Chapter 2

Stubborn Love Between A Diva and A Nerd

You're POV


(The Next Day)


I rushed to the cafe, I just remembered it was my first day of work!

I entered the Cafe panting, then I noticed someone sitting where I usually sat.

Flower Boy.

He smirked.

"Couldn't wait to see me?" he asked, I scoffed and gave him a look.

He turned away and looked out the window.


"In you're dreams, 'pretty' boy!" I laughed loudly, he turned to me and glared.


The cafe's manager came out and waved.

"~~~~-ah! It's good you're here! Let me show you how to work the machines in the kitchen, you already know how to use the cashier, yes?" she asked, I nodded and followed after her to the kitchen.

I heard mocking laughter coming from Flower Boy's direction.

I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him before entering the kitchen.

"Yah! That's not a way to treat-" he cried out, I didn't hear the last part since I was already in the kitchen.

What a lousy person, he has a nice face but the worst personality.


The manager showed me how to work the coffee machine and other machines I forgot the names of, she then led me out of the kitchen and showed me to a dressing room.

"This is where you change, here's you're uniform! Don't worry about that idiot out there, he's my nephew so I have to tolerate him coming in here all them time, just ignore him!" she laughed and rolled her eyes, she then handed me some clothes.

I nodded and laughed at her comment about Flower Boy.

I got changed into my uniform, it was like a maid costume but more modernized.

"~~~~-ah! You look so cute! I'm sure he'll fall in love with you now!" Hea came out of nowhere and squealed.

"Ahahahaha! That's not funny..." I scoffed and laughed sarcastically, knowing who she was talking about.

"You never know~! Ok! Why don't you ask for his order! I haven't taken it yet! And I'm you're senior so you have to listen to everything I say! Mwahahaha!" She smirked pushing me out the changing room and towards Flower Boy's direction.

He was looking out the window but ce he heard me and Hea come out, then he smirked.

I glared, which made him smirk even more.

I walked to his table, he looked up with that oh-so-annoying-smirk of his.


"Why don't you smile? Isn't a maid supposed to smile to customers?" he asked, I glared even more making him laugh.

"You're Auntie says that you're an exception, what do you want?" I asked him a hint of boredom in my voice, this made him uncomfortable.

"Who told you I was her niece?" he asked, I smirked and looked him up and down just like what he did to me yesterday.

"You're auntie, so what do you want?" I asked again, he shrugged and looked out the window.

I tapped my foot, I got fed up and turned to go.

His hand grabbed my wrist though.

"Wa-Wait! Can I ask you a question?" he asked, I turned and scoffed.

"Let go...And I'll answer you're question..." I muttered, he let go slowly then looked up at me.

"You know, you're aegyo doesn't work on me dude! Ahaha!" I laughed even more which made him blush slightly.

"Who said I'll use my precious aegyo on you? Well anyways can I ask my question now?" he replied looking away, I stood there and folded my arms over my chest whilst tapping my foot.

"Well? Ask away." I replied in a monotone voice, he coughed then looked at me.

"How do you get a person to fall in love with you?" he asked, I smirked.

"You're expecting me to know this? I mean you even said so yourself, I'm unfashionable and you aren't intrested in me a nerd, so what makes you think I can make a boy fall in love in love with me and my looks?" I scoffed, he then stood up.

Woah! So tall!

He looked down at me and smirked.

"Who knew you were so small?" he asked sarcastically, I glared then walked away.

"Yah! You haven't answered my question!" he cried, I continued walking.

It's best to ignore guys like those, I gave him another chance but look at what he does!

I entered the kitchen, lucky for me the manager was here.

"Manager-nim! Can I come again tomorrow? You're nephew is annoying me...I'm sorry if I'm saying this..." she then laughed, I looked at her strangely.

"It's ok ~~~~-ssi! He's annoying, just to make you happy! I have an idea!" she cried then left the kitchen, I stared after her.

What a dependable and weird manager.

I was about to walk out the back door when the kitchen door opened.

"Auntie...Let go! It hurts!" Pretty boy was being dragged into the kitchen by the manager.

It was a sight to make even a person who doesn't have a sense of humour to laugh at!

I mean...

Pretty boy was behind an angry looking manager, she was pinching and pulling his left ear and dragging him into the kitchen, what makes it even more hilarious is that she was smaller than him.

Not that I can say Im tall...I'm pretty short compared to manager unni.

"Say sorry Sungjong! Don't be an idiot to my new worker!" manager scolded him, still holding onto his ear.

"Alright Alright! I'm sorry miss nerd! Can you let-aah! That hurts!" flower boy cried, manager must have pinched his ear harder.

"It's ok manager-nim! He doesn't need to do anything! Why don't you punish him by making him work here?" I asked, pretty boy sent me daggers, Manager unni smirked.

"~~~~-ssi! That's a good idea! Sungjong...You work here now! Or I'll tell you're mother you're being a jerk again! Please show him to the changing rooms ~~~~-ssi!" she cried, letting go of his nephew's ear she left the kitchen.

I stood staring at pretty boy, he was staring back.

"Good idea Miss Nerd! Now look! Do you think a pretty face like me can be seen working at a cafe?!" he cried, I scoffed.

"What's up Pretty Boy? Can't take the heat of the kitchen and hard labour?" I asked, he gave me a glare that could kill.

"I can, but I don't want to." he replied.

"That just shows me you're a chicken!" I cried, doing the chicken dance.

"Yah! I'm not a chicken! Then you're a chicken!" he cried, and did it with me.

Both of us were dancing in the middle of the kitchen like chickens...

Pretty boy isn't so bad...


 End of ~~~~'s pov


Third person


One thing they didn't know who was watching them was Hea.

She tried to hold in her laughter at the two dorks dancing like chickens.

She took out her phone and recorded it.

This will be a good present if they ever go out.

What an odd and dorky couple...




I'm sorry for the late update and boring chapter!

My computer screen broke you see...

So I won't be able to update as much until it gets fixed...


Im sorry for the BORING chapter! -bows repeatedly-

I'll make it up to you in the next chapter!

Oh yeah, this will be a short series! ^^

I can't keep up with long fics, I also have my other fics to update T^T

So much stress...

See you soon! Hopefully!

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Smileonce133 #1
kya >.<!!
shiro123 #2
wow!! omo continue it please :)
Love the story! <3 ^_^
waw that was cute :D<br />
especially the last part: "No because you and I are one..."<br />
that one nearly swept me off my seat :))
Ahhh that was super cute! >u<
kute kute kuteee~~~<br />
-kyeopta #7
"Say sorry Sungjong! Don't be an idiot to my new worker!" manager scolded him, still holding onto his ear.<br />
<br />
That made me laugh~ ^^<br />
<br />
Love your one-shot
naomi777 #8
yay their together!!!!!!!!!!!
ShyMin #9
Thanks for reading! I'll try and get on a laptop and type up the next chapter, currently on the iPhone and it won't let me update properly --''<br />
Next chapter you'll find that ~~~~ has a very interesting past! ^O^
naomi777 #10
new reader really like your story please update soon thanks!!!!!!!!!