Adrenaline and Instinct

My Obsession

       Jiyong instantaneously began flailing his limbs, attempting to free himself from his captor. Pushed up against the grimy building wall, he felt like a trapped animal. Fueled by adrenaline and instinct , he landed a punched in what he guessed was his abductor's stomach. A gasp of pain came from above him, but the hands still held him firmly against the wall. Jiyong was about to take another swing when the other man finally spoke up.

"Stop it, ." a deep, sultry voice growled next to his ear.

       Jiyong in a breath, his arm automatically dropping limply to his side. His mind was racing at a million miles an hour. He knew that voice. It had to be him.

But it can't be.

The unimaginable speed at which Jiyong's thoughts were flying didn't allow him to process them much. In result, it ended up with him spitting out possibly the stupidest response in the history of stupid responses.

"There's hardly any need for name-calling." He said, his bottom lip jutting out. Pulling it back in as soon as he realized he had been pouting, he silently thanked God that it was way to dark to see anything.

"You hit me. I think I can take the liberty of calling you a name."  he mumbled, the source of his husky voice coming a bit farther from Jiyong's ear than it was before.

His cheeks burning,  Jiyong was about to cover his face until he remembered that it was dark. The stranger couldn't see a damn thing. 

"Well, I think I can take the liberty of hitting you if you yank me into a dark alley and trap me against the wall. Or should I just stand there and let you have your way with me?" The smaller man teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

At that comment, Jiyong was positive the man was blushing; He could almost literally feel the heat radiating off his face. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach, but the blonde's confidence was beginning to fade back into existence, and he no longer felt like a flustered middle school girl.

Well, at least not as much as he did before.

"Yah, are you going to let go of me or what?" Jiyong emphasized his words by wriggling his trapped arms.

The taller man instantly released Jiyong's arms, taking a step back.

"Sorry. You want to get out of here? Maybe go back to my place?" 

Jiyong couldn't believe what he had just heard. His heart was lodged in his throat, and he felt as if his head was going to combust. Could such a gorgeous creature really be into him? Or did he just realize how much money Jiyong had when he was at his house that night, and just wants to leech off him. The blonde couldn't even count how many times that had already happened. He couldn't bear to go through it again.

Cautious, but b with excitement nonetheless, Jiyong couldn't resist teasing the black-haired man.

"What makes you think I want to come back to your place? I don't even know you. All I know is that you just pulled me into a dark alley." He responded, the tone of his voice playful and light.

"Well, all I know is that I saved your life and now you've resigned to stalking me for the past week." 

Jiyong turned red, yet again.

"Can I at least know your name before I hop into a car with a complete stranger?" Jiyong queried hopefully. He was dying to know his name. He didn't know why; The question had been lingering in the back of his mind for the past week. He wanted to be able to put a name with the face. 

"Let's save conversation for later, I just want to get out of this creepy- alleyway. And who said anything about a car?" Just as Jiyong was about to huff out in frustration from the avoidance of that question, a warm hand circled his wrist and he was tugged out onto the sidewalk.

       The dim yellow light emanating from the street lamps lit up the taller man's perfect features. Jiyong's heart skipped a beat when he saw this gorgeous man, and he quickly looked down at his feet. As the stranger dragged Jiyong behind him to his ride, something on the smaller boy's hand caught his attention.

He lifted Jiyong's petite hand to further inspect the ring on his thumb.

"Yah, is this my ring?" he questioned while raising an eyebrow, amusement sparking in his eyes.

"Yeah. You left it in my bathroom." Jiyong glanced up into the man's clear brown eyes, his ears burning.

The brunette had a -eating grin plastered to his face as he said

"You can keep it. It looks better on you any ways."

       When they finally reached their destination, Jiyong couldn't keep the delighted surprise from showing on his face. The stranger's vehicle wasn't a car as he had expected; it was a sleek, black sports motorcycle. A very expensive one, at that.

