
A Perfect Mélodie



After your talk with L.Joe at the park, you walked back to you dorm, feeling very happy, despite the fact that you would be filming another episode of your variety show with Teen Top soon.

You walked in, closing the door quietly behind you, being careful so as not to wake up any of your fellow members.

“Oh, Mélodie, you’re back.” Hearing your leader’s voice come from the other side of the kitchen you had just walked into made you jump out of your skin.

“Unnie!” You forced a smile at your leader, who was sat at the counter eating cereal, an unimpressed look on her face. When Young-Mi didn’t reply, you continued, “Good morning.” You attempted to greet her cheerfully, but she still just sat staring at you with the same un-impressed look on her face.

You tried to ignore the stare of your leader as you made your way to the bathroom, feeling slightly uncomfortable with her watching you like that and not saying anything.

When you came back out of the bathroom, Young-Mi immediately looked back up at you.

“Is something wrong?” You eventually decided to ask, feeling a little too uncomfortable with the creepy look your leader was giving you.

“No.” She answered simply, and continued staring at you with the same creepy look.

You shook your head, letting out an inaudible sigh, before walking back into the other room. You frowned when you saw that the other members weren’t there and that the room was empty.

“Where is everyone? They’re not in there.” You walked back into the kitchen and glanced at Young-Mi.

Suddenly the door bust open, scaring you to death.

“SURPRISE!!!!” They yelled, and the bang of confetti guns made you jump, making you scream, lose your balance and fall on the floor.

Sitting up, you brought your hand up to your head, feeling dizzy from falling on the floor. Everyone who had been standing at the door rushed over to your side to see if you were ok.

You stared at the ceiling for a while, waiting for the dizziness to fade before you got up, when faces began appearing in your view, at first, you thought you saw the other members of Popcycle, but you couldn’t be sure, you were that dizzy.

Cho-Hee smiled down at you, laughing yet still looking concerned.

You frowned as you scanned the faces of the people looking down at you, and when you saw someone who looked like Niel you were almost certain that your brain was playing tricks on you.

“I really don’t think my brain is working too well.” You sighed, rubbing your head and looking round at the people peering over you in confusion.

Everyone began laughing when you said this, including Niel, and when he offered you his hand to help you up, you realised that he was real, and it wasn’t just your brain playing tricks on you.

You hesitantly took Niel’s hand and he pulled you up gently. Now that you were stood up straight, you looked around at the other members of Teen Top and Popcycle, who were smiling at you widely.

“What are you all doing here? And what’s all this about?” You asked, gesturing towards the members of Teen Top standing in front of you, and then towards the confetti that was scattered across the floor. “I was with you just a while ago.” You frowned, pointing at L.Joe who just stood there, smiling gently at you.

“We know!” Ae-Sook laughed, and the others laughed along with her, confusing you even more... Weren’t they all asleep when you left?

“I don’t understand...”

“Well, we wanted to plan a party for you.” Young-Mi began to explain. “Since we’re filming the show together again today, I thought it would be best to apologise for all those things we said and thought about you. We can’t have fun filming the show if we aren’t all friends.”

“Ah.” You nodded, listening to what she was saying as you went to sit down on the couch.

“I’m sorry, I want us to have fun today.” She smiled.

“I’m sorry too.” C.A.P smiled at you. “I guess it was very rude for me and the rest of my group to treat you the way we did.”

You smiled sincerely, accepting his apology.

“M-me t-too.” Chunji stuttered when C.A.P pushed him forwards to apologise to you. You couldn’t help but smile at how shy he looked. Since when was it even possible for Lee Chan-Hee to be shy?! “I was really h-horrible to... to you. I just didn’t... I didn’t think b-before I spoke. I’m really sorry.”

“Ah, it’s ok.” You smiled, before turning to the others and frowning. “Thank you for this, but, there wasn’t really any need to plan a surprise party.”

“It was Chunji’s idea!” Grinned Ricky from the back of the crowd of people. “He wanted to do it to make the filming more enjoyable for everyone.” You glanced over at Chunji, catching him shooting Ricky a glare, before looking shyly to the floor.

“Ah, don’t feel bad about it. It was a sweet thing to do.” You smiled sweetly at him.

“I’m really sorry for everything I said.” He apologised sincerely.

“It’s ok.”

Chunji moved out of the way and Ricky stepped forwards, giving you a half hearted smile, before throwing his arms round you and hugging you almost to death.

