Couvade Syndrome

2013 Jump Start Ficlet/Drabbles

xxxGDbabyTOP88: gtop please~~~ more gtop and gtop!!! mybe you can write about seunghyun take care of preggy ji that has mood swings and a lot of complaints to be made such as sore foot, become fat and tired, and so on~~

AN: I don't really dig mpreg so I hope this suffices.



“Seunghyun!  Are you in the kitchen?”

At this point, the question was almost moot.  Seunghyun was always in the kitchen these days.  Or at the store, shopping for things to stock the kitchen with.

“Yes, what do you need?”

“Do we have any frozen yogurt left?”

He opened the freezer and assessed the damage.  They had half a dozen flavors of Ben & Jerry’s tucked away up there, not to mention different ice cream bars and popsicles.  He grabbed the Chubby Hubby and made for the living room, but…

“Can you get the corn chips while you’re in there?”

He should have known, really.

Jiyong’s feet were propped on the coffee table in front of the couch, his head tilted back against the cushions.  An icepack was balanced carefully on his face.  Seunghyun shook his head at his absurd mate and left the food on the table to sit beside Jiyong and hopefully watch the rest of the soccer match in peace.

But as soon as he was comfortable, bare feet plopped into his lap, toes wriggling.  “Give me a massage.”

“What?  Why?”

“They’re sore…”

He knocked Jiyong’s legs out of the way and opened the beer he’d brought with him.  “Rub ‘em yourself.”

The icepack rolled into Jiyong’s lap as he sat up to pout.  “You rub Bom’s feet all the time!”

She’s actually pregnant.  You aren’t.”

The pout turned to a scowl.  “That doesn’t mean my feet can’t hurt, too.”

“Stop being ridiculous.”  An easy goal for the Korean national team turned into a foul and Seunghyun sighed, arms gesturing in frustration to the sky.  He looked over just in time to catch Jiyong dipping chips in his ice cream.  “Are you serious.”

Mouth full, the other man held out the carton.  “Try it!”

“I think I’ll pass.”

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Danees #1
Chapter 3: This is cute and good. I wish you could continue (:
Jojokawaii #2
Okay, request!

Jiyong is being embarrassed after the first time he and Seunghyun have actual . Seunghyun tries to make it go away with kisses and hugs and promises of sweet things.
Chapter 3: hahaha Love it!! ^^
Chapter 3: That was good!! Haha clever
lonelybluemonster #5
Chapter 3: Haha...that was great! I love it! ^_^
Chapter 3: Kkkyyyaaaaa GD having a phantom pregnancy!!!! You're a genius!!! ㅋㅋㅋ I love it!!!!! Lol I would like to read GTOP reaction when their little girl will be a teen or bring a boyfriend to home!? (Is that a proper request or did I have to make one??)
Chapter 3: hahaha~~ silly ji!!!
can't stop laughing at his crazy antics,,
thanks for the story anyway... i love it :))
and please write more gtop since i love to read their one-shots...
this time maybe rapunzel jiyong and prince seunghyun?? i don't know~~ kekeke..
<3 ya author-nim~!
Chapter 2: kekeke^^ adorable and cute~ can't stop laughing at the last sentence though~~ wanting more of gtop moments like this pretty pleaseeee author-nim~~!! :))
Chapter 2: kekek so cute! xD
Chapter 2: Omo cute as well..... Want more of them like this!!!