       The blonde turned to the other man, questioningly raising his eyebrows. The latter just grinned mischievously at him and handed him a black helmet. The taller man silently jumped onto the bike, pulling up the kickstand and staring expectedly at Jiyong. Pulling on the helmet, he sat and wrapped his arms around the other man's waist. His heart exploded in his chest, and he was sure if he had to take any more of this there was no doubt that he would die of heart failure.

       Thankfully, they arrived at the house in a short amount of time. The brunette hopped off the bike and entered the house, Jiyong in suit. The living room was adorned modestly and cluttered with junk, but had  a warm feeling of welcoming. Empty coffee mugs, papers, CDs, and other miscellaneous items covered nearly every surface. But it wasn't bad; The chaos gave a sense of being at home.

"Sorry about the mess. I didn't think I'd be having company tonight." He explained, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"It's fine. My house isn't that much better."

"Yeah, I noticed," He flashed a genuine smile and nodded his head toward a couch in the corner "You can sit if you want. I'll go get us a drink."

         The dark haired man receded into the dimly lit kitchen. Sighing, Jiyong sunk into the couch and listened to the shuffling in the other room. What was he doing here any ways? He didn't know the man, yet he was totally and completely enthralled with him. He felt like bashing his head against the wall. A cork popped and the clinking of glasses sounded in the kitchen. A minute later, the man entered the room carrying two glasses and a bottle of wine. He intsalled himself next to Jiyong, filling the glasses with the deep red drink.

" I hope you like red wine." he simply stated, handing Jiyong a glass.

Jiyong took a sip while stealing a glance at the other man. He immediately regretted it as he began choking on the sip he took. The latter had been drinking the wine in the most y, seductive way Jiyong had ever seen. He gawked as he sputtered and attempted to catch his breath, feeling as if his poor eyes were going to fall out of his head.

The other man eyeballed him and calmly requested "Please don't die."

Jiyong couldn't help but laugh at his serious tone.

"Don't worry, I won't. At least not with you around." he giggled "But can I know your name now?"

"I'm Seunghyun. Choi Seunghyun." He smiled warmly.

"Seunghyun." Jiyong said the name. It rolled off his tongue with ease. Gazing at Seunghyun, he introduced himself.

"I'm Jiyong. Nice to meet you." He responded, smiling sweetly.

"Yeah, I know. You may not remember everything, but we have met before." he clarified.

"Well, can you explain to me exactly what happened that night? I do recall some things, but it's just bits and pieces." Jiyong asked sheepishly, crossing his legs.

       And at that, Seunghyun began to tell a detailed anecdote of what happened on night they met. Seunghyun had become friendly with a drunk Jiyong, and decided to help him get home. After he retrieved the address from Jiyong, they took a cab to his house. Seunghyun had found the spare key, and helped Jiyong in, but as soon as they were inside, the drunken boy had passed out on the carpeted floor. Seunghyun realized that something was off; Jiyong was struggling to breath. He found the empty pill bag in the unconscious man's pocket, and it hit him. Jiyong had overdosed. He dragged him to the nearest bathroom, pulled him into the tub, the shower, and had him purge up all of the wretched pills. When he was finally convinced that Jiyong was alright, he dried him off and tucked him into his bed. After a half of an hour, he had to return home.

       While listening to Seunghyun's story, they had both consumed a decent amount of alcohol. The blonde contently observed the other man. That dimpled smile repeatedly made his insides melt, and his brain felt like it had been microwaved a few hundred timed. As the alcohol finally made its way into Jiyong's system, he began to doze off. His eyelids fluttered, and he struggled to keep them open.



      Jiyong gasped as he opened his eyes. When had he closed them? He must have nodded off while Seunghyun was talking to  him. He slowly took in his surroundings. His head was resting comfortably in Seunghyun's lap, and above him the brunette was peacefully dozing. His eyelids flickered, and Jiyong wondered what he was dreaming about, his mind wandering for a bit. The two glasses were sitting on the coffee table, next to a nearly empty bottle of wine. Jiyong's shoes were removed, and so were Seunghyun's. He guessing that had been of the other man's doing. Returning to reality, he delicately sat up, not  wanting to wake the slumbering man. He silently picked up Seunhyun's cell off the coffee table and checked the time.

