First Meeting

Been Lying {HIATUS}

It was over a week since Ricky started dating L.Joe.  It was over a week since Changjo saw any signs of his best friend.  No get togethers, no phone calls, nothing.  Changjo didn't realize how much he was use to having Ricky around, now that the other wasn't around.  It annoyed him not to have his best friend by his side.  They were always together until now.  Having Chunji by his side should have been enough but he still felt like something was missing.

"Changjo, Changjo"
"Huh? What?" Changjo was shaken out of his thoughts.
"Are you not eating?" Chunji questioned.
Changjo looked down on his food. He hadn't even taken a bite.  He gave an awkward smile to his boyfriend before taking a taste. 
Chunji could tell something was off with his boyfriend. "What's wrong babe? Does this have to do with Ricky?" 
Changjo was surprised by the question. Was he that obvious? "What makes you say that?" 
"Oh I don't know... You guys have been joined at the hip since forever... You're not use to not having him around, right?"
The younger scratched the back of his head. "Well..."
"Ricky just started dating L.Joe.  They're in the beginning stage where all they want to do is be with each other all the time.  It's normal." Chunji stated.
Changjo cocked his head to the side. "Really?... Were we like that too?"
Chunji giggled.  "In the beginning, yeah.  Poor Ricky probably felt left out."
Changjo tried to think back.  When he first started dating Chunji,  all he could think about was the older boy.  He chose to spead time with Chunji and broke a lot of promises with Ricky.
"I guess you're right... It's a good thing I have such a smart boyfriend."  Changjo wrapped his arms around Chunji and layed his chin on the older boys shoulder.
Chunji nudged the younger with his elbow.  "Stop playing around and eat your food.  Lunch is almost over. I can't have my boyfriend passing out on me cause of starvation."
"Your right."  Changjo inhale as much food as he could stuff in his mouth, making Chunji laugh at the childish behavior.
Changjo still didn't like the idea of being ignored by his best friend.  He took in Chunji's words and hoped that Ricky would soon get out of whatever stage he was on and return to him.
Outside on the school lawn, Ricky and L.Joe were enjoying their own lunch.   Ricky was quietly eyeing a cupcake L.Joe had brought from home.  He wanted it badly, but didn't want to take it away from L.Joe.  He sighed as he started eating the rest of his lunch.
"Looks good doesn't it?" L.Joe asked.
"Huh? What does?" 
L.Joe laughed at his boyfriends lost expression.  "The cupcake."
"Oh yeah. It does... Did you only bring one?"  Ricky asked shyly.
"Yup." L.Joe said coyly.
"Oh."  Ricky hung his head low.  He was so disappointed that he didn't realized he was pouting.
L.Joe picked up the cupcake smiling.  "Here."  He held the cupcake in front of the younger.
Ricky's face immediately lite up.  "Really? I can have it?"
L.Joe decided he made Ricky squirm enough and told him the truth.  "Yeah, I bought it for you anyways."
"Ya! Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?!" The young shouted, hitting L.Joe on the shoulder.
"Cause I wanted to tease you with it." L.Joe laughed.
Ricky crossed his arms. "You're so mean."
"Aniyo." L.Joe kissed Ricky's cheek. "I just think my boyfriend is too cute when he pouts." He whisper into the youngers ear.
Ricky felt flustered by the older boys word.  He didn't know how to respond except to blush a bright shade of pink.  
L.Joe chuckled at the youngers response.  "Are you going to eat it or look at it all day?"  
Ricky was still holding the tiny cake in his hand.  He unwrapped it and took a big bite.  Ricky's eye grew with delight.  "Mmmm.... hyung... it's so good." He said between chews.
"I'm glad you like it.  The shop lady said that Red Velvet cakes are delicious."
Ricky held out the cupcake to L.Joe's face. "Do you want to taste it too?"
L.Joe shook his head.  "No, you go ahead."
As the lunch period came to an end, L.Joe and Ricky and walked back into the school hand in hand.  Ricky stopped walking, jerking L.Joe back.
"Hyung, after school do you wanna meet my best friend?"  Ricky asked.
L.Joe gave the younger boy a sweet smile. "Sure.  I'd like to be able to meet you friends."  
"His boyfriend will probably be with him and maybe we can go grab something to eat." Ricky said excitedly.
L.Joe just nodded in agreement.
Ricky was already on his phone.  "I'll text them to meet us in front of the school."
After Ricky finish texting, the two separated to go to their individual classes.  "I'll see you after school, hyung." Ricky yelled out has he ran down the hallway.
Changjo and Chunji were already waiting outside of the school by the time Ricky and L.Joe came out.  Ricky waved happily at them.
"Hey guys.  I hope you didn't wait too long.  I had to speak to my teacher after class and L.Joe waited for me." Ricky explained.
Changjo was starring at Ricky.  It felt like an eternity to him since he last saw the shorter boy.
"Changjo is there something on my face?" Ricky asked.
"Huh?... No, no... I just haven't seen you in a long time that's all."  Changjo impulsively pulled Ricky into a bear hug, surprising the other boys around him.
Ricky just laughed.  "Stop acting stupid." He said as he pushed the younger off of him.
Changjo scratched the back of his head nervously.  He was bewildered by his own action.  He felt L.Joe's eyeing him but refused to meet the other boy's gaze.
