Chapter Three



We still receive stares as we walk down the street together, in like, anywhere.


Some find our budding relationship romantic whilst others find it horrific.


I admit that even though I know their opinions should hold no matter to me, I sometimes find myself avidly listening to their comments or secretly reading the stories that are printed in newspapers or magazines and posted all over the Internet.


All this however is forgotten when I’m with him. He fills my world to the brink leaving no room for such trivial matter.


It’s been a month since MBC Gayo Daejoon and in that time, we’ve gone on four dates.


One every Saturday.


We've grown increasingly comfortable in each other's presence. He's started to talk about how he’s sometimes fed up with his celebrity life, a talk considered in the company as taboo, and a talk he never had with anybody.


Since the year-end event, my group has become increasingly busy and as much as I wanted a break, I can’t. I had to work and having a relationship doesn’t mean I have to sacrifice my priorities.


BIGBANG on the other hand has just come back from their world tour and is throwing a massive party in their behalf. Unfortunately since it's a Saturday, Jiyong and I have decided to have our fifth date at the hall.


I can't say I'm looking forward to it.


Meeting and socializing with people after a long and tedious schedule is not my idea of a perfect date.


Jiyong however is excited the world is finally meeting me, not as my usual self, but finally as his girlfriend. How excited his fans actually is to see me has yet to be determined.


A knock on the front door informs me of his presence.


He's wearing rich velvet black and white tuxedo. Ever the fashionista.


I instantly wish I'd dressed up more and took my stylists’ advice on wearing a more formal dress than the one I’m wearing.


Too late now Dara.


He asks me if I'm ready and upon my nod, wraps me in his arms.


The hall is packed with people I barely recognize except for a few I knew from work. It is warm and inviting but I feel cold, nervous as a sinking ship.


Jiyong lays his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the closed doors of the drawing room. I can hear the faint din coming from behind.


The doors open and we step in.


To say that a hush falls across the room is somewhat of an understatement. Every eye belonging to a male or female falls on Jiyong before switching to me.


I barely notice the extra looks, too busy perceiving the ones given to me as I walked in by said single females.


As we move from group to group, I get more and more awkward in my own skin. It is being made plainly clear to me that I will never fit into this world but what I really hate is how different this Jiyong is compared to my Jiyong.


The faces blur into each other as I try to control my emotions.


The final straw comes when I hear a screech that I would usually associate with a deranged banshee. She and a group of five girls are standing at the arrival doors, their eyes moving back and forth between Jiyong and me.


A girl, maybe a die-hard fan, storms up to where we're standing, prior to taking a deep breath and letting out her diatribe.


The crowd once more hushes and turn to face us.


Jiyong is now yelling back at her and I can see security grabbing the girl away while she flails wildly.


My mind starts to get light headed and I do the one thing I've been longing to do since we arrived.


I ran to the coat closet.


Now that I'm finally alone the tears that I've held in check for so long fall free. I wipe them away causing my hands to dirty with a mixture of tears and make up.


After much searching I finally find my coat and snatch it down from the hanger.


I'm in the process of putting it on when the door to the closet opens and light pools in.


I'm momentarily blinded and when my eyes focus I see Jiyong standing in front of me.


I turn away ashamed and shove my left arm through the sleeve.


He calls out my name softly and I cover my face with my hands, crying harder.


I feel him move around me and he pulls my hands away from my face, squeezing them tightly in his.


He apologises for bringing me here before waiting with me until I'm all cried out.


The whole time he never once lets go of my hands.


He asks me if I'm ready to leave and I nod. He lets go of my hand to grab his own coat before re-taking it and leading me out.


That night is the first time he stays over.


We spend the whole night in my bed wrapped together.


He finally lets go of my hand the following morning before leaving for work.


I'm not worried. We have another date scheduled for later that day.


Our fifth one. I've discounted yesterdays.


He's taking me to the ice-rink. I have not skated at all in my life and he'll probably have to hold my hand the whole time we're there.


I smile at the thought.

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phEnxx #1
Chapter 5: ah...... my gosh I thought i misread it but God dara did died in the story sad but i like it '
Chapter 5: why did dara die ?? why T_______T
Chapter 5: Oh my gaho.... i'm crying early in the morning... aigooo.... thanks for a lovely fic authornim...
Chapter 5: OMG i thought she just wanted to sleep but but but T.T
Ghad why omg
Thank you for this <3 it's beautifully written
Chapter 5: beautiful story.... but the ending tho..... T.T
Chapter 5: Waaa. I was smiling d whole time reading d last chappie but when it reached d last part, i gasped and almost cried. Aish. Btw, wat wer d 4words? I dnt get it. O.o oh, thanks for ds, btw.
charmillesenica #7
Chapter 5: Gaaaaahd! Why did she have die? T____T but this is beautiful authornim.
xue_hea #8
Chapter 5: everything is perfect except the last part. :(

but then, this was beautifully written... thumbs up!
Chapter 5: Aww too many why she die gahhd ㅠ.ㅠ its really heartwarming.
Chapter 5: Why did she have to die :(