouch,” I whined has I tried to defend myself from my own flesh and blood. “You better not do that to him,” I warned. “I don’t know if he’ll be as forgiving as I am.”

She stopped hitting me and gave me a worried look. “I’m kidding, Ma.”

She just shook her head. “No it’s not that,” she smoothed down her dress again and took out her powder kit to check her face. After a moment she put it back and put both of her hands on my shoulders. “You should have met him by now.”

I gave her a confused look. “This is only your third date with this guy.”

She blushed again and removed her hands. “It feels like so much more than that,” she replied dreamily. “Anyways—“ She was cut off by her ringtone.

“Oh! That must be him now!” She giggled. I broke into a smile, my mother was acting like a teenager.

“Honey!” She answered. “Oh, yes! He’s right here.” She stared at me while spoke, that is until she heard something she wasn’t happy with. “He knows?” She asked worriedly.

I wonder what they’re talking about.I glanced at the clock and winced. Almost time to go and I wasn’t even ready yet.

“Okay,” my mother’s voice cut through my thoughts. “We can do it together.” She nodded and hung up the phone and turned to look at me.

I raised my eyebrows in question. “What was all that about?”

“Nothing,” she answered and continued to stare at me.


“I want you to meet him,” she said abruptly.

“Okay,” I shrugged.


I nodded. “Yeah, okay. If you think he’s good enough to introduce him to me, then okay I’ll meet him.”

She squealed with happiness and hugged me as hard as she could. “Thank you Minnie!” I rolled my eyes at the nickname. “He has a son too you know!” She said letting me go and putting on her coat. “He’s a year younger than you but you both go to the same school!”

That caught my attention. “Yeah? What’s his name?”

She waved my question off and put her hand on the door knob. “I’ll be back late,” she winked and left before I could ask her anything more. I sighed and glanced at the clock once more.

“It’s just as well,” I murmured to myself.


I waited a few seconds after she left and ran back upstairs to change my clothes. Opening my closet I grabbed my duffle bag I used for “the gym”, or so I told my mom, and ped it.

Inside were all my band clothes and accessories. I pulled out a pair of red skinny jeans that were cut across the thighs, a plain white shirt, and my signature leather jacket.

I threw them on and ruffled my black hair with some gel to make it look messy. I glanced in the mirror for a moment and shrugged. The fans always seemed to like this look.

I put my guitar in its case and pulled it over my shoulder. After packing up all my things, I stuffed the duffle bag back into my closet and headed downstairs.

I loved gig nights.


“What do you mean you quit!?” Heechul yelled.

“I quit!” The other shouted back at him.

“You can’t quit,” Leeteuk whispered. “We have a show in an hour. We need a singer.”

Our singer, Kibum, just laughed cruelly. “I guess you can’t go on tonight then.”

I walked up to my friends slowly, taking in the scene and frowned. “What’s going on guys?”

Heechul was at my side in a second, pointing at Kibum in anger. “This guy says he won’t perform with us anymore if we don’t give him a bigger cut of the money.”

I sighed. “Kibum…”

“Kibum, we can work this out.” Leeteuk said quietly.

“UHHG don’t do that!” He yelled at Leeteuk and threw hands up in the air. “I can’t do this anymore! I can’t have my full time job, go to acting class, AND sing in your stupid band!”

“Yah!” Heechul screamed and pushed Kibum in the chest. “Don’t yell at him!”

I gave Leeteuk a regretful look. “Fine,” I said to Kibum.

He stopped burning a hole into Heechul’s face and stared me confused. “Fine?” He asked. “Fine!?”

I nodded, “If you don’t think you can do it, fine.” I told him. “But if you walk now, you can’t come back.” Leeteuk’s eyes began to tear up and I fought the urge to run and comfort him.

Kibum huffed and Heechul looked at me in disbelief. “Sungmin-ah!”

I turned to Heechul. “If he wants out, let him. I’ll sing tonight and we can look for a new singer later.” I put my guitar down and opened the case. I needed to tune this baby before the show.

I glance back at Kibum who was just standing there fuming.

“Hey guys~” Donghae sang as he came into the backroom. “He is every-“

“You’ll regret this Lee Sungmin,” Kibum growled and stormed out.

Donghae moved out of his way and looked between Heechul and I. “What was all that about?” He asked.

Heechul scoffed and went over to his bass guitar to the string like he did every time he was upset. “Kibum doesn’t want to sing for us anymore because he doesn’t have time.”

“You know it’s not like that guys. He just…” Leeteuk burst into tears and I rushed to his side, burrowing his face into my chest.

Donghae nodded sadly and set his bag down by his drum set. “That’s a pity.”

“You mind singing back up tonight then Donghae?” I asked.

“Of course not!” He grabbed his drum sticks and pretended to play the air. “I love singing!”

Heechul and I laughed. “Glad to hear it hotshot.” Heechul said moving to pat him on the back.

I pulled Leeteuk away my chest to look him over. “You gonna okay Teukie?”

He nodded, wiping his tears and sniffling. “Yeah,” he sighed. “I just wish…”

I brushed his hair away from his forehead and kissed it softly. “I know Hyung.” He stopped crying and I let go of him to go back to my guitar.

“You guys want to practice before we go on?”

Heechul laughed and strummed the strings of his bass guitar. “Only losers practice Min.”

I grinned and put my guitar strap over my shoulder. Leeteuk did the same and Donghae sat before his drums. “I guess we’re a bunch of losers then.”

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Are you ever ginna update this? >.<
New reader^^<br />
Really liking the story(: It's really cute~<br />
Update soon!
chunrren10 #3
update soon~~ this is a cute update!~~
lol. they're acts like a couple already.. sungmin should move into kyuhyun's house.
chunrren10 #5
kyaaa~~ lovely story~~<br />
update soon~~
I love it~ ^^ please update!
Queen_Bee #7
Hiiii~~~ new reader hereee,,,<br />
<br />
0h my g0sh,, w0ndering whats Min pLan?? >,<<br />
I Like y0ur pL0t,, N0, i L0ve it,,<br />
PLs update s0on,,
slave contract huh? Interesting >:)<br />
Update soon please~!!
mar1adyve5sa #9
aww..i wonder what gonna happen next..update please!!!^^
haha. the plot is so familiar... i just cant put my finger on it...<br />
i love it tho!! <3