A Dark Flashback...

Her Dark Secret

Mayu's Flashback

As I enter the creepy looking house,I immediately felt cold and chilly,it was as if a ghost was nearby....

I walked into the dark living room,everything in the house scares me,the dark wallpaper,the lights flickering in the toilet,a potrait of the family who used to live here and finally...a doll room...

The previous owner must have really loved dolls...

I looked at each of the dolls...They were super creepy...

Mother actually loved the dolls and said that the dolls are antics...

My Onee-chan(Big sister)on the other hand despise them,calling them little Chuckys...

Our neighbour was a bit weird,he was an old man and he visited us on the first day we moved in and came up to me...

"Listen,young woman,no matter how cute those dolls seem to you,they are not normal,the house itself is not normal"he said sounding worried..

I asked him what happened to the previous owners and he said they just vanished...everyone in the family vanished except the youngest son in the family...

Mental,the old man called him..

This house is mental...

We have just moved from Japan and I had to enter High school the next day...

I learned the Korean language a few months ago so I was a bit shaky...

My room was the connected to the doll room.Unfortunately I was the youngest and although people say the youngest usually gets the best,that is not true in my family...I always get the leftovers from my Onee-chan,her books,shoes and even her clothes were handed down to me...I hated her all my life...

I hated my parents too especially my dad,he abused my mother and me but not Onee-chan since she knew Hapkido but she didn't care about us that much...Whenever Onee-chan is not at home,he will take an advantage and beats us up for no good reason....

I hated my life,I felt like killing them...

Every night,I hear my mom screaming in pain,either she was feeling pain because they were doing 'it' or she screamed because he was beating her up...It was scary...

However,the scariest thing was not her scream but the dolls in the other room,you see dad decided to take out the connecting door so my bed would be facing the dolls...

I don't know why but I felt as if they were looking at me,watching my every move,I swear I heard one of them giggle when I was in my room!

After we moved into the new house,things just got worse...

My dad screams and shouts at us almost every single day and used his belt to beat us up(He used to beat us up using his bare hands and legs) and Onee-chan was crying almost every single day....

My only happy time was in school...Everyone loves my cute image and every boy wants to talk to me...I entered the cosplay and maid club(I was the founder of the club).

Every girl wants to be me...

However,something terrible happened in my life....I have a dark secret....


Hey readers,I will not update my stories frequently because I am super busy so I will make sure to update them during my free time most probably every Saturday or Sunday :D I hope you enjoy reading this story!Sorry for my bad english!I hope this chapter is not too short!


If you want :P

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Hope you update soon..
DBSKmarula #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^