“I’m so so sosososososo so sooooooo sorry Mélodie!” His voice cracked a little as he apologised and you looked at his face, noticing tears welling up in his eyes. “I really didn’t mean to fall out with you, I just thought you were being mean to Jae-Hwa, but now that I know what really happened, I feel really bad about it and I’m so sorry for not being your friend-”

“Ricky...” You interrupted him quietly, whether it was to soothe him and stop him crying, or because his grip on you was so tight you could barely breathe any more, you didn’t know, but you knew that he felt bad about it, and that he really did want to be friends with you again.

“I’m so sorry Mélodie.” He said, now sobbing. “I thought you would hate me now because I wasn’t your friend, I didn’t want you to-”

“It’s ok, it’s ok.” You smiled, patting his back gently, to get him to calm down and stop talking nonsense.

 Ricky finally let go of you after what seemed like an eternity, and  he walked back over to stand next to L.Joe. When you looked at L.Joe you noticed he was just stood there smiling at you. You scoffed, a smile still evident on your face as you tapped his head gently with the back of your hand.

“I can’t believe you! You had this all planned! You asked me to meet you in the park so they could do this!”

“It worked.” L.Joe shrugged, smiling shyly.

You laughed and hi-fived him, L.Joe’s smile fell into a hearty laugh, before he looked down at the floor.

Changjo smiled as he nudged your shoulder.

“I guess we’re all friends now right?” He asked, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a small smile. “I’m sorry I wasn’t your friend.”

“Yeah, we’re friends don’t worry about it.” You smiled looking back at the rest of Popcycle, who in turn came up and apologised to you by themselves.

When it came to Jae-Hwa, you froze up a little, not really knowing what to say to her.

“Yah! Am I really that pretty?” Jae-Hwa faked a gasp, smiling sweetly at you. “It was nice to get such sweet compliments, even if they were in a nasty letter I wasn’t supposed to see.” She laughed.

As you said this, you immediately felt guilty, and you swallowed the lump which had grown in your throat. You threw your arms round her waist and buried your face in her neck, sobbing lightly, even though you weren’t yet crying.

“I’m so so sorry that I did all that, when all you wanted to do was help me.” You sniffed.

“It’s ok, don’t worry about it, I was prepared for things like this to happen.” She smiled at you when you pulled away from the embrace, wiping away the tears, even before they had chance to spill. “Anyway, I think we should probably go now, we don’t want to be late for filming.” She grinned, taking your arm and pulling you towards the door.

You were about to protest, and say that you hadn’t yet had chance to speak to Niel, but decided against it when you saw him standing behind everyone else, his hands in his pockets as he looked down awkwardly at the floor. You could talk to him later; there would be a chance for you to speak to him.

Outside, both groups split and you went in your separate vans. You waved goodbye to some of the members of Teen Top and got into the van beside Jae-Hwa.

When everyone else began talking to one another, your thoughts began to wander to L.Joe and what he had said about Jae-Hwa that morning.

“Jae-Hwa?” You asked, turning to look at her properly.


“I thought you liked Niel... Why were you trying to help me with him?” You thought that if Jae-Hwa was helping you out with Niel, maybe you could help her out with L.Joe, that is if she did like him...

“Niel?!” She almost screamed, before bursting into a fit of laughter. “Niel really?!”

You stared at her blankly, confused as to why she found it so funny.

“He’s a really good guy and very good looking, but he’s really not my type!” She grinned, and you felt really bad for Niel, after all, he had said that he liked her. “Honestly, he’s prettier than me! He has huge eyes and really big lips... That’s just not the sort of thing I find attractive.” She nodded as she thought about it.

“Ah so... What is your type?” You asked, genuinely interested, yet at the same time, hoping she would says something about L.Joe.

“Umm...” She began, looking down as a blush crept across her cheeks. “I like blonde guys.” She confessed, looking out of the window.

“Oh.” You smiled, trying not to sound too shocked as you mentally face-palmed. Byunghun had just dyed his hair again. And this time it was dark brown.

You were on a very tight schedule, so as soon as you arrived at the country house, you began to film for the variety show, meaning that once again, you didn’t get chance to talk to Niel. However, this didn’t stop you from smiling every time you looked at him as you thought about what Jae-Hwa had done for you. It was hard, but you had to be careful not to smile too much when you looked at him, after all, there were cameras everywhere, and the last thing you wanted was for rumours to start when fans saw it on TV.

The game that you all played was a game which didn’t involve you working together in teams, and you were playing separately, despite not being able to play the game with L.Joe, you still had a good time and the day passed quickly.

It was now evening and you were all sat in the living room, smiling and talking together.

