Mission Not So Accomplished

A Singer's Love Story

Ha yeon’s POV


A week passed without any news about what the commotion was about although the cops had come the decision that it wasn’t anything serious. By now, it had pretty much died down. Jonghyun and Nicole had explained about the kidnapping to SHINee, Kevin and me but asked to keep it a secret for some reason, so only the seven of us knew what happened.

“By the way…Jonghyun…we’re back together again,” Nicole told me a few days ago.

“Oh really?” I smiled back. “That’s great!”

“Could you not say anything about it though?” she requested.


“Uhh…just because…” she twiddled her thumbs.

“Okay , then,” I said. “Can I tell Kevin though? Since I think he deserves to know.”

“Yeah, other than Kevin, no one else. Do this one last thing for me, please,” she said.

I nodded and agreed to keep it a secret, even though I admit I was quite curious as to why.


It was the end of the school week; the great feeling of a Friday afternoon after school. I developed a habit of visiting Ms. Shin often now, just to talk about what happened and if there was any news.

I entered the office and smiled, “Hello.” I handed her a cup of coffee that she requested me to get her.

“You really got used to this, haven’t you?” she smiled. Ms. Shin wasn’t nearly as intimidating as the time she found out I was a girl.

“I have. I’m not sure why either,” I said.

“Ah, I have a question today,” she said. “How do you plan on hiding your…monthly thing?”

I immediately answered since I planned for this, “I hide my pads in a locked compartment. When I use them I’ll put the used ones in my bag and throw it away in a different trash can later on.”

She nodded and said, “You’re good at hiding this.”

I laughed and said, “I’ve grown up knowing this.”

“I have to say I apologize for yelling at you when I found out. I should have tried to understand first.”

I shook my head and said, “No, it’s alright. I think everyone would be angry that they were lied to.”

“What will you do if you are found out?” she asked.

“I’m…I’m not sure…but I have Kevin and Minho to back me up because they know,” I answered.

“Hmm…let me tell you why I was extremely upset the first time I met you,” she said, taking a sip of coffee. I adjusted to a comfortable position, waiting for a good story.

“There was this guy who used to go here…his name was Lee Sung jong. He has a similar story like you…he…was disguising himself as a girl.”

“Really?!” I asked, wondering how it could be possible that someone else had done this before.

“Yes…but in the end, everyone found out…” she continued.


“Then…everyone started to be confused, and in the end, shunned him. The guys who liked him because he was pretty were confused and hated him. The girls hated him because they told him so many secrets and were ultimately tricked...”

“Did he leave?”

She nodded. “He ended up transferring to another school. He was only a year older than you. He tricked everyone into thinking he was a girl for two years at this school. And it hit him hard. I didn’t expect for his situation to appear again…as you.”

“But…what was his reason?” I asked.

“He had an interesting reason. He needed to cover up for his sister or something because she was trying to be a singer, and couldn’t attend school. I heard that even he joined the idol story now.”

“So he left the school…and became a singer?” I kept replying, curious about this Sung jong.

“I guess…but I think he was a special case. He had actual, real talent, and with his sister as an established singer already, it might have helped him get into a company,” she said.

“What I’m saying is,” Ms. Shin looked at me. “Is that I’m really not sure how this will turn out if you continue for so long. I really doubt you can hide it for four years…and even still, what will happen to you after you graduate?”

I sighed and thought about it. In four years, I can make a lot of different friends…and if we graduate with me still lying to them, how would they feel?

“I don’t know…but I…don’t intend to change or reveal myself,” I said, deciding to not think too much about the issue.

“I know. I won’t force you to for now, but like I said. If anyone else figures out, I have no choice to do it because I don’t want you to end up like Sung jong.”

I nodded and said, “I understand.”

“Well, I think it’s getting kind of late…I think I should probably go home then to my daughters,” she smiled at me. She handed me a few dollars for the coffee.

I exited the room and thanked her for understanding my situation again, and then headed for my room.

Lee Sung jong…where have I heard that name before? He’s in an idol group now… I thought. He was really successful for dropping out of school like that…would I end up like him? I can’t tell if I want to either...

I saw someone sitting in the corner. Who was it?

I walked over and said, “Excuse me.”

He looked up at me and I realized it was Onew. He…was crying?

I gasped and said, “Onew, why are you—”

He shook his head and said, “I’m sorry…please ignore me…”

“Why would I ignore you?!”

“It’s nothing,” he sobbed.

“Yah…tell me…maybe I can help,” I pleaded.

“I—I don’t know…am I just a horrible person?” he asked.

“Of course not!” I said. “Why would you think that?”

“Then am I just not attractive enough?”

“Of...course...not,” I said.

“Then why would Nicole go back to Jonghyun?” he murmured softly.

What? This is what he was crying about? Now that I know they’re back together…why didn’t I remember to tell her to clearly break up with Onew?! Oh my god I am an idiot. I slapped my head in frustration.

“W-was that a stupid reason to cry?” he asked with puppy-ish eyes, looking at my hand.

“Oh no!” I said, embarrassed how he took it the wrong way. “I slapped myself because of something stupid I did. It’s not you, don’t worry.”

I stood up and offered my hand. I smiled, saying, “Come on. Get up, I’ll get you some chicken.” I had learned after a few mere days that Onew’s favorite food, hands down, was chicken. That’s right.

