Falling for You?

A Singer's Love Story

Ha yeon’s POV


That stupid dino is happily back with Nicole. I mean yeah, I’m happy for them and all, now that everything’s been cleared up. But he’s been super rude to me recently as well.

“Pick up your shirt, Jonghyun!” I yelled at him, picking his shirt up from the floor with my toes.

“Aish, stop complaining!” he said, snatching it from my feet.

I grimaced at him and started walking back to my part of the room.

“Jeez, what’s with you? You’re like Key, all naggy and stuff,” he said.

“I’m telling him you said that,” I retaliated, taking out my phone and pretending to dial a number.

“Don’t! He’ll kill me,” Jonghyun said, taking the phone out of my hand.

“Yah!” I said. How many more months is he going to do this? It got boring after the first week. Ugh, curse this stupid dinosaur looking man.

Ha yeon-ah~ messeji~ my phone beeped.

We both stopped moving, just diverting our attention to the strange sound. Soon after, Jonghyun burst out laughing and said, “What kind of stupid message tone is that?”

“Whatever!” I flushed. “Give me my phone back.”

Jonghyun of course NOSILY my phone and read the message in an annoying tone, “Wanna get coffee and chicken?”

He paused, looked at me and said in his normal voice, “From Onew.”

I took the phone from his hands when he looked at me. I made a face at him and said, “So?”

“When did you two become so close?”

“Why does that matter to you?”

“I’m just asking, dude,” he said.

“I don’t know. We just did,” I said, putting on my coat since it was getting chillier each week.

“Okay,” he scoffed. “Whatever.”


Onew’s POV


I waited at the same coffee shop that Ha yeon and I were used to going to for a week or two now. I was happy talking to him, knowing that he doesn’t mention about Jonghyun or Nicole often. I played with my fingers, wondering if I was completely over her.

I still feel a bit bitter about it, though. I thought to myself.

“Onew-hyung!” Ha yeon called out, waving to me.

I smiled and waved back.

“So,” he panted, clumsily sitting down across from me. “There’s an annual fair. Let’s go today!”

“W-why?” I asked, wondering why he wanted to go all of a sudden.

“Are you busy?” he pouted cutely. No wait…why would I think that was cute?

“I’m not…but I’m just asking.”

“Because that stupid dinosaur pissed me off!” he angrily said, folding his arms. “So let’s just go have fun!”

“There’s no—”

“A new fair just opened yesterday! Don’t worry let’s just go! I brought my money,” he grinned.

I chuckled and said, “Alright. Let’s go.”




We arrived at the new fair; It was decorated nicely, and of course, very crowded. Since it was getting colder, standing in a mile long line wasn’t the most fun thing to do.

“Aish,” Ha yeon stood on his tippy toes and tried seeing how much longer the line was. He looked at me apologetically and said, “Sorry Onew. I should’ve probably thought to get tickets first.”

I could feel my face getting warmer. Ha yeon really did remind me of Migoto...that’s the reason I feel like this right?

“I-it’s okay,” I stammered. I mentally face palmed myself and thought, “Why did I have to stammer?!”

I tried to avoid thinking about her…but everytime I look at Ha yeon, it becomes increasingly hard…I mean Ha yeon is a boy too…

“Achooo!” Ha yeon sneezed…very feminine-like.

“Do you want my jacket?” I offered.

“Huh?” he looked at me, rubbing his nose. He smiled, and I realized that Ha yeon really really really did look like her with his hand covering part of nose and mouth.

“Migoto…?” I said without thinking.

“Who?” he asked, confused.

I snapped out of my daze and thoughts. No way could it be her. They just coincidentally really look alike… “Nothing, sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Ha yeon said. He turned around and said, “Ohh, let’s pay for admission now!”

I felt awkward after standing in the line for so long. Now that there were things we actually could do, we just walked around, pretending to look around. Well, at least I was…

“Onew! Let’s do this!” he said, pulling my hand.

We did several attractions like games and contests. Once we bought chicken, the weird atmosphere had long melted away. Luckily, being so crowded, I wasn’t approached by any rabid fans, which I kind of feared.

“Ahhh I’m so full,” I happily said, content and patted my stomach.

“Ohh! We should go make cotton candy~” Ha yeon pointed to the stand and got up like we didn’t just eat three buckets of chicken.

I followed behind her but I ended up tripping over air. Ha yeon turned around and laughed, extending out his hand.

