See You One Last time

See you one last time

Yonghwa’s POV

I was walking around the house looking for her and she was nowhere to be found. I was filled with panic as I checked our room, the kitchen, the living room and even the basement, but still nothing. It wasn’t until I spotted her outside sitting down in the field of roses while picking some out. I walked towards her; she was wearing her usual attire which was a summer white dress with matching white sandals.

I called out to her “Angel, why are you sitting outside in the field alone, is something wrong”?

She stood up and turned towards my direction where I saw a bouquet of roses in her hands and she replied “Nothing is wrong oppa; I was just making you something that’s all”.

She handed me the bouquet and I wanted to thank her but she kept her head facing towards the ground for some reason. I was filled with worried as I saw tears dripping from her face so I had dropped the bouquet of roses and wrapped my arms around her into a hug. I asked her “Why are you crying angel, is it because of the roses? If it is, then don’t shed tears because I love them, I just wanted to see your sweet face that’s all”.

She shook her head and mumbled into my shoulders “It’s not about the flowers oppa”.

 As she said that, she continued crying and I was filled with panic and asked “Then what is it”? She stepped away and looked straight at me and I was terrified because what I saw broke my heart and scared me. Her eyes weren’t full of tears anymore but blood was coming out which stained her outfit, her skin was deathly pale and the flowers surrounding us were dying. I went up to her, grabbed her shoulders and asked “Juniel”?

            “You couldn’t save me oppa”.

At those words, I stood frozen for a few seconds and replied “What are you talking about; you’re still here, right by my side”.

She shook her head furiously, slapped my hands away and screamed “NO! You don’t get it! I’m dead because oppa couldn’t save me”! I stood there speechless with tears spurring out of my eyes as I looked at my angel heartbroken with what she said to me, she continued to scream that it was my fault that she was dead. I crotched down and grabbed my head, and shouted “It wasn’t my fault! You know that I would never want you dead Juniel”!


I woke up with sweat covering my entire body. I took a glance on the other side of the bed and it was empty, just like it always been for the past three months. As I sat in my bed distraught, I soon began to break down crying just as I always have.

‘Juniel, I miss you so much, I just want you to come back so I can see you again’.

After my little breakdown, I calmed myself down and went to the bathroom to freshen up so I could be ready for through another dreadful day. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and I didn’t feel hungry, ‘Then again, I never feel hungry with her gone’. So I went outside instead to clear my head.

I took a walk around the field of roses that surrounded the house and I began to reminisce about her.

“Oppa, isn’t this house wonderful, it’s exactly like how we wanted it”~!

She looked around the house full of delight while I just stood there smiling happily because my angel was happy. It was a two story house filled with windows everywhere so sunshine could come in and the entire house was white which made it look brand new and clean. It was even better because the house was place amongst a field of red roses which made it lively. Juniel had coming running towards me, pulling me into a tight hug and kept kissing me on the face while saying “Thank you so much oppa, this house is perfect for us to live in”. “You’re welcome my angel”.

“Now come on oppa, let’s walk around the rose field”~!

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the field where she happily shouted “Omo~! Look at the roses, so pretty right oppa”?

“You’re right Juniel, they are pretty, but nothing can be as pretty as you are”. Right after I said that, she blushed and hid her face from me due to embarrassment. I hugged my angel and whispered “Don’t be embarrassed because it’s true”” and then I gave her a kiss on her forehead. She looked up and said “I love you oppa”.

“I love you too my angel”. We continued to just stand in the field in silence until Juniel said “Oppa, promise me that we will be together forever”.

“I promise you that we will always be together no matter what”.

            As I look back at that, I whispered “Together forever huh. What a terrible liar I am, right Juniel”? I looked up at the sky where it was becoming cloudy which meant that it was going to rain soon, so I walked back to the house thinking ‘I wish you were here Juniel, I miss you’. As soon I got back into the house, it was drizzling outside while I was just sulking in the living room. I was in the fetal position on the couch just wondering how it was raining on such a beautiful day until I came to a conclusion.

