Random Questions

Sweet Harmony

OUTFIT: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljxlsoZCax1qeo03no1_500.png

The Following Day..


"Get up! Lee Seung Gi's downstairs." You brother nudges your arm and leaves.

"Mwo?!" You rushed up and got ready, you checked the clock, it was only 7:30 AM.

"What the hell is he doing here early this morning!?" You muttered.

"Seung Gi oppa.." You spoke coming down the stairs.

"Morning." He smiled standing up. 

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"Is it bad?" He asks.

"Err.. I'll be heading out babysis. Lock the door. AND you Lee Seung Gi, don't even TRY." You brother glared at Lee Seung Gi and hugged you goodbye. He turned around and left. 

"Well, is it bad? Seeing you here?" He asks again.

"Anyi oppa, it's just.... Weird, don't you have somewhere else to go?" You ask approaching him.

"Nope, not really." He smiles.

"Oppa, I have an audition at 9:00 AM." You spoke sitting down.

"Well then! I have something to do! Watch you." He jokingly laughed.

"Oppa!~~ Stop being nice." You whined.

"Wae?" He asks.

"I don't know~~." You pouted. 

"So cute!" He commented. 

"Oppa!~~" You again, whined. 

"Ara.. I'll stop." He smiles pinching your cheeks. 

"So, whatcha wanna do? I'm all set anyways." You asked.

"Err, let's play random questions." He suggested.

"Okay!~" You spoke in English which is very adorable. 

"You go first." He said.

"Hmmm.... Aha! Who do you like most in SNSD?" You ask.

"Yoona!" He answers. "How about you?"

"I like Tiffany though." You smiled. 


"Molla oppa, she's very pretty and smart and very good in English. I envy her." You explained.

"Hahahaha, I bet you're good in English too." He added. 

"Anyi!~ I'm not." You pouted. "Oppa! Your turn!" 

"I had my turn." He cleverly retorted. 

"Fine. Hmm... Do you like any girl right now?" You ask.

"Do I really have to answer truthfully~~?" He whined.

"Ofcourse oppa!"

"Well, I do like someone." He answers.

"NUGU OPPA?!?! TELL ME WHOO!~~" You asked annoyingly. 

"Secret." He winked. 

"How about you? Do you like someone?" He asks.

"I like a lot of people oppa." You winked out smarted the smart one. 

"Hahaha! Caught me there." He laughed. 

After the game you realize it's time to head for the auditions. A text was sent to you by Manager Lee.

MESSAGE: --------sshi. Go to CUBE Ent. building F. Auditions are hel there. See you soon! Fighting!

"Oppa, I have to go." You said.

"I'll drop you off. I have filming at 11:00 so I'll stay a little bit longer there if it's okay." He stood up fixing his clothes.

"Oppa, gomawoyo." You bowed.

"Stop doing that." 

"Stop being nice to me oppa!" And again, you out smarted the smart one. 


Meanwhile, at BEAST's dorm house. 

"Announcement!" Hyunseung yelled.

"Neh!?" The others chorused. 

"So, apparently... Beast has been chosen to be part of this drama called 'My Heart' and needs one Beast member to participate." Junhyung spoke. 

"I wanna be in it!" Dongwoon jumped.

"Anybody else?" Junhyung asked ignoring Dongwoon.

"Hyung~ that's mean~~." Dongwoon whined.

"It's correct of him though, stop being a pest and start studying you have an exam coming up right?" GiKwang scolded.

"Oh! Wow~ ---------sshi is also auditioning today." Yoseob mummbled.

"Nugu?" Du Jun then became interested putting his PSP down.

"Park --------- -----------." Yoseob slowly pronouced your name syllabe per syllable.

"Shut up." Du Jun smacked Yoseob's head.

"Can I?" He asks Hyunseung.

"Molla, you're the leader." He smiled and Du Jun got the reason why Hyunseung said such words. 


"We're here!"  Lee Seung Gi exclaimed.

"Hehehe." You giggled.

"Fighting!" He added.

"Gomawoyo!" You smiled as Manager Lee pulls you towards the dressing room. 

