Why Do I Even Bother

Miduhyo (Believe)

“When we walk together

 Hands intertwined

 Holding you close to me

 I see the rest of my future in your eyes”


Changmin and I finished the duet we were singing, the song that we wrote together at my house several days ago. The entire class clapped. Mr. Park smiles and gives us an approving nod, meaning that we have done well.

After the class ended, I hugged Changmin. I couldn’t have done this without him.

“Thanks,” I said. “A lot.”

He smoothed my hair and silently nodded in respond.


“Wanna celebrate?” I ask Changmin as we walk down the halls together.

“Sure! I know this café downtown that’s really nice. I’m sure you’ll like it,” he said with a smile.

“Shall we?” I pretend to make a confused face and he punched my arm lightly. “Alright, let’s go!”


“One mochaccino latte and one Americano, please,” I said to the waitress.

“Okay,” the waitress scribbled something on her notepad and walked away.

Just as Changmin and I were laughing about how the waitress’ nose is tilted (it’s literally tilted), a middle school student scurried over to our table, looking excited.

“Oppa,” she said sweetly to Changmin, blinking her eyes a few times. “Can I have your phone number, please? Please, oppa?” she blinked several times again, now her smile even bigger.

But Changmin coolly shrugged her off by saying, “Nope. Because I’m all hers,” he circled his arm around my waist. Me, who’s shocked and didn’t know what’s going on, just smiled sweetly at her and got into the act as well.

The middle school student, looking slightly dumbfounded and disappointed, managed to fake a smile and said, “Oh, okay. I should’ve known,” before awkwardly walked away.

“Ya Shim Changmin, what was that for?” I half-shouted to him after the middle school student is out of sight. My mochaccino latte and Changmin’s Americano has finally arrived.

“Relax. It was just a joke, you know. Don’t take it too seriously,” he laughed as he took a long sip from his Americano.

“Yeah. I know. I guess I’m just a bit shocked,” I said. I almost blurted out, ‘My heart goes like thumpthumpthump the moment you hold my waist.'

But then I think, ‘Why does my heart go thumpthumpthump? It’s only Changmin, right? I’ve promised Kibum I’ll wait for him until he comes back from America. Changmin will stay as a friend.’

But then I think again, ‘Why do I even bother?’

"Ya! YA! Seungmi, you alright?" Changmin waved his hand in front of my face. Oh, I must be spacing off earlier.

"I'm alright. Just spacing off a little. You should get used to that."

"Okay," he said with a laugh. "So, where do you want to go next? I'm really hungry~" he said, his lips pouted. Why is he so cute? I noticed then that he has finished his Americano.

"I know a place that sells really yummy steaks," I said. "You wanna?"

"I'm so hungry I can eat three portions!"


After eating steak, we decided to go to the cinema because there's this one film I really wanted to watch. Actually it's a sad romance film and I don't really want to watch it with Changmin. But since I haven't got the chance to and Changmin doesn't resists, why not?

Because Changmin forced me to got in queue to buy the largest bucket of popcorn, the film has started when we got to the studio. The studio is dark with only some faint lights at the stairs. I was making my way down the stairs when I suddenly slipped - I was expecting the worst; for me to fall rolling down the stairs, but then, my body never hit land.

Changmin had caught me just in time. But then, the popcorn he was holding earlier spilled all over my face. It was so funny that I started laughing. I must've laugh really loudly because I could feel some stares on me.

More carefully this time, Changmin and I finally found our seats and settled down.

"If you're trying to be romantic, make sure you got everything right next time," I said to him, my laugh still not wearing off.

He didn't answer. He just smiles without looking at me, pretending to focus on the film. I know it's really dark, but I swear I can see the tiniest shade of pink on his cheeks.

I could feel the pink shades on my cheeks, too.


"Thanks for today. For everything," I said to Changmin as we exited the cinema.

He smiles and stares into my eyes. He holds the gaze for a long time. Then he brushes the hair out of my eyes. For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me when he suddenly hugged me.

"Thanks a lot, too," he said, tightening his hug.

I replied his hug. Hugging Changmin, it felt warm. It felt right. It felt like it 's the exact thing that I should be doing this exact moment.

I feel like I belong.

But then I'm reminded of Kibum and what I promised to him and -

Ah. Why do i even bother? Let's just enjoy the moment.

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eunhaekyumin04 #3
Chapter 4: Sumpah unyu banget. Ganti judul nih? Heheheh
GayDragon #6
kim ki bum!!!!!
Chapter 3: Dan partner gue jaejoong asdfghjkl ahahahaha
Chapter 3: Whoawhoawhoa asdfghjkl aaahhhhh
baektotheyeol #9
Chapter 2: Aaahhh Changmin XD Akhirnya muncul juga.. Btw, plot yunjae nya jadi? o_o