One Down, Thirteen to Go

2013 Jump Start Ficlet/Drabbles

Waterr:  GTOP - more GTOP as parents will be great, like first day of Preschool


Seunghyun knelt in front of the couch, phone in hand, camera rolling.  “And now, something Jiyong Papa has planning for all these four years,” he announced in his broken French.  “Sophia’s hairstyle for first day of school!”

The small girl sitting on the floor watched him unamused, wincing with every tug of the hairbrush Jiyong was wielding from his seat behind her.  Her hands fidgeted in the hem of the expensive black and white print dress she’d been wrestled into earlier.  All in all, it had been one stressful morning.

“Hand me the detangler,” Jiyong mumbled through the two red barrettes in his mouth.  “And put the camera down, already!”

But Seunghyun had no intentions of missing a moment.  “So tell us, Miss, how excited are you to start preschool?”

“I hate it already!” she snapped back, bottom lip protruding and arms crossed. 

Jiyong tapped her lightly on the top of the head with the brush.  “Watch your tone.”

Seunghyun, who wasn’t quite as much the disciplinarian, laughed.  “And what do you hate about it?”

“I hate this stupid dress, and I hate—“  Sophia struggled to wrench away from Jiyong’s incessant brushstrokes, but he held her fast with his socked feet.  “Appa! Make him stop!” she pleaded to Seunghyun in Korean.

“Sohee, SIT DOWN!” Jiyong ordered, slipping into their native tongue himself.  He rushed through the rest of it, twisting a few locks and pinning them before releasing her.  “There, now go brush your teeth, and move it!”

He caught Seunghyun snickering behind his phone.  “I said turn that off!”  This time he took it away by force.

“Don’t want evidence of how hard you’re gonna be crying?”

“Or evidence of the spanking someone’s gonna get if she doesn’t straighten up!” he called up the stairs to the bathroom.

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Danees #1
Chapter 3: This is cute and good. I wish you could continue (:
Jojokawaii #2
Okay, request!

Jiyong is being embarrassed after the first time he and Seunghyun have actual . Seunghyun tries to make it go away with kisses and hugs and promises of sweet things.
Chapter 3: hahaha Love it!! ^^
Chapter 3: That was good!! Haha clever
lonelybluemonster #5
Chapter 3: Haha...that was great! I love it! ^_^
Chapter 3: Kkkyyyaaaaa GD having a phantom pregnancy!!!! You're a genius!!! ㅋㅋㅋ I love it!!!!! Lol I would like to read GTOP reaction when their little girl will be a teen or bring a boyfriend to home!? (Is that a proper request or did I have to make one??)
Chapter 3: hahaha~~ silly ji!!!
can't stop laughing at his crazy antics,,
thanks for the story anyway... i love it :))
and please write more gtop since i love to read their one-shots...
this time maybe rapunzel jiyong and prince seunghyun?? i don't know~~ kekeke..
<3 ya author-nim~!
Chapter 2: kekeke^^ adorable and cute~ can't stop laughing at the last sentence though~~ wanting more of gtop moments like this pretty pleaseeee author-nim~~!! :))
Chapter 2: kekek so cute! xD
Chapter 2: Omo cute as well..... Want more of them like this!!!