The bestfriend game

No one's pov


On the other hand, jiyong received the message from yongguk and showed it to ~~~~~ who was sitting next to him

"i believe you are going to invite him instead?" jiyong asked, unfortunately for him the teacher saw jiyong using his phone

"Jiyong could you hand your phone over and pay attention" the teacher said holding up a box filled with confiscated phones waiting for jiyong's phone

Jiyong walked to the front and placed his phone in the box and returned to his sit

"It’s your fault" jiyong said

"No it's not, it's because you are careless" ~~~~. Responded

"Whatever, just reply him with your phone" jiyong replied

~~~~~ took out her phone when the teacher was not looking and typed

To: yongguk

Sorry for the late reply, Jiyong's phone got confiscated

Would you like to eat with us instead? :)

~~~~~ typed being straight forward and sent it 


On the other hand,

After the message being sent, yongguk started to feel nervous as the time passes

"Do you think he doesn’t reply because he doesn’t want to eat with us?" yongguk asked himchan

"Could you just relax? It’s only been 1minute since you sent it" himchan replied to his question for the fourth time

Yongguk look at the clock and saw that himchan was right about the 1minute and thought 'weird, it seems so long since I’ve sent it'

Just after what he thought the was a slight vibration coming from his phone

Yongguk excitedly opened his phone and saw a message, he pressed view and what he saw was....

From: himchan


He turned he head towards himchan direction and saw himchan trying to hold his laughter

"Ya" he said showing himchan his phone

Himchan turned and faced yongguk

"What? I can’t send a message to you?"

"No" yongguk replied

"Fine, since you don’t appreciate my message I’ll just send it to other people" himchan said and started playing with his phone

Yongguk felt his phone vibrate again and looked to himchan and said

"Stop it"

Himchan replied "stop what?"

Yongguk looked into himchan’s phone and saw that he was playing games and realised that this time i was real


He unlocked his phone and expected to see a pop up of jiyong's reply but instead saw a pop up of ~~~~~'s message

From: ~~~~~

Sorry for the late reply, Jiyong's phone got confiscated

Would you like to eat with us instead? :)

His eyes widen and a wide spread of smile appeared on his face and turned his phone towards himchan

"~~~~~ texted me!" he said

"Yay, good for you" himchan replied uninterested

"She asked me to join them instead!" yongguk continued talking to himchan despite his lack of interest

"You are not going to dump us for her right?" himchan asked going closer to yongguk

"Go away, I need to reply ~~~~~" yongguk pushed himchan face away and started to type

To: ~~~~~

Sure, I would like to, where should i go? Could you help me tell jiyong that I’m sorry his phone got confiscated  :)

And pressed send

After sending it he pressed back and continued to look at ~~~~~'s message and smiled tp himself

"Helloooo?, are you even listening" himchan said, he has been nagging about their friendship and other things

"Look, ~~~~~ even inserted a smiling face in the message" yongguk replied pointing to the smiling face from ~~~~~'s message, totally ignoring what himchan said

"i don’t care, so are you going to eat with them or us?" himchan asked not knowing that yongguk has already agreed to eat with ~~~~~

"Of course them" yongguk replied

"You chose them over us?! how could you?" himchan said

"i just need a break from all of the people staring at me when I eat, it’s not like i always abandon you all" yongguk reasoned

"Fine just this once, but you are going to explain to the rest of bap" himchan replied

"Not just once, you might never know if I’m going to eat with ~~~~~ and jiyong again, and i will explain myself don’t worry" yongguk replied


On ~~~~~'s side

~~~~~ received the massage and said to jiyong "yongguk says he's sorry that your phone is confiscated"

Jiyong just nodded

~~~~~ turned back to the phone and replied

To: yongguk

Meet us at the back of the gym :) see you later!

