Music Class

Listen to your dreams, it's telling you something

Your POV

"Taeyeon unnie! Who's in our class?" i asked.

"Since it's the last period of the day, this class has most of the artists since some of us have to leave right after for recording or something~Why do you ask?" she said.

"Ouhh nothing~ i just wondered cuz i see lots of famous kpop artists going inside and some are behind us~" i told her.

"Taeyeon~!" someone yelled "Who's this?" they asked.

"This is ________ ah~ she's Jessica and Krystal's cousin she just came from states~"

"Oh~ so i'm guessing you don't know who 2PM is?" OMO. no wonder he looked so familiar!! 

"NO! i DO KNOW you!! you''re you'ree.........uhhhhh.....Wooyoung right?!" i said aiiimaygawd i just met a 2PM member, okay besides Nickhun haha :)

"haha~! Nice to meet you _________ah~ Wooyoung oppa at your service." 

"you don't need to be at my service! haha! You in 2PM and performing is all good for me!" i said.

"haha ok ok okay~ so since you hang out with the Sment ppl you know who SHINee is?" Wooyoung asked

"SHINee? who's that?" SHINee? who is that?

"Whoa~ you don't know them? You'll see in class today then~ the Lead Singer is in our class" he said

we walk in the class and talk to the teacher.


Jonghyun POV

sitting in the middle of class, right now.

Whoa~ ______ah~ is in my class! Yay! get to fool around again~

"_______ah~! Over here!" i yelled. she looked at me and told me to wait, i shrugged in my seat.

and then she sat in the seat in front of me and turned around. "Yes opppa?" she said.

"Do you know who SHINee is?" i asked

"No...Who is SHINee anyways? and Where's their Lead singer? I heard he's in this class." she said T.T

"you've been in the SM building like 3 times this week~"

"Whoa! how'd you know that?" she said

"Cuz i saw you inside?" i told her. "Didn't you see me too?" i said.

"No.? But yeah wheres their lead singer?" sh said

i lay back in my seat and put my arms behind my head. She was drinking water. "You're looking at him~" she choked on the water.

i patted her back. "you okay?" 

"*coughs* You ? You're their lead singer?"  

"Yeah~ just watch in class _________ah~`" patted her head.


I'll make part two soon! i'm getting pushed off the computer~! ~_~""" 

thanks to commenters/ subscribers/ readers/ silent readers~!

i'll update soon again! :)  

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killthemall #1
yeah!! dreams do come true!
:P another short update~ sorry~!! i will make sure i write moore next time :)
SORRY! short update and i know i haven't been ...updating :P SORRY! but i'll try more though i'm like brainstorming my other story that i haven't updated just like the foreward and the chapter one but yeah~
so far so good..keep it up :)
Iheartlife #5
Go Jonghyun...if I was in __________ place, getting to feel his abs....i would faint or do something equally stupid...oh well update soon :D
sakura4li #6
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LOL!!! XDXDXD<br />
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I always imagined being an American/Korean/Filipino then moving to Korea and having Dara/Thunder as my childhood friends and Debuting as an Idol XD :D<br />
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Pero seriously. natawa lng ako ^^ XD