“I’m bored.” Ricky whined, laying out on the floor like a starfish, his arm draped across Cho-Hee, who was sat on the floor in front of the sofa, with Chunji’s legs over her shoulders as he sat on the sofa with his head resting on L.Joe’s shoulder, and his leg draped across Ae-Sook, who was also sat cross-legged on the floor, playing with her hair, putting it in plaits and tying ribbons and bows and pins into it.

“Why don’t we do something then?” Young-Mi proposed as she pushed a sleeping C.A.P off of her shoulder, making him fall on top of Soo-Min, who let out a squeak as Minsoo’s head hit her knee.

“5 more minutes.” C.A.P mumbled, rolling over and making himself comfy on Soo-Min’s lap. She grimaced and shuffled across so that she was almost sat on Changjo, who only smiled as she shuffled closer to him.

“OH! I have an idea!” Ricky squealed, shooting up so that he was now sat on the floor, almost hitting Cho-Hee in the face in the process.

“Ok?” Young-Mi gestured for him to continue as she climbed out from her place on the sofa beside you.

“We could do a campfire!” He grinned, getting to his feet and jumping up and down.

“Yes!” Cho-Hee squealed, standing up, forgetting Chunji’s legs were on her shoulders and almost pulling him off the sofa, as he grabbed on to L.Joe’s shoulder for support.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Changjo nodded, wanting to get up also, but being unable to do so as he was sandwiched tightly between L.Joe and Soo-Min.

You all agreed to going to do a campfire outside, and Young-Mi practically had to drag C.A.P outside as he was still half asleep.

You all took your seats around the campfire, of course, Ae-Sook was with Ricky, Soo-Min was with Changjo, Cho-Hee and Chunji were together, and Young-Mi was propping C.A.P up, so that he didn’t fall into the fire and burn to death while he was drifting in and out of sleep. Niel hadn’t yet come outside, so you went to sit beside L.Joe.

As you noticed Niel coming out of the house with Jae-Hwa, you turned to L.Joe, a small smile playing on your lips.

“Don’t you think it would be better if Jae-Hwa was here?” You asked, gesturing to where you were sat.

At this you noticed L.Joe blush, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at him.

L.Joe took your advice with a shy smile and went to sit beside Jae-Hwa. Niel sat at the opposite side of the campfire, and you sat alone. You didn’t even notice though as you were having that much fun talking with the other members of Popcycle and Teen Top.

It wasn’t long before you all began to play a game, the looser and the winner had to switch places, you smiled, excited to play a game.

“What? That’s not fair she cheated!” Changjo complained after Young-Mi announced he was the looser.

“I didn’t cheat!” You laughed, holding your hands up in surrender. “I’m just the rightful winner.” You grinned.

“Ugh.” Changjo groaned, standing up to switch places with you, reluctant to leave Soo-Min.

You laughed, tapping him jokingly on the shoulder as you switched places with him and looked to see who had been sitting at the other side of him.

Then you saw it was Niel.

You felt a little uneasy about this as you went to sit beside him awkwardly. All this time Niel had been watching you, and you just stood there, with your eyes wide, staring back at him, not knowing how he was going to react to you having to sit next to him.

The following round, C.A.P lost, and he was made to switch places with Chunji, who was the winner, he sat down at almost immediately collapsed on top of Cho-Hee’s shoulder, earning a glare from Chunji as he went and sat beside Young-Mi, folding his arms.

The game continued for a little while longer, and after this everyone began to sing songs, you smiled as you joined in with them, forgetting the awkward atmosphere between you and Niel, and just enjoying being outside in the evening, around a campfire, singing with your friends.

“Mélodie.” A voice came from behind you, making you turn to see where it was coming from. As you did you came face to face with Niel, feeling a blush creep across your cheeks. Niel just sat looking at you, and amused smile on his face.

“You didn’t hear what I said did you?” He chuckled lightly and you shook your head. “I said I think you sing really well.” He admitted with a sweet smile, making your heart flutter.

You were about to reply when you noticed that Niel was coming closer towards you, leaning in from where he was sat.

You looked back up and locked eyes with Niel, almost too captivated by his deep, sweet brown eyes to be able to look away. Your heart pounded in your chest as Niel came even closer to you, and you could have sworn you were about to faint.



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Is it over?
Can you please update this story? I really miss it alot
I miss this story...
Ahh. I miss this T^T update please?
Chapter 35: Please update!!!!!!!
Inspi2uty #6
Chapter 35: Yes yes yes <3
Chapter 35: I'm glad they're together now ^^ I didn't really like this chapter. Just in my opinion. But still, it's cute!
Chapter 35: so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hikari_leeyanna #9
Chapter 35: auwwwww..sweet..update soon..i love your story..