And sent it



Right when the bell rang, yongguk left for the gym without even saying bye to himchan

While jiyong went to the teacher to get his phone back and then walked to the back of the gym with ~~~~~ helping ~~~~~ with her bag since her hand still hurts a little


Yongguk reached the back of the gym being careful not to cause attention and waited for ~~~~~ and jiyong


"Did you bring another lunch box for yongguk?" jiyong asked

"Nope" ~~~~~ replied

"What do you expect him to eat" jiyong questioned

"Erm....  I shall go buy food for him from the canteen" ~~~~~ said and turned to the direction of the canteen instead of the gym

Jiyong dragged ~~~~~ back and said "I’ll go. Since your hand is still hurt"

~~~~~ smiled and said "thanks! Now give me my bag it will be crowded in the canteen and my bag will be in the way"

Jiyong handed her bag to her and said "go wait for me with yongguk, I’ll be back soon" and left for the canteen

'Such blessing to have a best friend like jiyong' ~~~~~ thought and dragged her bag making her way to the back of the gym

After walking for a while, she reached her destination and saw yongguk waiting patiently And walked over to him

"Hi!" ~~~~~ greeted being quite comfortable around him and settled her bag on the floor

"Hi!" yongguk replied back with a big smile

"Here, lets me carry you bag for you" he said and pulled ~~~~~'s bag from the floor onto his shoulder

"Thanks haha. Not really used to a unusable hand" ~~~~~ explained

"You’re welcome, where's jiyong?" yongguk asked noticing that jiyong wasn’t with ~~~~~

"He went to buy food for you" she replied with a smile

"U should have let me buy my own food" yongguk said

"Neh, it’s a risk of people following you hahahah" ~~~~~ replied

"So... Where are we going to eat?" yongguk asked curiously

"In the library" ~~~~~ replied

"What?  They allow you to eat in the library?" yongguk asked shocked

"Not exactly, we sit at the furthest corner so that the librarian won’t see us, anyways she's too lazy to walk around to check" ~~~~~ whispered to yongguk

"Ohhhh" he replied and thought 'no wonder i don’t see any of them eating in the canteen' yongguk nodded

At that time jiyong came back with another lunch box in his hand

"I hope you like beef" jiyong said with a smile and handed the box to yongguk

"I love beef, thanks" he replied taking the box from jiyong

"Welcome, can you bag fit that" jiyong asked

Yongguk opened his bag and easily placed the box in his bag since there were hardly any books

"Done" yongguk replied and smiled

"Wow you should smile more" ~~~~~ commented

Yongguk looked away not used to the comment made by ~~~~~

"Here let me have ~~~~~'s bag" jiyong tried to take ~~~~~'s bag away from yongguk

But yongguk said "its ok you bag looks heavy with those books in it"

"Nerd duties" jiyong simply replied

"Let’s go eat, I’m hungry!" ~~~~~ said and the three of them started walking towards the library

"Psh, when are you not?" jiyong said

"What?!"~~~~~ shouted

And the small fights continued all the way to the library


after reaching the library


Yongguk laughed at the two of them quarrelling like small kids and ~~~~~ realised

"Look what you did, you spoiled my image in front of yongguk" ~~~~~ said

"What image?" jiyong replied teasing her

"You are evil" ~~~~~ said

"Guys, we have reached the library" yongguk informed still smiling


Once they entered the library, they went to the furthest corner where jiyong and ~~~~~ sits almost during every break and settled down with ~~~~~ and jiyong sitting together and yongguk opposite of them


~~~~~ took out a lunch box and placed it in front of her

"Let’s eat!" she said happily to yongguk

Yongguk smiled back and took out the box of food that jiyong bought earlier for him

"Hey, where's mine?" jiyong asked ~~~~~ for his lunch box

But ~~~~~ just ignored him and opened her lunch box and started eating

"Yah!" jiyong said, with no response jiyong decided to snatch ~~~~~'s bag for his food while yongguk watched amusingly

"You have to apologize first!" ~~~~~ said preventing her bag from being taken away

"No! It’s not my fault to begin with" jiyong said and let go of her bag

"Fine, I’m sure yongguk wouldn’t mind sharing with me his meal, right yongguk?" jiyong asked looking at yongguk with an over innocent smile

"y..ya, lets share" yongguk said awkwardly pushing his box to the middle

"Don’t scare him; he might not want to eat with us again! Here just take it" ~~~~~ said and took another lunch box from her bag and gave it to jiyong

'Hah i knew it would work' jiyong thought

While the shock yongguk thought 'she wants to eat with me again? Omg!'

