IDK title... LoL..

A forced marriage

A few months after the wedding...

HunHan house..

Luhan's P.O.V

'It already almost 10.00 pm...and he's not home yet...' I was worried

'BANG!'* Door Banging*

'He's home..' It was a relieved to know he's home.

"You're home..why are you late?where did you go?" I talked to him.

"Can you just shut up!Why am I late and where did I go is none of your business!Didn't I told not to wait for me?!Don't you understand!Even if you wait for me for a 100 years I won't even LOVE you!Understand!!Get that in your mind!" He yelled straight a my face..

"Why?Why did you hate me soo much?What mistake that i've done?" I tried to talk while holding my tears not to flow.

"Why?I was supposed to be with Kai not you!You're such a BURDEN!Don't you know that...You're a !" He yelled again and left our house.

I went to my room.. I can't hold my tears anymore,I let it flow as much as it want and fell asleep.


At Kai's Workplace..

"Hey Sehun... you should go home and be with Luhan ...Don't you pity him?" Asked Kai.

"Kai I can't be with him...I just can't be with him.. I don't love him... I love you.. only you.."Sehun replied.

"Sehun I'm with Baekhyun.. And I love him.. we're are history.... Let me get this clear.. I Kim JongIn only LOVE Byun Baekhyun,my wife , my one and only wife..
you better keep that in your mind.."Said Kai a little bit raised his vioce.

Sehun was shocked with Kai's statement..

"Sehun just go home.."


Back To HunHan's House

'He Don't love me ...How could he..' thought Sehun.

Sehun went to the Fridge and took out a few of Soju..and drank those till drunk.

Then he entered Luhan's room and smirked at him...

He ripped his shirt and took off his pants and went to Luhan and made Luhan ..


The next Morning..

'Why is my body is hurting that bad...Why is it cold? Why am I !....and why is Sehun lying by my side?'

"Se..Sehun..wake up..." Luhan tried to wake his Husband.

"What..?"answered Sehun in a sleepy voice.

"What happened last night?What did you do to me?" asked Luhan a little bit scared.

Look at his conditioned,Sehun reacelled everything that happened last night,"Luhan I'm sorry..I was drunk last night..I was unconcious..I'm really sorry.."said Sehun..

"It's okay I understand..."said Luhan as he picked his clothes and went to his toilet.

After Luhan's figure dissapeared into the toilet,Sehun picked his clothes and went to his room..


(A/N:Will Luhan be an angelic Luhan or the opposite after what happend?)


The HuhHAN


The Baekai



(A/N: Red for Luhan
Blue for Sehun)


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Uhm i think u should upload a description of this story ...
4minuteXOX #2
Chapter 5: This editing tho honestlyXxX
4minuteXOX #3
Chapter 2: Trying to imagine LuHan in a dress
I think he would look quite cute actually
Chapter 1: Lmaoo cute!!
Lilianlimi #5
Chapter 11: Awwwwwww so sweeeettt XDDDD
Chapter 11: wow story was gooooooood
growlingwolf12 #7
Chapter 6: Gusto look. Lol ! Awesome story :3
Chapter 11: woahh nice storyyy!!!
Chapter 11: Waaaaaa...!!! That was really OMG! They are having a twin (^__^)
That's was really a great idea author-nim. Keep it up!! 'Hwaiting!!!'
Chapter 10: OMO! Sehun was so awesome in this chap, how he raise Luhan's chin to look at him, that was daebak (^__^)