Special Surprise

Been Lying {HIATUS}


It was a beautiful fall evening in Seoul. Changjo couldn't asked for a more perfect night. He was eagerly awaiting for his boyfriend to come over. It was their six month anniversary and he had planned a special surprise. Changjo was dressed in his best outfit. He was fixing his hair in a mirror when the door bell rang. He took his time answering the door, he didn't want to seem too anxious in front of his boyfriend. When he opened the door, there stood a handsome blonde. Changjo couldn't contain his happiness as he eyed his boyfriend. He gave Chunji a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling him into the house.

“Changjo-ah why are you all dressed up? I thought we were just staying in tonight.” Chunji asked.

“We are. I just wanted to look my best for my boyfriend.” Changjo relied with some added aegyo.

The other boy couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriends adorable action. At first sight, most people would be intimidated by Changjo. He was tall with sharp features and piercing eyes. The truth was Changjo was just a big kid filled with cuteness.

Changjo dragged his boyfriend through the house towards the back door. “Com'on I have something to show you in the backyard.”

The younger boy open the door but Chunji couldn't see anything in the darkness. Changjo ushered his boyfriend a few steps into the backyard then left his side. Chunji stretched out his arms trying to find Changjo in the dark but felt nothing except air.

Suddenly lights came on and Chunji regained his sight. The small yard was covered with twinkling lights. In the middle of the yard was a small table for two covered by a make shift tent made of light strings. Changjo stood by the table with a large bouquet of roses.

“Happy anniversary Lee Chanhee. I love you.” Changjo proclaimed, holding out the bouquet of roses for Chunji.

Chunji stood awe, his hands covering his mouth. He couldn't believe his eyes. Without realizing it tears started to stream down his face. Changjo almost panicked when he saw his boyfriend crying. He walked over to the other boy and wiped the tears away with his thumb.

“What's wrong Chunji? Don't you like it?”

Chunji wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and buried his face into his chest. He made an inaudible sound in reply that Changjo couldn't understand. The younger hugged Chunji and allowed the older boy to continue crying in his arms. When he felt Chunji stop crying, Changjo pulled the other off of him.

“Are you ok? Did I do something wrong?” he asked.

Chunji took a deep breath. “No. Nothing's wrong. Everything is so beautiful. I'm just so happy right now.”

Changjo laughed and pulled his boyfriend for another hug. He was scared that he had upset his boyfriend. It was a relief to know that Chunji tears were of happiness.

“I'm sorry I cried all over your shirt.” Chunji said apologetically.

“I'm not worried about the shirt, just you.” Chango lifted his boyfriend chin and laid a soft kiss on the other's lips.

Chunji regained his composure, the two walked hand in hand to the table and took a seat across from each other. Changjo handed the bouquet to his boyfriend. Chunji buried his face in the flowers to inhale it sent.

“They're beautiful, Changjo. You don't really see yellow roses with red tips.”

“I picked them out for a reason,” the other boy explained. “Yellow roses represent friendship. Red roses mean love. These roses are a combination of both love and friendship. They represent my feelings for you. You're more then just the person I'm dating, your my friend and my love.”

Chunji tried to fight the tears forming in his eyes but Changjo's words were too strong. Tears were streaming down his face again, watering the roses in his hands.

“When... did... you... get... to be... such.... a romantic?” Chunji asked between sniffles.

“What? You didn't think I was romantic before?” the younger boy teased.

They shared a laugh and Changjo was glad to seem Chunji smiling and not crying anymore. He excused himself and ran back into his house. He then came out with a tray of food.

“Don't tell me you cooked too?” Chunji questioned.

“I'm just full of surprised.” Chango replied. “But I did get some help.”

The two boys shared their dinner under the twinkling lights. Changjo couldn't be any happier. He had pulled off his surprise and he loved watching his boyfriend beam with happiness. They staying outside enjoying each other's company until Chunji had to go home. Changjo walked his boyfriend to his car.

“Thank you Aegi-ah. I will always remember tonight,” Chunji said shyly.

“Anything for you Chunji-ah.”

“I love you Changjo-ah.”

Changjo had long told Chunji he loved him but Chunji never returned the sentiment until now. Changjo pulled Chunji into a passionate kiss. When they finally broke the kiss Chunji was blushing a deep shade of pink. They didn't want to part but eventually Chunji got into his car. He rolled down his window and stole one last kiss from the younger.

“I'll call you when I get home, ok?”

“I'll be waiting then. Drive safe.”

Changjo watched until Chunji's car disappeared from his sight before going back into his house. He ran up to his room and grabbed him phone. He dial the only other person that was as important as Chunji.



“Ricky-ah it was perfect!” Changjo gushed.

“I'm guess you're dinner went well, then.” Ricky asked.

“Yes, and all thanks to you. I couldn't have pulled this off if it wasn't for your help.” Changjo expressed “The lights, the flowers, the meal... I could never have thought of all of that on my own.”

“Your welcome, Changjo. What are best friends for?”

“Enough about me, what are you doing?” Changjo asked.

“Oh nothing much. Just cooking.” Ricky answered.


“Yeah. It's for my cooking class. Next Friday we have to cook a full meal as a test so I'm getting some practice in.” Ricky explained.

“Oh okay. Next time you cook, you better invite me over.” Changjo stated.

Ricky giggled at his friends empty threat. “Well I need to get back to cooking before I burn the food. I'll talk to you later, Changjo.”

“Alright, bye.”

Ricky ended the call and stuffed his cell phone back into his pocket. He turned around to a pair of eyes looking at him curiously.

“Who was that?” L.Joe asked.

“Just my friend calling to say hi” Ricky replied, “Let's get back to cooking.”


A/N: A nice sweet beginning.  I hope it wasn't too much fluff.  Please comment and let me know what you think.  I'm always looking for feedback.

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I'll be waiting 4 your update ! Don't worry, I'll not unsubscribe :)
kiseob_cute #2
Chapter 6: its okay. im doing the same with my fic too,take your time :)
BubbleLightBaek #3
BubbleLightBaek #4
kiseob_cute #5
Chapter 5: zYahhhh!!! my 2 OTPS!!! UPDATE SOON
Chapter 5: OMG RickJoe is damn cute *A*
Chapter 5: For some reason I forgot to read this chapter when you updated it xD.

I know what you mean about the affection between Ricky and L.Joe. When I read the library scene, I thought it was extremely cute, but at the same time thought about how if they were doing that in real life, people would be pissed XD.

I really love Changji and Rickjoe.. but I also love Changrick.. I'm split on what couple to root for XD. But after this chapter, ahh, I don't want Ricky to leave L.Joe, ever~~