Black Suits - Part 1

My Obsession


       Jiyong gazed out the tinted window as trees, people, and other cars whizzed by, only colorful blotches dancing across his line of vision. He didn't know why he was there. His eyes drifted to Seunghyun, who pulled his eyes off the road to glance at him and send him a dazzling smile.To play lap dog for Seunghyun in front of his father and other wealthy corporation owners? To most certainly be humiliated out of his wits at least one time before the end of the night? Sighing, he scrunched up his nose and rubbed his face, being careful to not screw up his intricately styled hair. These days, it seemed like Jiyong never had a clue about what he was doing, or why.

All he knew, was that he really liked Seunghyun.

A lot.

He also knew that becoming so attached to someone was dangerous. Jiyong hated being vulnerable; At any moment, Seunghyun could reduce him to a crying, mentally and emotionally disabled mess. One phone call, or even one sentence, could send him fleeing into the dark depths of his mind in order to find refuge from the harsh reality, which he knows will eventually occur.

"Hey," Seunghyun said, pulling him his pool of swirling thoughts "what's the face for?"

"What face?"

Slowly extending his arm, the taller man caressed Jiyong's cheekbone, as the shorter man gazed into the depths of his warm brown eyes. His touch was as light as a feather and lasted for mere seconds before returning to the steering wheel.

"You look like a sad puppy." his words dripped thickly with concern.

"Well, I'm fine. And you should keep your eyes on the road, I really don't want to be roadkill tonight." Jiyong sighed.

"You sure don't sound fine."

"I am. Don't worry about it."

Sending one last worried glance toward Jiyong, he released a defeated sigh.

The rest of the car ride was spent in a comfortable silence.

      Seunghyun was everything and anything. He was a gentleman; polite, considerate, sweet, classy. Always dressing elegantly, as he was now. And Jiyong knew that Seunghyun wasn't just paying him attention because of his money. Seunghyun's father was the owner of a huge corporation, which Seunghyun had a high up job in. 

      Arriving at the entrance the luxurious restaurant, Seunghyun exited the car and rushed to the other side to open the door for Jiyong, who blushed at this gesture. Handing the keys to the valet, he turned to Jiyong.

Jiyong ran his hands down the front of his black suit. "How do I look?" He asked nervously.

Flashing the smaller man a grin and grabbing his arm, he replied simply "You look stunning, per the usual."

Barely having time to process what the dark haired man had said, Jiyong was through the large wooden doors into a large, dazzling room.

In the room was a sea of black suits and flashy dresses,  men and women chattering amongst themselves, drinking wine and whiskey. There was a bar located at the back of the room, and a sparse amount of circular glass tables that everyone seemed to be ignoring. Reporters and photographers lurked in every corner, occasionally weaving their way through groups of people to get a lead on the newest gossip.

Wrapping his arm around Jiyong's bicep, the taller man immediately led them toward the bar. When the bartender acknowledged them, Seunghyun requested red wine and turned to the blonde with questioning eyes.

"Can I have scotch?" Jiyong asked, an uneasy feeling churning deep in his gut.

When the bartender nodded his head and began scurrying around behind the bar, Jiyong's gaze fell back to Seunghyun, who was returning it with a sweet smile plastered to his face.

"What?" queried Jiyong, a blush creeping up his neck. Did the blonde do something odd to make the taller man grin at him like that?

"Nothing." Simply replied the other man, but his blinding smile remained.

"What?" He repeated, sheepishly throwing his arms over his face.

Seunhyun, sounding upset, tugged at the shy man's face."Don't cover such a gorgeous face, I want to be able to see it all night." 

This only caused Jiyong to tighten his death grip on his head, shaking his head 'no'. He couldn't allow himself to be seen in such a undignified state.

Oh God, what was this man doing to Jiyong?

Latching his large hands onto the younger's tiny hands, Seunghyun gradually pried Jiyong's hands away from his flushed face, forcing them down at his sides. The captive boy's gaze instantaneously dropped to the ground, his face hidden behind his bleached bangs. The raven haired man brought his hand up to Jiyong's chin and softly lifted his face. As Jiyong's heart raced in his chest, he nervously looked around, worrying that the couple had spectators.

"Hey, look at me." Seunghyun demanded.

When the smaller male finally returned the gaze, Seunghyun cast a heartwarming grin, gently pecking Jiyong on the forehead.

"Don't be embarrassed, monkey-boy." His eyes twinkled mischievously as he pulled away.

Before Jiyong even had time to respond, Seunghyun appeared as if a realization hit him, and then his expression was flooded with eagerness, his excitement radiating off him. The taller man placed Jiyong's hand on his elbow as if he were escorting him, and quickly navigated them through the crowd of people.

"Wait- What? Monkey-boy?" furiously squeaked the younger man, punching Seunghyun in the ribs.

"Yah, stop throwing a tantrum, I want you to meet someone."






A/N: Hey pretties, I apologize that this chapter is so extremely short and that I take FOREVER to update, I've just been so busy. I promise that part 2 will be out real soon. Please comment and subscribe! :P            -Gee




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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 5: lol this is hilarous!!
i love this story so much so far!! it's really good :D
i love that dae is so protective over ji, and looked into his eyes for like 91923779 hours to see if he was high or not :P :P that was funny
authornim,, please update!! i don't know if i can live without this story :P :P
melody38 #2
i'm really missing this story, i hope you'll update it again :`(
Atenais #3
Chapter 5: Oh, I was missing this story. You are right, it's a very short chapter, but I really enjoyed to read about Jiyong's feelings. Looks like he's feeling very uneasy about his feelings and about his role in Seunghyun's life.
Seunghyun is a mystery for me too. Looks like he's hiding something and I still can't understand the way he acted in the first chapter, why he helped Jiyong and how he knew his name.
I hope you update soon. Thank you!!!
Chapter 5: Askdkgkrisnx. They are just so <333
I love how Jiyong can become flustered so easily by one action or glance and then Seunghyun is so smooth and gentlemanly and just guhhhhh.
I'm so happy you updated because I love this so much XD and I don't care how long I have to wait or how short the chapters are. Just as long as I get more of this amazing fic ^^
Chapter 5: Omo happy to see this story again!! Thank you for the update! ㅋㅋㅋ to who TOP would present GD?? Poor GD this night should be tiring!!
anime_fushigi #6
Chapter 5: aww we were only just starting to learn more about tabi and then there's a cliffhanger????? ;^; ....but its okay because i really want to see how ji grows from knowing seunghyun~~ <3
Gwenouille #7
Chapter 4: I like it so much how Jiyong almost dies everytime :) Interesting story so far. (Plus: Daesung I love you!!!)
Atenais #8
Chapter 4: Oh, I really liked this chapter. Jiyong is starting to admit that he has feelings for Seunghyun. But Seunghyun is a so mysterious character. We know nothing about him!
When he saved Jiyong I thought he already knew Jiyong and I still have this feelings.
They're going to date. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Thank you so much!
PS: I love this pic in your background.
Chapter 4: Hahaha it would be less funny if he did what I suggested ..... anyway going to a business party with TOP!!!! Omo that would be interesting
Chapter 4: OMG YOU UPDATED! I am am ashamed to admit that I nearly forget about this fic u_u'
I went back and read the previous chapter as well to refresh my memory and I don't think I mentioned before but omg I love that Ji keeps on wearing his ring and that hyun tells him to keep it <3 that made my heart flutter.
I like how it's progressing so far and omo so excited for this date! And aaahhh so much Daesungie love XD