Jealous Byunghun?

Why did i end up with YOU?! [HIATUS]

Byunghun's POV

...Why was she with that Myungsoo guy? Aish, why am I thinking about her anyways. We're just friends not close friends. I should've not go to the mall today. Chunji forced me to go with him just to buy a card and a gift for his cousin's birthday...


My phone rang early in the morning as I groaned and reached for it. I squinted my eyes to take a closer look " Babo Chunji ".

What does he want this morning? I sighed heavily and answered it. " Hello? " I said with a sleepy voice.

" L.jooooooooooooooe!! I'LL BE THERE IN 15 MINUTES! SO BE SURE TO FINISH GETTING READY BY THEN! OKAY? BYE! " Chunji yelled on the other line.

" WHAT? YAH CHUNJI! " I yelled back but it was too late. He hunged up already.

I didn't get out of my bed and laid back down. I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly the doorbell rang. Wow, Chunji wasn't joking when he mentioned that he's coming in ' 15 minutes ' .

It continued for awhile and stopped. I guess my mom opened it.

Footsteps are now heard coming closer to my room door. The door swung wide open, revealing a tired Chunji.

" YOOOOOOO! I said to get ready! I ran from my house to here you know? TIRING I TELL YOU. " He complained.

I pulled the covers up to my face and pretended that i didn't heard anything. I knew he was abit mad but im too lazy to get out of bed. Like, super lazy.

Chunji then pulled the covers roughly away from me and forced me to stand up. I glared at him as i made my way to the bathroom. 

Before closing the door, he threw some clothes to me to wear. I grabbed them and washed up before putting them on.

I walked out and he pulled me until the doorstep.

" I didn't eat breakfast yet... " I said in a slight grumpy tone.

" No worries! I'll treat you breakfast at the mall! After we buy a card and a gift. " He smiled.

I shrugged and we put our shoes on. We bid goodbye to my parents and left.

As for me, i was just behind following Chunji around. In every shop, i just have to say yes or no on the item his holding. 

He dragged me here because his cousin is a girl and he thinks i know what girls like. But i dont.

Hours pass and Chunji finally bought a gift and a card. He was satisfied with it and both of us went to the food court of the mall.

Since my tummy was growling so bad, i wanted a big meal. We looked for seats and sat near the place where we're gonna order.

I ordered some noodles and he got some burger. I was eating the noodles none stop when i saw a familiar figure. Or should i say familiar figures.

I stopped eating and looked. It was Hyomun. 

She's probably here to hang out with her friends. But why is there only one person with her and it's a guy?!

Wait... I know that guy. But i can't remember his name.

I poked Chunji and asked his namem if he knows him.

He chuckled " How can you not know him? He's like super famous at school. "

" Well, i know him! He was our English teacher awhile back when our original teacher was sick. But i can't recall his name. " 




" Kim Myungsoo. " Chunji answered with a serious tone.

There! Kim Myungsoo! I knew it! Sort of...

" Why the serious tone? " I said raising a brow.

" Cause it sound cooler. " 

" ... Okay then. "

He grinned and went back to eating his burger. While i looked back at Hyomun and Myungsoo.

Why are they together?

Are they friends?

Are they dating?

Is he one of her childhood friends also?

Why are they so close?

Is he hitting on her?

Or her hitting on him?

Aish, stop thinking about that Byunghun! 

They're buying bubble tea... He just payed for her... And they're happily walking side by side.


I ruffled my hair and fixed it back.

In the corner of my eye, Chunji was looking at me weirdly.

I bowed my head and went back to eating my noodles to get Hyomun and Myungsoo out of my mind. 




After eating, Chunji invinited me to go to his house to help him wrap the present and write in the card.

I called my parents for permission and it was a possitive answer.

I told him the good news and made our way out the mall.

Why am i so concerned about them so much?


I'm going crazy...


HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI! I'm so disappointed of myself. I didn't update earlier... I'm so sorry. ;_; BUT IT'S A JEALOUS L.JOE CHAPTER! :D WOOOO! Even though it's short. XD Uhhh, I didn't get lots of free time since last winter vacation.  OTL

OHYEAH! DID YOU GUYS SAW TEEN TOP'S NEW MV AND SONGS? *^* OFCOURSE YOU GUYS DID! LOL. I waited for it until midnight last January 5. XD Did you subbies did too? :D 

Who's your favorite membaaaah? Mines Changjo. ◕‿◕



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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 43: I just read this fanfic in one go since it was so good I couldn't put it down!! Please update soon!! >.<
Chapter 43: Yay you finally updated!! But now I'm lost @_@ I think I'll have to re-read the chapters again~
Chapter 43: Yay it up i'll re read the chapters over again cuz im pretty-pretty lost ^^
@shine_star ASHFJKGSJL, I'M SO SORRY THAT I TOOK FOREVER! & you guys probably thought I abandoned this or something. ;-;
LOL, don't worry, I hate her too! >:c
-ruffles my hair with you-
I miss you guys! D:
finally an update I lOVE IT ^^
____ that micha or mocha I hate her
AIIIISH *Ruffling my hear*
@sweetsoph111; Oh, it's because the person who took it dosen't like her. Her name is Micha. In the earlier chapters, it explains why she dosen't like her. ^^
Ihihi, I can't tell you that yet~ Stay tune for the other chapters ahead to find out if she gets it back. (;
I promise, i'll try!
sweetsoph111 #7
No why did someone take it?
will she get it back??
update soon please
@eunhaelf13 Oh, she left it by accident because when the little girl pulled her up, she accidentally let go of her ds, leaving it there.

Aww, thank you so much for your patience! ;A;
why did she left her DS?

will be waiting for your update :D
@Kirayi, shine_star; You're welcome! ^^ Also, thank you and i'll try to update soon! ;A;