2:37 a.m.

       As he was about to set the phone down, another thought crossed his mind. Quickly opening the contact list on the phone, he added his in. He wanted to keep in touch with this wonderful man. Even if they simply were friends. Jiyong left the phone opened on his contact, and gently placed it on the table. Making as little noise as possible, he recovered his shoes and made his way toward the door. In front of the door, he took one last look at the scene before he stepped out into the harsh night time winds. A soft glow emanated from the slightly cracked kitchen door. Seunghyun's head rested on the back of the couch, his dark hair  cutely tousled and his clothes disheveled. If this man wasn't the definition of beauty itself, Jiyong couldn't begin to imagine what was. He left the house, carefully closing the door behind him. As he began to shiver from the howling winds that whipped past him, he shakily retrieved his phone from his back pocket and dialed the first number that came to his mind. 

After a few rings, the call was answered with a groggy "Mhmm?"

Jiyong simply replied:

"Daesung, I need your help."






Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was sorta y, I'm running a fever and it's hard to concentrate. Please comment! Comments are pretty much the only things that keep me motivated to update. Thanks for reading, bye~ <3


Seunghyun's bike. Hot, right? xD

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 5: lol this is hilarous!!
i love this story so much so far!! it's really good :D
i love that dae is so protective over ji, and looked into his eyes for like 91923779 hours to see if he was high or not :P :P that was funny
authornim,, please update!! i don't know if i can live without this story :P :P
melody38 #2
i'm really missing this story, i hope you'll update it again :`(
Atenais #3
Chapter 5: Oh, I was missing this story. You are right, it's a very short chapter, but I really enjoyed to read about Jiyong's feelings. Looks like he's feeling very uneasy about his feelings and about his role in Seunghyun's life.
Seunghyun is a mystery for me too. Looks like he's hiding something and I still can't understand the way he acted in the first chapter, why he helped Jiyong and how he knew his name.
I hope you update soon. Thank you!!!
Chapter 5: Askdkgkrisnx. They are just so <333
I love how Jiyong can become flustered so easily by one action or glance and then Seunghyun is so smooth and gentlemanly and just guhhhhh.
I'm so happy you updated because I love this so much XD and I don't care how long I have to wait or how short the chapters are. Just as long as I get more of this amazing fic ^^
Chapter 5: Omo happy to see this story again!! Thank you for the update! ㅋㅋㅋ to who TOP would present GD?? Poor GD this night should be tiring!!
anime_fushigi #6
Chapter 5: aww we were only just starting to learn more about tabi and then there's a cliffhanger????? ;^; ....but its okay because i really want to see how ji grows from knowing seunghyun~~ <3
Gwenouille #7
Chapter 4: I like it so much how Jiyong almost dies everytime :) Interesting story so far. (Plus: Daesung I love you!!!)
Atenais #8
Chapter 4: Oh, I really liked this chapter. Jiyong is starting to admit that he has feelings for Seunghyun. But Seunghyun is a so mysterious character. We know nothing about him!
When he saved Jiyong I thought he already knew Jiyong and I still have this feelings.
They're going to date. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Thank you so much!
PS: I love this pic in your background.
Chapter 4: Hahaha it would be less funny if he did what I suggested ..... anyway going to a business party with TOP!!!! Omo that would be interesting
Chapter 4: OMG YOU UPDATED! I am am ashamed to admit that I nearly forget about this fic u_u'
I went back and read the previous chapter as well to refresh my memory and I don't think I mentioned before but omg I love that Ji keeps on wearing his ring and that hyun tells him to keep it <3 that made my heart flutter.
I like how it's progressing so far and omo so excited for this date! And aaahhh so much Daesungie love XD