A forced marriage

Hunhan House...

At The Dining Table...



"Luhan I'm sorry...really-really sorry.."Sehun apologised.


"Luhan say something...don't make me feel guilty..please.."pleaded Sehun.

Luhan lifted his head and stared at Sehun " So you're sorry?Just sorry?! YOU  slept with me! YOU took my ! YOU don't LOVE me! YOU took my BODY! You're JERK! You're human with a heart of animal! I HATE YOU! " yell Luhan as he smacked the dining table and went to his room,slammed his door leaving a loud 'BANG!' .

Sehun was shocked it was his first time seeing a fierce Luhan.

'what should I do?' thought Sehun.



It's been a few day since Luhan being mad with Sehun. Luhan in his room and that worried Sehun soo much.Sehun realized that he mde a big mistake, rapping his own wife. He lost his angelic, patient, caring yet loving wife. He's scared that he gonna lost Luhan for the rest of his entire life,so he decided to talk to Kai and Baekhyun.


At The Restaurant....

Sehun P.O.V

I was waiting for Kai and his wife arrival.

'will I get my wife back?'  can't think but anything else but Luhan.

"Hey I'm sorry ..we're late...have you benn waiting for else?" Kai bring me back to reallity.

"Uh..not really...
like about five minutes... I'm sorry for not noticing your arrival.." apologising to the couple..

' He looks distracted... what has happened?' thought Kai..

"What's your problem dude?What have been disturbing you nowdays?" asked Kai corcerned.

"It's about Luhan...He's mad at me ..." I haven't finished speaking when suddenly Baekhyun interrupted,"Luhan should be mad at you! You treat him  like an animal... you're animal hearted  Sehun!! You don't desreved Luhan...Luhan deserved someone thats much more better than you.."

Kai calmed his wife....

"I know I made a mistake... I know I should be blame... But Kai I can't lose him..."

"Why? so you could hurt him more? huh!" Baekhyun interrupted again..

"No... is not like that... He have been locked himself inside his bedroom for a few days..He didn't talk to me , he avoided me..I'm worried ... he has not waited for me to come home everynight like he always do... I miss those things soo much... There's something missing deep inside my heart when he didn't show up... Kai help me...please.."begging for help.

"Sehun  I think you're in  love with him... just don't deny it... You should talk to him about your feelings.. tell him you love him .. you just realised about it.." said Kai..

"Yeah.. Kai is right.. you should talk to him ... Luhan isn't cold hearted..he'll forgive you ... believed me... "said Baekhyun..

"Thanks Guys.." I replied..


Hunhan House..

"Tok!Tok!" * knocking the door *


"Luhan open the door please.."begged Sehun..


"Luhan please don't make me worried...say something so I know that you're still alive.."

"What do you want?" At last Luhan talks.

' Such a relief '  thought Sehun..

"Luhan I knew I'm such a jerk... I didn't treat you nicely... I didn't appreciate you.. I'm sorry.. Luhan I just realised about my feelings... my feelings towards you.. I LOVE you Luhan.. I know I don't deserve your love but I just want you to know that I love you..I've been denying my own feelings... But I want you to know to that I've fall for you...I'm sorry Luhan please forgive me..." Said Sehun almost crying..

The door was opened..." Sehun are you sure what about what are you saying?You're not drunk ain't you?" Asked Luhan..

"Yes  Luhan...I'm sure about everything that I say just now.... I love you Xi Luhan... And I'm not drunk..." Said Sehun.

"I love you too Oh Sehun... And you're forgiven.." Said Luhan , crying.

"Hey don't cry.... your tears are precious... please stop crying.." Sehun wipe those tears from Luhan cheeks and kissed them.


hunhan in spore...

A/N: Blue for Sehun
Green for Kai

Sorry for the late update...

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPVyl-TpKFqPCkUFHP_Ag HUNHAN!!



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Uhm i think u should upload a description of this story ...
4minuteXOX #2
Chapter 5: This editing tho honestlyXxX
4minuteXOX #3
Chapter 2: Trying to imagine LuHan in a dress
I think he would look quite cute actually
Chapter 1: Lmaoo cute!!
Lilianlimi #5
Chapter 11: Awwwwwww so sweeeettt XDDDD
Chapter 11: wow story was gooooooood
growlingwolf12 #7
Chapter 6: Gusto look. Lol ! Awesome story :3
Chapter 11: woahh nice storyyy!!!
Chapter 11: Waaaaaa...!!! That was really OMG! They are having a twin (^__^)
That's was really a great idea author-nim. Keep it up!! 'Hwaiting!!!'
Chapter 10: OMO! Sehun was so awesome in this chap, how he raise Luhan's chin to look at him, that was daebak (^__^)