And ~~~~~, 'psh, i was going to give it to him anyways'


The three of them started eating

"Is bap ok with you eating with us" jiyong asked

"I don’t know, the only person i told was himchan" yongguk replied


"Ummm, so you somehow ditched them to eat with us?" ~~~~~ said


"Yes hahah. I needed a break from all those fan girls of bap, this is a very good place you found, it’s very peaceful" yongguk commented

'i wish i could eat with these two more often' yongguk thought


Jiyong could almost tell what he was thinking about because of his facial expression and sympathized him because neither him nor ~~~~~ liked the attention of people following them around too

And said "you could come eat with us anytime if you want, of course if bap doesn’t mind" jiyong kindly offered

And of course yongguk was happy to hear that he was welcomed to join them anytime but he would be happier to hear it from ~~~~~ instead of jiyong

Without knowing he looked to ~~~~~ direction to only see ~~~~~ cutely attacking her food

Jiyong followed his gaze and understood what he wanted

"Right ~~~~~?" jiyong asked

"What?" ~~~~~ looked up and asked with a three rice on the mouth

Yongguk unknowingly started laughed he thought it was cute the way she enjoyed food

~~~~~ turned to yongguk and asked  "is the rice on my mouth again?" and started wiping with the back of her hand and got one grain of rice of leaving other two there causing yongguk to laugh again

"Aigoo, what will you do without me?" jiyong said and turned ~~~~~'s face towards him an picked the other two rice off

"Done" he said


Yongguk stopped laughing and said "sorry I dint meant to be rude, but you are just so cute"

~~~~~ turned away embarrassed and yongguk realised what he said and it became awkward


"Sooooo........, back to topic, you would like for yongguk to join us more often right?" jiyong asked trying to break the awkwardness


"Erm.. Ya of course! If you want to you can join us anytime!" ~~~~~ replied and welcomed yongguk too


Forgetting what happened, yongguk brightened up hearing what ~~~~~ said "thanks" he replied sincerely


'Damn, at this rate I’m going to lose this game i better start soon' jiyong thought

After the three of them finished eating, jiyong helped packed the lunch boxes ~~~~~ bought because of her hand and disposed yongguk box and since there were still some time left before class starts, they started talking about cars

"So I heard you have quite a lot of cars" yongguk said to ~~~~~


"Yup, I love cars" ~~~~~ said


"Maybe you should lend one of your cars to yongguk and race him, he likes racing" jiyong commented knowing the common interest between the two


"How do you know he likes racing?" ~~~~~ asked not knowing how jiyong got the information


"While i was sending him home last night, we talked" jiyong explained


"Ohhhh" ~~~~~ nodded she was glad that yongguk had the same interest as her, it would be easier to communicate with him


"So? Fancy any car you saw last night?" ~~~~~ asked yongguk


"All of them are nice, but i dint get to see them all actually" yongguk said


"Maybe i could lend you a car and we three could race together!" ~~~~~ said excitedly


"That would be great but is it legal to..." yongguk asked but was cut off


"We will race at my grandfather’s property its legal there" ~~~~~ replied with enthusiasm

"Yeah, we always race there" added jiyong

"That would be fun" yongguk said and smiled

And the bell went of the three of them started to head back to class together since they were in the same class for the next lesson

The three of them felt closer to each other without noticing

As they walk pass the hallway together, they earned some curious stares from student and one of them was jiyeon who was wondering why was yongguk walking together with jiyong and ~~~~~




a long chapter for all of you! hope you enjoyed it!


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Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Riaurika #2
Chapter 28: Good luck with your exams :)!!
mah_youngmin_ #3
Chapter 26: UPDATE ^^ please haha
Can't wait to find out what
yongguk has to ask (:
Chapter 25: Yongguk is being a creeper XD
michily #5
Chapter 24: uh oh is Yongguk going to found out their real identity???
Nananashi #6
Chapter 24: I feel incomplete :( hahahaha update fast :)
michily #7
Chapter 21: banghim moment woo hoo
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Chapter 20: oh is Yongguk fall in love already? kyaaaa....
pashi-pashta #9
Chapter 17: eyyy.. yongguk is jealous of jello-ah x)