
When the First Snow Fell

Myungsoo pressed the button on his game console, urging his character forward to throw a blow at Sungjong’s character. Sungjong easily blocked it, throwing a low blow back that hit Myungsoo’s character hard in the stomach. Myungsoo watched his character stumble backwards, his mind preoccupied by other thoughts.

“Your mind isn’t on the game.” Sungjong remarked.

Myungsoo did not reply.

“What’s on your mind?” Sungjong persisted, pausing the game to get Myungsoo’s attention.


“Are you sure?”

Myungsoo sighed. “No.”

“What is it?”

He turned to glance at Sungjong. “Your sister.”

Mrs Bae carefully slid the ingredients into the pot of boiling water. Finally. She was done. Now all she had to do was wait for the food to cook and she could call the boys and Suzy in for lunch.

Sighing inaudibly, she sank down on a nearby chair. Waiting made her think. It was better than spacing out – precious seconds will not be wasted.

Drawing back the curtains, she let her gaze travel lazily across her well-tamed garden. Just barely in view was Suzy, still sitting in the front yard. She wasn’t rocking anymore. Instead, her pale hands were the furry fabric of Myungsoo’s ear mufflers.

It was rare that Suzy accepted something foreign from anyone without a struggle. What made it more intriguing was the simple fact that Myungsoo was just another stranger.

After thanking Mrs Bae and bidding farewell to Sungjong, Myungsoo prepared himself for the long bus ride home. The seat he chose was uncomfortably hard, its cushion worn from its constant service to the varied passengers each day.

He found himself unconsciously the invisible line of small scars along his left arm, scars that had long faded with time, much unlike the memories that had etched themselves twelve years ago.

“It’s going to hurt a little,” he warned her. He kept his steady gaze on her scared face until she nodded slightly. “Here goes then.” He carefully dabbed the alcohol swab on the edge of her wound.

She screamed. Her shriek echoed hauntingly around the empty abandoned house.

He bit his lip. After a moment’s thought, he lifted his left arm in front of her. “Here, when it hurts, just bite down. It’ll hurt less.” She looked doubtful but he gave her a reassuringly smile. Slowly, she gripped his wrist and nodded again.

He lowered the swab to her right arm. She bit down hard. Wincing as her teeth pierced his tender skin, he quickly dabbed the small gash in her arm clean. “See, that was quick, wasn’t it?” She released his left arm. Crimson red seemed to swell from those tiny bite marks.

“S-s-sorry…” Her eyes widened at the sight of his hurt arm. Despite the pain, he shook his head, smiling back. Knotting a small bandage around her arm, he stood up.

“I haven’t gotten your name.”


“Su?” She nodded. “You can call me M.”

“M oppa?”


“Thank you.” She whispered. He smiled.

That was the first time he met her. That was when he just turned seven. That was when winter just begun.

Suzy lay on her bed, concentrating on her own steady breathing. The pale glow of moonlight illuminated her room. She could hear the soft whirring of her air conditioner, something she was still not used to after five years.

It was strange, but she missed the feeling of sleeping under the vast skies. Undoubtedly she had feared the attacks by wild beasts and detested the biting cold when storms brewed or winter came by. But there was something about breathing the woody scent of the surrounding trees and listening to the symphony of cricket calls that could lull her into a sweet, peaceful sleep.

People said she was weird. People said she had been away for too long. People said she was a “feral child”, whatever that was. They thought she couldn’t understand them.

They were wrong.

Sure, she didn’t understand every word they said, but she could read their faces – contempt, disgust, exasperation.

Maybe she was weird to them; maybe she had been away for too long from any human interaction; maybe she was what they believed to be a “feral child”.

But there was one thing they never considered. That she was, like them, human – someone with a heart.

And when they said those things, only she knew it hurt inside.


And I've finally edited chapter two for all of you.

God made us such that we can't read each other's minds. He has a reason for every creation. Maybe, just maybe, He did it so we can learn to be kind with our words, so we can learn to tolerate our differences. Because we will never know when the words that leave our mouths will break someone else up inside.

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{WTFSF} New Myungzy story coming up! :) Do check out "Inked Hearts, Bruised Souls"


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user555 #1
Chapter 10: Amazing story, thanks
Chapter 10: this is a sad story but nevertheless a good one and an emotional too..
I am so thankful that I found your story in between the recommendation lists that I scrolled through.

The title really pulled me in - "When the First Snow Fell." It's so poetic and seemed to have a lot of hidden meanings that are related to the plot. Beautiful.

The story, it's amazing. You kept it simple yet meaningful, and by the end, you made us readers feeling the pain of both Suzy and Myungsoo. I like how things were related to each other and was not stated as obvious as other writers tend to. And I especially love the ending, for I had thought that the two of them would end up being reunited after so long they got separated. The twist at the end was simply amazing.

I am not a MyungZy shipper, almost at all. Not even a Miss A nor Infinite stan - but for a beautifully written story like yours, how would biases take matter? Thank you for writing this, I'll make sure to check your other stories :-)
Suzyelfs #4
Chapter 10: Dis is sad story.i dun knw y i cried like suzy really lost to me..haish..great piece of work it sooo much.
I browsed through your stories and this title of yours caught my eyes. Honestly speaking, I wanted to sleep but your story kept me up all the way until I finished it. This is simply sweet. Your description is good but not overwhelming. (: I like how the plot is not complicated but has a meaning behind every event. How Suzy's mother and Sungjong knew and had long forgiven Myungsoo for his father, how Suzy remembered him and every bit of it. I truly enjoyed reading this story, including your author's note. ^^
It's saddening and unfortunate for Suzy to get into an accident but I'm fine with it. I have always been an angst reader who appreciate author's cruelty.(; *shrugs*
I would admit that I was looking forward to Suzy joining the others in the crowd and to see Myungsoo and Sungjong's surprised faces but I guess, fate always have its ways at things. Not everything turn out to be what you want them to be, I understand. Thank you for reminding us. <3
Have an awesome day! :D
ps. I just thought I've to comment on this one when I am on comp so here I am with my poorly expressed comment. :$
such a beautiful story! ;_; it's short yet so memorable (Y)
Chapter 10: omg;___; this is one of the fanfic that i have read so nice... but the ending. i like the way you describe the details it is really nice ♡
Chapter 10: oh gosh ;_; i finally got some time to finish reading this story, but ahhhh i am in tears now *sniffs*
i think the ending suited the tone of the story though, and it is sweet to see Myungsoo still remembering Suzy <3
Thank you for the great read! ^_^