Hello and Goodbye

Nameless Memory - Oneshot

I've always wanted a cat, as long as I can remember.

My mother, she was allergic to them, so we couldn't get one. Then when I moved out, my dorms didn't allow pets. I was considering sneaking one in, but seeing how they literally threw a puppy out the top floor window when they found him, I decided not to. I didn't want my pet to die like that. No one deserved a destiny like that, not even a pet of an imperfect creature like me.

I have always been alone.
As a baby, alone. Toddler, alone. Teenage, early adulthood, all alone.
I didn't mind it much, I had never had an urge to find anyone special, I didn't need friends when I had my books and my job at the animal shelter. Pets were my family, they kissed me if I was sad, cuddled around me if I felt cold. I didn't have to explain myself to them and they didn't explain anything to me. Simple yet perfect life, almost too perfect for someone as sadly-made and constructed like me.
 It was a cold summer night, when I realized I no longer had anything holding me back; no allergies, no angry ladies with eyes like cold steel. I had been dreaming of a small kitten for a few weeks and I realized it was a dream meant to come true. As I fell asleep and drifted  into my wonderland where everything was perfect- even me- I decided it was the time to finally get a friend to fill the aching hole in my heart, a place for a tiny feline.
Of course, there was more in store for me the next day. It was the day I met you.
The moment I walked into the shop and saw you was the moment I fell in love with you.
The way you nursed those small animals, those tiny creatures who only had you... It was as if I had seen a glimpse of paradise. You were like a god to me. You smiled and helped me find the most beautiful kitten in the whole shop. She was grey and had a small white dot on her nose. Imperfection, just like I was. Thats the reason I chose her in the first place. I carried her out of the store and didn't notice a small crack in the paving right outside the shop.
I fell but managed to fall on my side so my sweet imperfection wasn't harmed.
I remember you ran out, a worried expression shining on your face. I showed the kitten to you, smiling with my cheek on fire. I guess I hit it on the ground but I didn't really feel it much. You being there made me feel like everything was completely perfect, including each and every single one of my own imperfections.
You helped me up, wiping my cheek onto your sleeve. My ears were ringing and I took a step back and bowed my head as a thank you. 
You waved after me and I kept glancing over my shoulder to see even a flash of you. Then I noticed I forgot something important.
I turned back and yelled, asked for your name. Your face was shocked and eyes wide as two coffee plates. I didn't hear your answer, I just saw your lips move, then everything started shaking and for the second time that day I felt the asphalt under my cheek.
I heard sirens and watched the small kitty limp away from me, wailing, probably for it's mother. I kept watching her with my fading eyes until they didn't stay open anymore, until I gave up. Everything was dark from that moment onward and I didn't even get to know your name.
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