"So is he now your boyfriend?" Manager Lee asks.

"Aniyo!~" You replied in shock.

"Haha, my bad. I see you with him all the time. Sorry." He smiled. 

"So, you have to get in character. We have to see how you look like when you're in character and it will give the judges some feel to the scene that your about to portray. So put these on and you have to wear fake eyelashes and contact lenses that are color black. Your eyes are just too light." He instructed. You bowed and obidiently followed. 

OUTCOME: http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljv91qie9R1qeo03no1_500.png

You came out of the dressing room and you could hear a lot of people gasping and exclaiming 'wow' or 'amazing'  and soong Lee Seuing Gi spotted you and all he could do was stare at you.

"Oppa, is it okay?" You asked.

"Perfect." He spoke.

"OKAAAY! MS. PARK ------- ------- and SIR YOON DU JUN PLEASE PAIR UP AND YOU'RE NEXT." A man from behind the curtains yelled.

Yoon Du Jun.. Oppa? Is here? Auditioning?

And soon as you knew it. You were beside him. 

"Anniyong." He smirked making your heart flutter. 

"Why are you here? Auditioning?" 

"I was chosen?" He smiled.

"OKAY! REAAAADY ACTION!" The man interrupted. 



YDJ: But, I love you... I don't want you to leave me.[He kneels down grabs your hand]

YOU: I... I don't love you. [you start crying]

YDJ: Please, don't leave me.. I beg of you.. [He starts crying]

YOU: It was never you Kyle... It was never you.. [You look away]

YDJ: I love you.. [He stand up carresing your cheek]

YOU: I don't.... [You turned around]

YDJ: [Dives for a kiss]

"AAAAAAAAAAAANNNND CUT!" The man again, interrupted. You sighed in relief not kissing Du Jun. 

"That. Was. Amazing." The judges chorused. You both bowed and exited.

You ran to Lee Seung Gi, screaming. 

"Oppa! Oppa! I did great right?" You smiled.

"Yeap!" He cheered. 

"But I sure hope I was Yoon Du Jun at that time" He added giggling.

"Oppa!" You smacked him. 

"I have to go, it's almost 11. My manager will kill me if I'm late. See you later -------sshi!" He smiled and left. 

You turned around and saw Du Jun packing, somewhat annoyed.

"Hey!" You blurted out.

"What the! Don't scare me!" He jumped.

"Mian.." You bowed.

"It's okay, I was just.." He trailed off.

"What?" You ask walking closer to him.

"Ah nothing..." He looked up and smiled. 

"Ms. Park and Mr. Yoon please follow me." A personel intterupted. You and Du Jun followed her back into the stage and saw all judges together. 

"You made it, both of you lead parts." One of them spoke and you jumped for joy hugging Du Jun. After minutes of happiness you come back to your senses and pulled away. You smiled  awkwardly and bowed to the judges. 

"Please don't worry. I'll do my best!" You bowed again.

"I'll do my best! Gamsahamnida!" Du Jun bowed, smiling. 

You stroleld off and changed back to something confortable and wiped all the extra make up off. You sat down and waited for everybody to leave. However, Du Jun sat beside you. 


"Wanna grab something to eat -----------sshi?" Du Jun suggested breaking the awkward silence. 

"Where to?" You asked.

"Anywhere." He smiled grabbing your bag. 

"What the? Give it back!~~" You whined.

"I'll carry it for you. It's heavy and we're walking." He smiled. Accepting defeat you let him be.

"Du Jun oppa. Let's play random questions." 



Am deeply sorry for making this chapter quite short. ^^ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT! :)

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Chapter 1: discovered this story, and OMYYYYYYYYAAA I LOOOOVEEE Lee Seung Gi SOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUCHHH.

I'll read the rest. :)
Aahh ! Omg pleease update ! Even though its been like a year already !
koala001 #3
is this story finshed??? Why haven't you updated since may?? and no one commented since april...???
lovelyjho #4
omay!!!! i really like this!! :DDDD PLease update soon!!!! (^^)
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