Maybe I wont hate you after all

To Marry a Princess...I Mean Prince

The drive was quite long and both Ren and Baekho had to fight their urge to just fall asleep. Both of the boys did their best to ignore each other but couldn't hold back from letting their eyes to, sometimes, roam over each other and every time they caught each other doing so they both would blush and look away, pretending to be interested in the view. The one thing that run through Ren's mind every time he looked at Baekho was the need to keep his secret for as long as possible but at the same time he couldn't deny the obvious attraction he was feeling towards the other 'I cannot let this affect me' he thought and with a determined look turned his head to look out of the window until they reached their destination.


As the car stopped a servant opened the door and Baekho, being perfectly polite, helped Ren out of the car sending him a small smile. He found the princess mesmerizing even if a bit cold. The way her blond locks glittered it the light of the sun set.


“Your highnesses, the king and queen are waiting for you in the dining hall. Please follow me.” Said the servant and led them to the hall. Baekho took his time to look around as they walked. He didn't visit this place for a very long time already and it felt almost nostalgic. The palace hadn't changed at all, it was still as beautiful and noble as he remembered it.


“Ah! Prince Baekho! You finally arrived! We are very happy to meet you again” said the king the moment they entered the room. He stood up from his seat and walked over to them to shake the young prince's hand.


“Your majesty, it is an honor to meet you” said Baekho and bowed, shaking the offered hand with respect “but…have we met before?” he asked a little confused.


“Yes we have, you probably don’t remember, you were only six years old back then.”


“Oh, that explains it. I hardly remember anything from my childhood” he said. He did remember visiting the palace but couldn't recall any meetings with the royal family since he was just visiting a friend’s family.


“Minki-ah! Why are you standing there? Come talk with us” said Ren's mother and waved to her son, calling him over.


“Mom I asked you to call me Ren, please” he said a little annoyed “Mom, Dad, may I leave you now? I really want to change clothes” he asked a pleading look in his eyes. He didn't want to spend more time then needed in the prince's presence.


“Do you mind letting our princess go Baekho-yah?” asked the queen


“No, of course not, actually I was going to ask the same” answered Baekho "The long way drained all my energy"


“Yes, Yes. You had a long ride, you should go rest. Min..Ren-ah will you show him his room?” asked the queen ignoring the plea in Ren's eyes.


“Yes, mother. Come with me prince Baekho. I will show you your room” said Ren and waved the other to go after him after saying his goodbye to his parents. Secretly fuming at the unwanted chore he was forced to do.


The moment they left the room Baekho stopped.  He looked at the princess frowning “Ren? Isn’t it even more boyish than Minki?” Ren ignored him and continued walking “wait!” he shouted and grabbed Ren’s hand. “Let.Go.Of.Me.” said Ren in a low voice and shoot Baekho a death glare, there were tears in his eyes. Surprised, Baekho let go and Ren continued walking taking a few turns and finally arriving to his part of the palace.


“Here” he said, gesturing at a dark wooden door “that’s your room, mine is next door and they are connected with another door from the inside, but it will be locked until after the wedding ceremony obviously. Now, if you don’t mind, I will go to my room, your highness” he said and entered his room, but Baekho stepped inside before he could lock the door.


“What happened? Why are you crying?”


“I do not” snapped Ren and wiped off his tears. This day was just too much for him and he seriously needed to change and get some rest. “Yes, you do” said Baekho and wiped away one of Ren’s tears that the 'princess' missed, showing him “see”


Ren stepped back surprised almost tripping on his long dress. .


“So, why are you crying and why do you have a boy’s name?” asked Baekho again. Ren pressed his lips together trying to hold back but then he noticed Baekho was unconsciously checking out his hips, that was it. He looked up at the other and folded his arms "I'd really appreciate it prince of you will refrain from asking personal questions at least until we know more about each other than just our names!" he said in a quiet but hard voice, letting the other know he wasn't kidding. The ice in his gaze adding to the seriousness of his words.


The prince was taken aback at the other's suddenly cold and stiff reply. He blinked at the other then smiled "No need to be so defensive princess. There is no way out of this marriage for both of us so way don't we try to get along? We might find that we can actually like each other" he said taking a small step closer. Gay or not he couldn't fight the strong feeling he was having around the other. He took another step forward making Ren step back until he sat/fell on his bed. The blonde looked up at the other "Well...we might as well try...when you put it like that.." he said calming down slowly and glancing up at the other's handsome face.


"Very well" smiled the older " old are you exactly?" he started. And they started their first conversation, which was going to be one of many others.

Hi everyone!! As promised this chapter is longer, I hope it's more interesting too, what do you think?

I hope you liked this chapter! I had so much fun writing it :))

Please comment guys (and subscribe if you like this) It is very important to me to know what you think of the story!

Love you

Ykiona <3

Hey guys! After forever I fianlly updated a chapter. Can't make any promises about next updates but hope they won't take that long lol Anyway comment your thoughts on the chapter pelase =))

<3 Ykiona


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ELFlisa #1
Chapter 4: i love this so much!!...they're so cute together...wonder what happen next??....thanks for the story...
roselain #2
Chapter 4: Love the story~!
Ren is so cute :D
I wonder when Baekho finds out Ren is a girl, cant wait for his reaction kyaaa~!!
Please update soon Ykiona-noona (I dont know how old you are but im pretty sure you are older than i am, im 14 ;P)!
Chapter 4: If you agress your readers it will make them run away instead of commenting ^^;
That's what it does to me. It makes me want to not comment :s
Be careful ;)

Soooooo ~ of course I wished the chapter was longer like what they did during their day and how ren fall in love with baekho *annoying you* :p
But I guess it's fine x)

I still need time to get used to the ... nowadays story xD always shocked about the portables xD

Haha what will Ren do ? I would just jump on the door irl and kick the other out before he can come in and in drama usually the 'girl' hide in the bathtub which I always thought stupid.. who does that ? XD haha or maybe just ren saying he's ? X'D

Hmm and what I wanted to say ? .... oh! Update soon 8D
Love ya ♡
Chapter 3: Ah~ I don't know that much about nuest' otp so I guess I'm fine with everyone x)
If you want the spell checker of aff is working now, before it wasn't but now they change it, you can use it to see the mistakes so you don't have anyone to ask about it :)

Looks like there's a big plot behind this, I'm expecting many things as we don't know anything for the moment x)
It's just the beginning, but it has at least to be 100 chapters 'kay ? :D kidding XD ♥

so now Ren knows about why he's forced to marry Baekho ~
that's quite funny one is gay and no one knows, and the other is a boy and no one knows 8D
will be waiting for the moment they'll discover but I hope there'll be many funny things before ~ and also not funny too x)
I think it's the background that makes me think it won't be full of drama and horror ~ :p

and... I think that's all I thought about xD
as they're prince and princess, in my mind = past time, so it surprised me each time they used the plane or their portable x) I'll need time to adapt myself for that point.
So now you have to update your next chapter :) won't push you 'cause I know it never works x)

it's my first non-B.A.P fiction to read :D
(well not really but Boss' fiction was a one shot, so it's not really the same x)

so this story was already written and you rewriting it, that means it's ended already ? how many chapters ? :3
Chapter 3: yeheyyy! ^___^ hehehe
Chapter 2: please! new part!!!
mzjonghyun #7
Chapter 12: love the story update soon don't leave unfinisheed