‘Even on the most glorious days, the heavens can cry’. I chuckled at that thought because I knew that heaven will never know my pain.

I got up to go upstairs to the bedroom and headed towards the bathroom. I was in the bathroom for a reason, I was looking for something and I finally found it, it was my little friend, the razor blade. As I was putting the razor blade towards my wrist, I began to have second thoughts as I knew what I was doing was unhealthy and that Juniel would be disappointed in me but I thought ‘If I’m dead, then I can be reunited with Juniel’!

 So in the end, I began to cut my wrists to the point that blood was just oozing nonstop while I was just calmly sitting down near the toilet, accepting the pain. As more blood was pouring out, my vision became blurry and I was close to passing out. ‘Just wait Juniel, I’m coming for you, so please be patient my sweet, I’ll be right by your side again’.

            As I fell down to the floor, I began to remember the day I proposed to her and it made her so happy. I remember the exact words I said to her when I proposed to her.

I was down on one knee showing the ring and said “Juniel, you have made me the happiest man alive and I promise you that I will always love you and cherish you no matter what. I vow to be by your side forever and to protect you no matter what. I know that we will remain together forever. I love you Juniel, will you marry me”? As I look back at that, I don’t regret my choice of killing myself now because I get to keep promise to her of being right on her side. I used my last breathe to say “I’m finally coming Juniel”. With those last words, I finally gave up and let myself die.

Nobody’s POV

            Yonghwa was lying down on a blanket of white clouds where a figure was approaching him. The figure was gently shaking him and said “Oppa, wake up”. Yonghwa was stirring but he finally awoke and when he opened his eyes, a smile was planted on his face because what he saw made him happy as he shouted “JUNIEL”~! Yonghwa stood up and pulled Juniel into a tight hug where he said “I’m glad to see you Juniel, we’re finally reunited”. As Yonghwa let go Juniel, he looked at his angel’s face but what he saw surprised him because what he saw wasn’t her bright smile or her dazzling eyes, instead it was full of disappointment and sadness.

“Juniel, why do you look so sad, aren’t you happy that we’re together again”?

“Of course I’m happy oppa, but why are you here”?

“Huh? What do you mean”?

“Why are you here right now, it’s not your time to die yet oppa”?

“But Juniel, how is it not my time to die yet? I have suffered so much while you gone Juniel”! Juniel jumped a bit as she became surprised from Yonghwa’s yelling.

“Ever since you died because of your chronic illness, I was full of sadness, anger and guilt! I became angry because you had to die so young! I became sad because you were separated from me! I became guilty because I couldn’t do anything to save you! Instead I had to watch you die while you were being treated and in the very end, you still died”!

Juniel was just standing in silence.

“My life continued on without you and within those 3 months I just kept breaking down crying because life without you was horrible and I couldn’t bear to live any longer when it was my fault that you died”!

Juniel gave no reply.

“Why aren’t you talking back”! Juniel shook her head and sighed. She looked at Yonghwa and gave him a sad smile. Juniel said “Oh oppa, you really have suffered so much within the time I was gone”? Juniel raised her hand to wipe the tears on Yonghwa’s face and pulled him into a hug.

Yonghwa just cried into Juniel’s head while Juniel just kept hugging him in comfort.

“Oh Jung Yonghwa, you have nothing to be guilty about my death. It was never your fault; it was just simply my time to die”. Yonghwa pulled away to look at Juniel to say “How”? “Yonghwa oppa, I died because of my illness, not because of you”.

“I couldn’t do anything to save you though”.

“Oh but you did oppa, you saved me from having a sad death”.


“Don’t you see, while I was in the hospital, you spend all of your time with me so I wouldn’t be lonely. You made me laugh and smile. I will always be grateful for that”. Juniel grabbed Yonghwa’s hand and said “I will always love you Yonghwa, so please for me, live on”.

