"OH...Wait, WHAT?"

"Love at first flight"

*knock knock*

I knock on the door one last time.

"GRACE?" Omma finally open the door, her expression was priceless.

Her eyes grew wide as I nod and smie. 

Tears slowly form inside my eyes.

She came closer and closer to me as she held on my shoulders tightly.

You are really my Grace-ah, OMO... I look at her clear,  my tears start to run down one by one.

"ne omma" I gave her a soft smile, she did the same.

"Grace-ah" she repeat my name over and over again.

I can see her nose getting red as she cry out to me.

"Omma-ah, its okay." We both walk in for a hug.

It was a nice long hug, a warm hug.

After the emotional stuff  ended, Omma and I went inside the house.

"ah omma, it look so different now." I commented as I give the house an overview. 

I walked all over the whole house, opening and closing each door as I past by.

"oh omma, why does this say-" 

"ah, that  is ur step brothers room, his name is Hyunseong" Omma quickly told me because of my face expression due to the sign on the door.

It said :

"He's in a band call BOYFRIEND, and he like to write songs so, tats why" She pointed at the sign...

"That explains it all" We continue to walk around the house and finally inter the living room.

"this is ur step father" She walk over to him and sat next to him.


He got up as he gave me a friendly smile and pull out his hand.


"hi, Im Grace" I shook his hand as I smile shyly back.

"I know, your omma, talk about you very often to me and Hyungseong, its very nice to finally meet you." Omma and I laughed.

"please have a seat, Hyungseong will be home in a bit, he just got off the plane." He gave me the info as I just nod and smile. 


We ended up talking and laughing a lot, my step ahbba is so energetic and chill.

As we talk about why Im here and how long ill be staying here, Omma cooked us dinner, it was already 9pm at night. 


"lets wait for you oppa to come and we'll eat together? yeah?" Omma asked me as i help her set up the dinner table.

"yes, we should, I want you guys to know each other and be close" My step ahbba shout out from the living room.

"ne, if you guys want, we can do that." as I was saying, my tummy started making noises.


*oh no* i thought to myself and then quickly covering it with my hands.


"are you hungry?" omma quickly turn to me and asked with a worry tone.

"ani, ani." I denied but inside, I knew I was, I havent ate anything since Ahbba and I had tat arugment, I didnt eat anything while I was in the plane either. I just couldnt, I had to think about stuff so I guess I forgot all about food.


"AISHHH, eottoke" my tummy didnt stop making noises.


"IM BACK" A voice call out loud as my train of thoughts fade away.

A tall handsome guy walk in with bags of food and clothes.

I notice he was wearing all black just like the guys on the plane earlier today.

We talk as we all sat at the dinner table and talk. 


"Grace-ah, Im Hyungseong, but you may call me Oppa, I dont mind at all.Im happy to finally meet you." He said as he shove food inside his mouth nonstop. Im guessing he loves to eat.

I gave him a soft smile and then continue to eat.

"oh, and Im in a band call BOYFRIEND thats why-" 

"Omma, told me already " I interrupted him.

"ah okays, tats great" He smile with a mouth full of food.


*After dinner*

"come in Grace-ah, I want to show you the members of BOYFRIEND." Hyungseong said as he open the door to his room and wait for me to go in.

I slowly enter in his room and looked around.

There were Posters all over his wall, there were no white area spotted.


"WHOA" I commented as I took a look around.


"ne, these are some of my favorite girl groups," he pointed to the wall full of girl posters,

there were so many "girl generation" "Sistar" "T-ara" "kara" "Miss A" "After school" and many more. I cant even count them all. I dont know them but theyre very pretty and tall compare to me.


"and finally, this is boyfriend." He interrupted me making me turn quickly to the other side of the wall.

There were more girls! But in the middle, Its a boy group.


I took a look carefully at it and spot a familiar guy.

"who is that?" I pointed at one of the guy on the poster, I think its the saw from the plane, the one tat winked at me and blew a kiss at me.

"oh of course him. His name is Youngmin, hes sucha play boy, girls are all over this guy, hes very pretty plus his charms, its just a bonus." he gave me the info as he giggled.


I gasped as my eyes grew wide and back away from the poster.

"it cant be" I thought to myself.


                         ~Thank you for reading ^^  hope you guys enjoy this chapter even though its pretty long~



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ilabya21 #1
aliicia21 #2
Chapter 15: hahaha it shocked me to see gikwang! omo! I'm still surprised! :D
huuuuuu I want them to be together again~~ :'(
Chapter 15: I thought the dream was real! Omg, how sad!! I would hecka cry!! But, I wouldn't too because of her reason haah. XD I like it!! Update soon! & don't make me wait LOOONNNGGG this time. -.-
Chapter 15: I REALLY THOUGHT YOUNGMIN WAS THERE!!!! BUT NOOO!! IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM! IT WAS A SURPRISE WHEN I READ THAT GIKWANG WAS IN YOUR STORY. but then I was weak when you said "Why is he still talking to me"hahah
Chapter 14: cant wait for update!!!! so gooooooooood!
Chapter 14: update soon ><
Chapter 14: O_O I HAVE NO IDEA YOU WROTE LIKE THIS. My innocent. My oh so innocent mind, TTT_TTT
Chapter 14: OH LAWDD!!!
WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!?!?!? HAHHAHA.^^^(1st gif)
and DANGG!! Yall getting physical!!! hahah.
<33 Why can't Youngmin come with you!!! UGH!!!
This story is to much for my heart!
Update soon!
aliicia21 #9
Chapter 13: Omoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
aliicia21 #10
Chapter 12: Yaaaaaaay sorry for not reading this till now! Omooo every day I'm getting more and more jelous of grace. That breakfast was so lovely