Something or Someone

Why did i end up with YOU?! [HIATUS]

Hyomun's POV

After diner, we washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. As soon as we finished, Aby suggested to change to our pyjamas now. Well... more like " her " pyjamas.

When we arrived in her room, she immediately went to her closet and throwed lots of pyjamas everywhere. " Choose which ones you guys like. " she said.

I approched the pile of pyjamas and chose the first pair i saw. I got a baby blur pyjama top and bottom with teddy bears on it. Not bad, not bad. " I want this one. " I said to Aby while bringing it close to her.

She giggled " Oh, Hyomun. Your taste of clothes never changes. " " Really? " I asked suprised. She nodded.

I pouted at her and went to the bathroom to change. And also, wash up. I went back to her room and spotted Hyera near the pile of clothes still picking a pair of pyjamas. A smile formed on my face.

I noticed that we never changed since we met each other. 

Me, also picking cute type of clothes. Aby, always makes us borrow her clothes. And Hyera, like everytime, taking so much time on what she's going to wear. But i guess it's just our habits or something.

After what felt like infinity, Hyera finally decided what to wear for the night. It was pink pyjama top and bottom with hello kittys all over it. She headed to the bathroom to change and to wash up also while me and Aby was in the room.

" Well, that was long. " I said while laughing. " Tell me about it. But guess what, she took less time than usual. " She responded with sarcasm in her voice.

At the moment, Hyera walked back in. She was grinning like alittle kid that got candy. 

I guess she's very satisfied of her choice of pyjamas. Aby then called us to help her get the blankets, pillows and matresses for us to sleep on. We helped her carry all the things and now it's time to arrange them.

Me and Hyera got our sleeping supplies and layed them on the floor. When we we're done, the threee of us just sat down on our proper beds and just say there.

So, i grabbed a pillow and smacked Hyera with it. " HYERA! I'M BORED! " I yelled. She evil glared me and grabbed  the pillow beside her. " I'M BORED TOO! " She yelled back as she smacked me with the pillow.

We started smaking each other, in a friendly way,and it became a pillow fight. We didn't realize that Aby hit us with twon pillows in the back of us. We both turned around and gave her a payback.

The whole evening, we spent playing pillow fight until we couldn't stay up anymore. it was an awesome sleepover.

Next morning, I woke by the ray of sun crashing through Aby's window. I sat up and loocked around. Both of them weren't there. 

So, i stood up and went downstairs. As i was walking down the staircase, I smelled the aroma of bacon, toast and eggs. My favorites in the morning. 

I walked to the kitchen and saw Hyera and Aby cooking. I was suprised since i never saw them cook or anything. I let out a loud gasped which i cursed myself for it.

They both looked back and ran to me " HYOMUN! GOOD MORNING! We made you breakfast because you cookes diner last night. Also, you better go change because after you eat we're going to the mall. " they both said.

I nodded and sat on one of the chairs. When i saw all the food infront of me, it was just.... heaven. Heaven, I tell you! You know that feeling you get when your infront of your favorite food(s) and the aroma who is tingling(?) your nose.

After finishing my breakfast, they pushed me out the kitchen and told me to change while they clean up. I was walking up the stairs when i realised that i didn't bring my clothes. " ABY! CAN I BORROW-- " i yelled but got cut off. " YES! " i heard her reply.

I opened the forr to her room and walked to her closet, i opened it and looked for clothes that's my style. She has lots of clothes so it's very hard to choose.

But in the end, i weared a simple plain purple off shoulder top with a white tank top under it, ofcoure. A pair of dark washed denim jeans and a pair of white flats. For my hair, i got lazy so i did a side braid with my fringe and bangs left behind.

I took my wallet, incase i want to buy something and head infront of the main door. When i reached the main door, Aby and Hyera was all happy and dragged me out.

We waited patiently for the bus for 15 minutes, and it finally came. The bus journey to go to the mall, only takes about 10 minutes.So, it went really quickly.

Arriving at the mall, Aby and Hyera toldme why they wanted to go to the mall. " Hyomun! Me and Aby found this store awhile ago and it was totally your style. We didn't had time to ask you out to hangout cause you we're always busy. " Hyera proclaimed.

" Ah, sorry about that. " i said with a depressing tone of voice. " It's okay! " they cheered in sync and continued dragging me away to i don't know.

We went up escalators and down the escalators. Walked around and around.

But suddenly we stopped. Finally! They told me to turn around, so i guess teh store is behind me. As i obeyed their command, it was a store full of cute stuff. I was just in happy land.

This is one of the things i love too! I love alot of things but the most is, my parents, Aby and Hyera, sim dating games and then cute stuffs. Oh wait, don't forgot food! Can't leave that behind.

I jumped up and down and went inside the store. The walls and floor we're all kinds of colors. It was amazing.

I was in my own little world so i was skipping around the store, ignoring Aby and Hyera. Then something caught my eye, it was a huge teddy bear! Kyaa!

I walked slowly to it, then suddenly something just hit me. 

Was it something or someone?



HELLO! SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! Hope you guys didn't forget this story, lol. XD School has been a pain. Like seriously. D: BUTTTTTTT, i'm trying to fit Asianfanfics in my schedule. Nyahah! UHH, thank you guys so so much for staying with me even though i update long. ;_; I'm amazed. THANK YOUUUU<3


Oh and imight aswell put gifs as a sorry gift for you guys. TEEN TOP GIFS, LOL ;


LOL. Okay, byebye! See you guys in the next chapter agaaaaaaain~ VROOOM!

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 43: I just read this fanfic in one go since it was so good I couldn't put it down!! Please update soon!! >.<
Chapter 43: Yay you finally updated!! But now I'm lost @_@ I think I'll have to re-read the chapters again~
Chapter 43: Yay it up i'll re read the chapters over again cuz im pretty-pretty lost ^^
@shine_star ASHFJKGSJL, I'M SO SORRY THAT I TOOK FOREVER! & you guys probably thought I abandoned this or something. ;-;
LOL, don't worry, I hate her too! >:c
-ruffles my hair with you-
I miss you guys! D:
finally an update I lOVE IT ^^
____ that micha or mocha I hate her
AIIIISH *Ruffling my hear*
@sweetsoph111; Oh, it's because the person who took it dosen't like her. Her name is Micha. In the earlier chapters, it explains why she dosen't like her. ^^
Ihihi, I can't tell you that yet~ Stay tune for the other chapters ahead to find out if she gets it back. (;
I promise, i'll try!
sweetsoph111 #7
No why did someone take it?
will she get it back??
update soon please
@eunhaelf13 Oh, she left it by accident because when the little girl pulled her up, she accidentally let go of her ds, leaving it there.

Aww, thank you so much for your patience! ;A;
why did she left her DS?

will be waiting for your update :D
@Kirayi, shine_star; You're welcome! ^^ Also, thank you and i'll try to update soon! ;A;