“Okay Juniel, I will continue to live on for you and when it’s my time to die, we can live happily”. Yonghwa kissed Juniel’s hand which gave reassurance to Juniel that things will be fine.

“Besides oppa, you made one last promise to me before I died”

“I did”?

“Yes silly, don’t you remember”?

“Oh Yonghwa, I’m so sorry that I have to leave you so soon”.

“Don’t say things like that Juniel, you’ll get better, so please don’t lose hope”.

“Oh Yonghwa, that’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with you, always so optimistic and full of hope, which is why you have to keep a promise okay”.

“I’ll keep any promise my angel”.

“Yonghwa oppa, promise me that you will continue to live on after I die. Don’t do anything stupid okay. Until your time comes my love, I’ll be waiting for you”.

“I promise”.

“Thank you so much Yonghwa oppa, I love you”.

“I love you too Juniel”.

Yonghwa did remember and thought ‘That’s right. Before Juniel died, I did make her a promise that I would continue living for her, no matter what’.

“Okay Juniel, I promise you that I will keep living on until the day my time comes”. Juniel was nodding her head in agreement saying “Good oppa”.

All of a sudden, everything was soon disappearing from Yonghwa’s sight.

“What’s going, why is everything disappearing”?

“It’s time that you go back oppa”.

“What now! Why so soon”!?

“I’m sorry oppa, but it is time that you go back to your life now”.

“Okay I understand but before I go, I have one more thing to say”

“What is it Yonghwa oppa”?

“Juniel my angel, it was nice to see you one last time”

“It won’t be the last time oppa; you’ll see me again when your time comes”. Yonghwa had nodded, but before Yonghwa went back to the world of the living, he grabbed Juniel and kissed her on the lips and said “I love you Juniel”.

Yonghwa’s POV

            “Ugh, my head hurts”. I woke up holding my head but I became surprised as I looked around because I wasn’t in the bathroom, but in the bedroom. I ran to the bathroom and saw no blood stains and I checked where the razor blade was, it was gone. I looked in the mirror, I looked perfectly normal, no blood, no red eyes, no bags under my eyes either. I freshened up in the bathroom and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. After that, I took a walk in the rose field and looked up outside where the sun was shining and not a cloud was in sight.

            I continued my walk until I stumbled upon a bouquet of roses. I picked it up where a card had dropped to the ground. I picked the card up and read it:

Dear Oppa,

      Thank you for living on and keeping my promise. I know that you have suffered for the past 3 months since I died, but I promise you that that your suffering is over. Always remember that I am watching over you and that I will wait for you forever. Until the day your time comes, please enjoy life and remember that I love you oppa <3

                                          ~Sincerely, your Juniel

            As I finished reading the card, tears slowly began to drip from my eyes, but they weren’t tears of sadness, they were tears of happiness because my angel was up there watching over me and waiting for me. I wiped my tears with my hands and smelled the roses, after that I said “They smell lovely Juniel”.

I gave a glance to sky and said “Thank you Juniel, although I miss you very much, I will keep my promise. I love you my angel”. After I said that, I continued my walk in the field but as I was walking, I heard a voice in the wind “I love you too, my Yonghwa”.

Upon hearing that, I knew that Juniel’s love will forever be within me and that I will get to see her one last time.


This was bad wasn't it. It's pretty long for a oneshot doesn't it, but oh well. I do hope you guys enjoyed it because I did try to make it sad but happy at the same time. I thought this was okay, the plot seemed simple and understandable. Anyways, comment what I can improve on.

A reminder for this story: Dreams are in bold. Flashbacks are in bold/italics. Character thoughts are italics

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Iceahri #1
Chapter 2: I really like this story!!!
Please write more Yonghwa-Juniel stories!!!
Damn. Ur such a great writer! I literally fell in love with this story, its so romantic yet sad ^w^ I liked it so much that i told my sis to read it
Chapter 1: i loved this story, it made me cry alot! ur a very good writer keep up the good work!:3
woozyforevah #4
wooooooooooow. *0* keep it up! author-ssi!