Ricky grabbed L.Joe's hand and began the introductions.  "L.Joe this is my best friend, Changjo and his boy friend, Chunji.... Guy's this is L.Joe."  Ricky beamed as he looked at L.Joe.
L.Joe bowed.  "It's nice to meet you guys.  Changjo, Chunji?... Your names go well with each other.  You guys must be meant to be."
Chunji blushed with the comment.  He tried to hide his smile from escaping but he enjoyed hearing what L.Joe said.  "Thanks but that's just our nicknames.  He's really Jonghyun and I'm Chanhee."  
"That's cool.  It suits you guys." L.Joe noted.
The two couples walked down the street from their school to a near by coffee shop.  Chunji and Ricky went to the counter to order some drinks and snacks.  L.Joe and Changjo sat at their table in an awkward scilence.  They sat on opposite sides, glarring at one another, sizing up the other in their mind.
"We're back" Chunji chimmed.
Ricky and Chunji each came back with a tray full of pastries and a couple drinks.  They sat next to their significant other.
"Did you guys talk about anything?"  Ricky questioned.
"Not really..." L.Joe answered giving Ricky a quick peck on the cheek. "... And thanks."  As he took a drink from Ricky's tray.
Changjo was irritated by the show of skinship. 
 "Your Welcome."  Chunji's words cut through his thoughts.  He looked at his annoyed boyfriend.
"Oh... Sorry.  Thanks Chunji."  Changjo took the older boy's hand and intertwined their fingers.
The couple sat in the cafe talking.  It was the usual getting to know each other conversation.  What do you like to do?  Where do you live?  What kind of music do like?  Then it went to a talk of how the couple came to be.  How did you guys first meet?  How did he ask you?  How was your first date?
"Hyung are you not going to eat any of the cookies?"  Ricky queried.
L.Joe wrapped his arm around Ricky's waist.  "No.  I don't like a lot of sweets.  You're all the sweetness I need." 
Changjo wanted to gag from all the cheesiness.  "L.Joe do you like cheese too?" he asked.  
L.Joe wasn't even paying attention but Chunji did.  He elbowed the younger and gave him a look that told him to behave.
They stayed talking until the sun started to set.
"I can't believe it's already late." Chunji remarked.  "We better get home."
The four boys gathered their things and headed out.  They said their good byes  and couples seperated.  Changjo walked Chunji home, while L.Joe took Ricky.
When they were far enough away, Chunji smacked his boyfriend in shoulder. "What was going on with you today?  You were so rude."
Changjo was surprised by the sudden attack.  "I don't know.  I'm not sure if I like the guy or not."
"He seemed nice and Ricky looked happy... You should at least try to get along with L.Joe for Ricky's sake."  Chunji argued.
Changjo wanted to appease his boyfriend. "You're right, babe.  I should be a better friend."
"So what do you think of them?"  Ricky questioned.
L.Joe thought about his answer carefully.  He got a good vibe from Chunji but there was something about Changjo he didn't like.    He didn't trust the way Changjo would look at Ricky.    "They seem really nice, especially Chunji.  But... I don't think Changjo likes me."  
"He comes off as a bit cold but once you guys get to know each other, I'm sure you'll become good friends."  Ricky answered happily.
"You're probably right.  Besides, he's your best friend so he can't be totally bad."  L.Joe joked.
Ricky squeezed L.Joe's hand.  He wanted nothing more than to have his best friend and boyfriend to get along.  
The moment Changjo came home he called Ricky.
"Hey Ricky.  What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to finish up on some homework.  L.Joe and I walked around the park after we left the cafe so I got home later then I expected."
"Oh... well we can talk tomorrow then."  Changjo suggested.
"That would be great.  Thanks Changjo.  I'll see you in school then. Bye"  Ricky replied.
"Ok.  Bye."
Changjo threw himself on his bed.  "Even when he's not around, he still manages to keep Ricky away from me." he thought out loud.  "What does Ricky see in him anyways?  I have a better sense of humour than him.  I'm definitely stronger than him.  I'm just as good look too... And I'm taller."
Changjo was trying to justify his disdain for L.Joe.  What kinda of name is L.Joe anyways? He thought.
Changjo was venting his frustration when  a light bulb in his mind clicked.
Wait... Am I jealous?  
A/N:  I'm sorry that it took me so long to update.  I distracted myself by starting other stories.
Now that Changjo is starting to realize his feeling, the drama will start.  


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I'll be waiting 4 your update ! Don't worry, I'll not unsubscribe :)
kiseob_cute #2
Chapter 6: its okay. im doing the same with my fic too,take your time :)
BubbleLightBaek #3
BubbleLightBaek #4
kiseob_cute #5
Chapter 5: zYahhhh!!! my 2 OTPS!!! UPDATE SOON
Chapter 5: OMG RickJoe is damn cute *A*
Chapter 5: For some reason I forgot to read this chapter when you updated it xD.

I know what you mean about the affection between Ricky and L.Joe. When I read the library scene, I thought it was extremely cute, but at the same time thought about how if they were doing that in real life, people would be pissed XD.

I really love Changji and Rickjoe.. but I also love Changrick.. I'm split on what couple to root for XD. But after this chapter, ahh, I don't want Ricky to leave L.Joe, ever~~