“So this is the Onew sangtae I see on variety shows~” he bubbily said. Although I was embarrassed, I pulled my hat down lower, laughed along with him and grabbed his hand.

We walked over to the cotton candy stand. Turned out we could actually make our own, with any flavors.

“Are you okay?” the man running the stand asked me.

I nodded.

“You’re lucky you have your friend here,” he said.

A sharp pain went through my nerves. It felt kind of in the past…




“Migoto-ah,” I said.

“Neh?” she smiled.

“Do you want some?” I offered her some of my lunch, consisting of mostly chicken.

“Sure~ Thanks Onew,” she said, taking some.

“Aww aren’t you two cute,” one of our nosy friends said, smirking.

“Yah,” Migoto hit his head gently. I internally glared at that action. “We’re just friends, right?”

Migoto looked at me, completely unaware that I liked her. Sadly, I slightly nodded and sighed to myself. I was too afraid to tell her before, but now that she said that…


End flashback


I grimaced, I’m always friend-zoned. I looked at Ha yeon, who was excitedly listening to the man on how to make cotton candy. He had beautiful facial features—smooth and feminine. His laugh and smile was pretty feminine also. Compared to Key, Ha yeon would be the better diva. Sorry about that, Key.

I realized what I was thinking about. I just thought a man was pretty and attractive. Am I so desperate that I fell for a guy?

…I’m gay now?

I think I'm going to burst out laughing.

“Onew, here try some,” Ha yeon said, extending his arm out to my mouth with cotton candy in his fingers.

I was about to open my mouth—but that seemed waaay too couple-like. I smiled and attempted to take it from his fingers. He avoided my hands and said, “Just open your mouth.”

“What would that make us?” I blurted out. I covered my mouth instantly. Oops.

“What do you mean?”

I coughed, trying to cover up what I just said, “Never mind…”

“I mean, it’s not like people are going to think weird right? We’re just friends,” he slightly pouted, putting the piece of cotton candy that he offered me into his own mouth.

My heart beat faster hearing the word ‘friend’. It’s not what I think others are going to think…it is how we think of each other. Don’t you do those kinds of things if you’re a couple?

“You still seem sad…about that girl and Nicole,” Ha yeon finally said. “I mean…sorry…for bringing it up again…”

I shook my head. I ripped a piece of cotton candy and ate it. Smiling at him, I said, “No, forget it. Come on, we should have fun.”



We continued to stay at the fair until it was pretty late. Once the lanterns on the stands and wires were starting to turn off one by one, in addition to more people leaving, Ha yeon and I decided to also leave.

“Ahh,” I said, clutching my stomach. “I have to go to the bathroom before we leave.”

Ha yeon nodded and said, “Go ahead. I’ll wait for you here.”

After I finished my business, I walked outside, to see Ha yeon confronted by three girls. I leaned against a wall, close enough to hear them but able to hide myself.

“You’re cute, oppa,” one of the girls said, giggling.

“Neh oppa can I have your number?” another girl said.

“Which school do you go to, oppa?” the third girl asked.

“Uhh…” Ha yeon simply didn’t how to respond.

I clenched my fists. Why are those girls trying to flirt with him? He’s…he’s…

I patted my jacket and straightened up. Turning around as if I didn’t know the girls were there, I said, “Oh, Ha yeon who are they?”

Ha yeon looked at me with a look of relief. “Onew, uhm…they’re…”

“Oppa, you’re friends with Onew-oppa?!” they shrieked.

“Neh…” Ha yeon shyly responded.

They quickly asked for signatures, and I did so. Thinking that we would finally be able to leave, the three girls turned to Ha yeon and continued to flirt with him. es.

I grabbed Ha yeon’s wrist firmly but delicately and said, “Sorry, we have to go now.”

Fortunately, the girls allowed us to leave in peace, probably happy they already got signatures

“Thanks for that,” Ha yeon said.

I was still holding his wrist. My heart beat furiously and I felt my stomach constrict. I stared at him, and then let go. “No problem.”

I decided not to tell him that I didn’t like the girls around him. It was better to keep the mood here, where he thinks I saved him from the awkwardness.

He was fortunate, while I, on the other hand, was…maybe, possibly, slightly jealous.



onew is such a cutie i wanna just squish him bc of he's always friend-zoned :c

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Haii I'm a new reader and I just wanted to tell that this story is really interesting. Keep it up! I'll be waiting for your next update~ ^^
For a second I thought this was a rip-off.
awesome cant wait for chapter 1 ^^