The Fantasy World

Knights or Vampires?

“So, my name is Bang Yongguk, the greatest killer.” The Bang Yongguk said, Hyesung blinked. “But I thought you were nice.” “Exactly.”

“Hi, cutie! Himchan here, I love your eyes! And I will be your boyfriend!” The Himchan guy said trying to hug Hyesung but blocked by Zelo. “Okay!” “Noona!!”

“Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Youngjae, the most polite member here, and the most talented.” Youngjae said calmly, Hyesung remain silent and just nodded. “That’s a lie.” Himchan said.

“Hi, I’m Jongup. Always smiling.” “Why?” “I’m forgot why.”

Hyesung staring at all of them, six guy who took stared back at her. “So… What are you again?” “Knights.” Hyesung narrowed her eyes in confuse. “Where are your horses and swords?”

“We’re not like knights in fairytale who bring horses and swords, we’re like kind of bodyguards.” Yongguk said as six pair of eyes looking towards Hyesung, she smiled awkwardly and pointing to herself. “Me? Must being protected by you guys?” She said as all of them nodded.

“So, that’s why Zelo kidnapped me before? Ah, it’s good because he help me from Yook Sungjae, he’s super stubborn sometimes, and it’s annoying.” Hyesung said, as once again six pairs of eyes looking at her.

“You know him?” Yongguk asked.

“Yeah, he’s the student council president-“ “Pft, HAHAHA!!”

Yongguk burst into laughter, he laughing so hard as his stomach hurt. He placed his hand on his stomach and stop laughing. “Sorry, it’s just like.. Sungjae, my younger bro, he’s super stupid. How can he be the student council presiden?”




“Shut up, can you? This is a public place.” Yongguk said with his deep voice.

“Really? Yook Sungjae is your brother?” Himchan asked. “And he’s super stupid?” Hyesung added.

“Not a biological brother, but he’s super stupid, really. He even asked me what is 2/2 when he’s a children.” Yongguk said, proud by himself. “Still a child.” Hyesung said rolled her eyes.

“Okay, stop talking. First, Hyesung. You must know that this isn’t a dream, try pinch yourself, will you wake up? I don’t know.” Yongguk said as Hyesung pinch her own cheek, and ended rounded her eyes. “I-I’M NOT WAKING UP!!”

“Yeah, I told you already. Second, you’re the daughter of this world’s queen, it’s mean you’re a princess and every vampires want your eyes that are descendants by our queens genes. When they found you they will took your eyes out and squeeze it and-“ “Stop, it’s disgusting…”

“Hyesung, last, but not least. Wear this contact lens so they will don’t know that you have that eyes, exept us.” Yongguk said handed you a box, and inside, there is purple contact lens.

“Listen, this is weird. Is this really a fantasy world? Is there vampires in fantasy world? Contact lens in fantasy world? And we’re even at a café, in fantasy world?” Hyesung asked, with a disappointed looks, knowing the truth that the fantasy world she know isn’t same like the real one.

“Everything can happen in fantasy world, noona.” Jongup said.

“Everything. Even ghost are exist here.” Himchan said, held his thumb up. Hyesung blinked and rubbed the back of her neck. “Really….?”

“The very important thing is, you must always be with us, or unplaned things will happen.” Yongguk said, as the door of the café kicked, and once again by Yook Sungjae.

Sungjae look around, as he found his target where frozen at her spot staring at him.

“I’m still with you guys, and unplaned things is happened already.” Hyesung said. All of them nodded. “Everything can happen.” Yongguk said calmly, without bothering to fight Sungjae.

“Too late, Bang Yongguk!!” Sungjae shouted as he held a gun. “A gun? At a fantasy world?” “Everything. Can. Happen.” Himchan said.

Yongguk stood up from his seat and turned to Sungjae. “Stop saying ‘too late’. And where is your ‘vampire-mate’? They must be afraid fighting with me.” Yongguk said slyly grinned as the front wall destroyed by six vampires.

“Is she Hyosung’s daughter?” One of them with a red hair asked to the blonde one, as the blonde guy nodded. “She’s pretty- Ouch, yah!” The red haired boy rub his head after get a hit by the blonde guy. “She’s our mission, don’t fell for her even you’re a player.”

“Himchan, bring Hyesung to anywhere. And don’t forget to wear the contact lens.” Yongguk said. “Yes, sir!” Himchan saluted as he bring Hyesung who don’t know anything to god-know-where.

“Tsk,she ran away. So, we should fight you, hyung?” Sungjae asked with a smirk, Yongguk nodded also with a smirk as one of the vampires go down. “I’m the leader, Sungjae.”

“Ah, right. Fight him, Eunkwang hyung!” Sungjae shouted exitedly. “Not me, but you. We will go chase her, good luck, maknae!!” Eunkwang said as he go away with other vampires.

“So, you decided to fight your own hyung, Sungjae?” Yongguk grinned. Sungjae shook his head and ran away to chase Hyesung too. “Sungjae- YAH!!!”


“I can’t stand this, let me go home.” Hyesung said, as her cold personality turning in. Himchan turned to her and shook his head. “Look like your other personality is turning in, what’s wrong with that cold gaze, huh?”

“If yes, then why? Ah, and what are you again?” Hyesung asked crossed her arms, Himchan narrowed his eyes at Hyesung and crossed his arms too.

“We’re B-A-P, B.A.P. We’re a knights who will protect you from those vampires, I said it to you already.” Himchan said and give Hyesung her contact lens.

Hyesung stared at its and turned to Himchan. “What is this?” “Wear it on your eyes.” Himchan said as he left with Youngjae, Zelo, and Jongup.

“Wait, hyung! Where are you going?” Daehyun asked, Himchan turned to him with a sly grin. “Go buy some food, you stay here, protect her!!”


Hyesung, still with her cold persomality staring at Daehyun who just standing dumbfounded. “What’s your name again?” Daehyun turned to Hyesung, with a worried face. “None of your business.”

“I just remember you’re weak of girls.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Don’t lie.”

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Baekna #1
Chapter 4: hahahxD update soon author-nim
Chapter 4: HAHAHA funny! Sungjae was acting like he was the leader lol remember Sungjae, you're the maknae (italic)
sakinah27 #3
Chapter 4: awrsome. cant want the next one. :D