A game or two

What a Fateful Concert! ♥
Chapter6: A game or two.
“YAH KIM JONG HYUN, LET GO OF HER HANDS NOW!” Stomping angrily over to where JongHyun was, Key started lecturing him.
Dumbfounded at how fast HaeRin and JongHyun were progressing, JinAe and SungYoung exchanged curious gazes at HaeRin who simply stood there with her jaw dropped.
‘I thought Taemin has long hair?!’ K wondered out loud unknowingly.
Her words made Taemin along with the rest of the SHINee members burst out laughing.
“Did you really think that I would want such long hair? I am wearing clip-on hair extension during the Sherlock music video and I’ve to wear it when we head out for promotions or schedules. If not, I would always take them out when I’m with the other hyungs.” Taemin confessed before chucking at the shock expressions of the three girls.
When the laughter died down, the atmosphere started to get a little awkward as nobody really bothered to make small talks. Attempting to break the silence, SungYoung happily brought up a suggestion. “Let’s have a mini party of our own! We can eat the food and sing to songs while playing games!”
SungYoung started blushing when she noticed Key staring at her. Thinking that she was probably too annoying or loud for the idol’s liking, she immediately quieten down as her cheeks continued flushing a bright pink.
‘She’s blushing! Even though she’s not as attractive as her other two friends, she has a rather unique personality.’ Key thought before nagging at the rest, urging them to eat their fill before playing anything.
After a hearty brunch, Taemin announced the start of spin the bottle.
When the eight of them have sat in a circle surrounding the spinning bottle, it came to a stop as the neck of the bottle pointed at Onew.
“Who do you like most among the three girls?” Taemin asked teasingly, causing the leader hyung to blush at the straightforwardness of the question.
“Ehh…” Onew stuttered, not knowing what to say with his obvious shyness.
“Oh hyung come on, so spill, who do you prefer the most among the three of them?”
“J-JinAe…” Mumbling the answer to the maknae’s question under his breath, he silently hoped that Taemin would let him off there and then and not embarrass him any further.
However being the playful maknae, Taemin acted as though he did not catch what Onew had said and requested for his hyung to repeat his answer louder this time round.
“It’s JinAe.” Onew repeated, his reply coming out louder than expected.
Upon hearing her name being called out by the leader, JinAe started turning red and she tried to cover her blush by pressing both her palms against her cheek in attempt to cool herself down.
“JinAe-ah!” The group cheered excitedly, especially SungYoung and HaeRin who were trying not to giggle at JinAe and Onew’s expression.

Wanting to divert the attention away from him, Onew said something about continuing with the silly game before spinning the bottle. The bottle then came to a stop with the neck pointing at HaeRin this time round.

“You’ve yet to introduce yourself!” Key suddenly realized before demanding a thorough introduction from her as part of the ‘truth’.