He immediately grabbed my hand and looked brighter, “R-really?!”

“Of course. You deserve some,” I said.

“Ha yeon, you’re awesome~” he said, wiping his tears.

We headed for the entrance door happily until the devils came: Jonghyun and Nicole. They were holding hands, but let go when they saw us.

“Oh…” Jonghyun said awkwardly.

We all looked in different directions. Well, except me; I glared straight at the two.

Walking up to Nicole, I grabbed her hand, pulling her closer and whispered to her in a very low voice, “I thought I told you to tell Onew.”

“I-I…” she stammered. “I was going to soon…”

“Soon should be at least a week’s time!” I yelled a bit too loudly.

“Sorry,” she bowed to me. “This is why I asked for you to keep it a secret…”

“I didn’t say anything. He found out,” I grumbled, pointing to a very clueless Onew.

Jonghyun came over to Nicole and pulled her back, saying to me, “Yah, what’s with your attitude?”

“Stay out of it, dino,” I said.

“Anything involving Nicole involves me now,” he stuck his tongue out.

I sarcastically laughed and said, “How chivalrous.”

Grabbing Onew’s wrist, I promptly stomped out of the school without letting anyone else say another word.


Jonghyun’s POV


Wow…that Ha yeon is an . I angrily scoffed. I haven’t talked to him much in a while, and this is what happens? What secrets is he hiding with Nicole anyway?! I looked at Nicole and said, “Are you okay? What was that all about?”

“Nothing,” she shook her head. “Well, there’s nothing to worry about anymore. I think it’ll be cleared up.”

“Okay…” I skeptically accepted what she said.

“Oh, by the way, let’s tell everyone about our relationship tomorrow, okay? We don’t really need to hide it anymore.”

“Okay…” I once again agreed, a bit worried about what just happened, but nevertheless trusting her.




Ha yeon’s POV


I stuffed a chicken drumstick into my mouth angrily. Onew stared at me in disbelief, even holding back eating his own chicken. I looked at him and noticed what I was doing.

“Sorry,” I apologized. “You can have the rest.”

“No,” he shook his head and smiled. “It’s not that. I just don’t know why you’re so angry.”

“I’m angry,” I huffed. “Because I specifically told Nicole…” I stopped. Even though I was angry, I did agree to keep it a secret about their relationship, even though Onew knows, now.

“What?” he asked.

“No…nothing. Never mind,” I said, biting into the chicken again.

Onew takes a chicken wing and puts it into my plate. “Here, eat more. You’re too skinny.”

“Thanks…” I said, calming down.

There was a peaceful silence as we ate our food. I looked out at the windows often, seeing the sky turn darker and darker. Although I might have been mad, I was glad that no one was seriously injured or anything. Onew definitely wouldn’t have done anything about it…and even if he did, Jonghyun might bully him or something. I just hope that it’ll be alright…and to not be so complicated.

“Do you know you remind me of this girl?” Onew suddenly asked.

My eyes widened. “What?” Did he just say I remind him of a girl?

“I-I mean not your looks...” he corrected himself. He must have realized I act weirdly when people mention that. “I mean your personality. She sits and talks like you. You’re like the male version of her.”

“Oh…” I said, relieved. I should probably get used to hearing these by now…but NO, it still makes me nervous…

“She used to be my crush,” he said, staring out the window. He pointed at one of the buildings, towards an apartment. “She lived there. We used to come here all the time. Funny how we’re here…”

“What happened to her?” I asked, trying to get my mind on something else.

“She moved away. I never told her how I felt,” he pouted. He smiled at me genuinely, “I got over her of course. After I met Nicole…but…”

“You must’ve really liked her…” I said, guilty that I actually helped her get back with Jonghyun.

“I’m sorry…” I continued. “I…actually helped her get back with him…”

Onew looked at me, kind of surprised. I wasn’t shocked at that at all, of course. It seemed like I wouldn’t be involved in these kinds of things.

“B-but…it’s probably better this way. It’s not good to be in a one-sided relationship,” I tried explaining myself, even though I had no right to. I technically helped destroy his happiness. Yet I continued, “Besides, I was hoping that Nicole would like…tell you before she got back with that stupid dinosaur.”

Onew nodded and said, “I understand. You were doing it as a good friend. Is this what you were angry about?”

My eyes widened. Oh great. I just told him everything. Dammit, what now?! I said, “Don’t say anything! C-can you like p-pretend it never happened?”

I wasn’t ready for another addition to all the drama and complications here that might make Nicole my worst enemy.

“I won’t, don’t worry. I’ll try to forget about it all now…” he said.

I grinned and said, “Thanks Onew! You’re awesome! Here, you can have the rest.”

I gave him the rest of the chicken left and he brightened up cutely. “You don’t mind? I’m really going to eat it all then!”

“Go ahead,” I laughed.

That was simply an innocent moment between us. I didn’t expect what would happen in the future to…well…ever happen.



/celebrates i think i found out how to make things work agian sobbing ;~;

anyway sub and comment if you feel like it and like the fic ~:3

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Haii I'm a new reader and I just wanted to tell that this story is really interesting. Keep it up! I'll be waiting for your next update~ ^^
For a second I thought this was a rip-off.
awesome cant wait for chapter 1 ^^