“Annyeong, Kang HaeRin immida. I’m 18 this year, same age as SungYoung and JinAe. My bias in SHINee is Jonghyun the Dino.” Her introduction was ended when it was drowned by the continuous cheering and clapping by the idols and her own friends.
When the cheering has ceased, the game of spin the bottle continued with a couple more rounds as the questions asked got more absurd and embarrassing. Before they knew it, it was already way past noon. The SHINee members then decided to clean up the place while the three girls started playing games on the wii set that the idols had in their suite.
“HaeRin ah, can you come over for a moment?” JongHyun asked, disturbing the game of tennis they were playing, earning stares from the girls and s.
“Why? Hold on for a moment; let me finish this game first!” Answering him without lifting her eyes off screen, HaeRin continued concentrating on the game in front of her.
Impatient, JongHyun decided to pull HaeRin away from the screen.
“Yah let go of me now! You idiot I was about to win the game and now -”
Placing his finger on her lips, JongHyun managed to hush HaeRin and his action cause a blush to slowly surface on HaeRin’s cheek. Her shocked expression made him chuckled as he was amused by the effect he had on her.
“Do you believe in love at first sight? Because I think I might be falling for you and your feistiness.” JongHyun confessed straightforwardly, making HaeRin blush even harder.
With an attempt to not choke on her own words, HaeRin then tried to release JongHyun’s tight grip on her wrist. However his grip was so strong that HaeRin gave up trying to release it eventually.
Suddenly pulling HaeRin into a hug, JongHyun slowly leaned down as his lips inched closer to her forehead. He chuckled to himself when he saw how HaeRin was reacting – totally surprised with her eyes shut tightly. Without warning, he flicked his finger on her forehead, causing HaeRin’s eyes to open in shock and pain. Releasing HaeRin from the embrace, he then gave her a wink before whispering mischievously in her ear.
“Am I really that y in your eyes that it’s making you so nervous around me?”
JongHyun’s teasing caused HaeRin’s heart to thump wildly against her chest. By then, her inner fan-girl was screaming and squealing non-stop and the blush on her face was so obvious that she swore she looked as red as an apple.
The moment between JongHyun and HaeRin was witnessed by SungYoung and JinAe who started grinning like a fool before they turned their attention back to the game. However, Key also saw it by chance when he entered the main room. HaeRin’s blushing face and JongHyun holding her hand in his brought wild thoughts to Key’s mind.
“What have you done to HaeRin?”
“You need to stop poking your nose into other people’s business and stop being such a nag Key.” SungYoung called out, earning a glare from the diva of the group.
SungYoung who couldn’t be bothered simply shrugged her shoulders. JinAe on the other hand was trying to stifle a giggle when she heard SungYoung shutting Key up.
Hearing the words from SungYoung, Key was shocked as he stood there, reflecting on his own actions. ‘Am I really that hateful and annoying? I should really stop being such a busy body huh.’ Sighing mentally, he walked out of the suite, thinking that no one had noticed him.
When those words came out from , SungYoung immediately felt guilty. She didn’t mean to use her sharp tongue on him. When she saw the figure slowly walking out of the suite room, she decided to quietly follow him out after getting JinAe to pause the game.
I guess I should apologize to him for being so mean huh, SungYoung thought, despite being unwilling to admit that she was in the wrong.
Coming to a stop at the staircase, she saw Key sitting on one of the step as he looked as though he was I deep thoughts. Without thinking, SungYoung quietly crept up behind Key and gently rest a hand on Key’s right shoulder with a finger near his cheeks. When Key turned, his cheek was poked lightly by her short finger.
“You okay?” The loud girl asked, removing her hand from the rapper’s shoulder to sit beside him on the step.
Not looking at her, Key replied, “Yeah, just thought that I should do some self-reflection and stuff.”
“Sorry for just now. I didn’t mean what I say so don’t take it to heart okay?” Mumbling her apology, SungYoung looked at Key guiltily.
“Don’t worry; I’m used to it anyway, since I’m always seen as irritating and annoying by the fans and even the members.” Key stated truthfully, forcing a smile.
“Ani, you aren’t like that; it’s just that you have more things to say and or to comment on, just like me. I’m someone who has my own opinion that’s why during secondary school, everyone asked me to shut up since I was just too talkative and had comments for everything.” Ranting to Key, SungYoung smiled assuredly at him.
Key chuckled as he ruffled the girl’s hair. His action made SungYoung’s face to flush a bright pink.
“Alright, thanks for comforting me. It’s time for us to go back to the suite, so shall we?” Key asked, offering his hand to SungYoung who took it and pulled herself up.
The two of them then walked back to the suite, hand-in-hand.
Back in the suite, Onew was playing the wii set together with JinAe.
“I don’t want to play anymore, you keep winning me!” Onew cried with annoyance when JinAe won the fifth round of the tennis game.
“Come on, don’t be such bad sport. Let’s play again; you get to choose the game this time round okay?” JinAe asked the leader cutely as she dragged him up from the sofa by his sleeve.
“Okay but I’ll stop playing if I lose again okay? If not my image as an idol would be ruined by the game!”
‘He’s undeniably cute when he complains and he always gives in to me!’ Fangirling secretly in her heart, JinAe looked at Onew and smiled to herself.
When Onew caught her staring at him, he bashfully asked, “Am I really that cute that you can’t take your eyes off me?” before winking at JinAe playfully.
“I get to request from you something if I win you this time round, deal?”
When JinAe nodded in reply, Onew then declared the start of their new game, cooking mama 3, happily.
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HaiImEJ #1
Chapter 7: AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!! Can't wait for your next update.. Heheheh
HOYYYY Faster updateeeee! Don't cliffhang meeeee huhuhuhuhuhu T^T How can youuuu???