Another Chance

Don't Hate Me

     Why was Woohyun taking so long? Sunggyu sulked around the living room, his spirits suddenly low from the new arrival. Who is this Lee Taemin anyway? Well, besides the fact that he is Woohyun's new coworker. Sunggyu had only just gotten here, and already felt neglected. But then again, maybe he was expecting too much. Maybe Sunggyu really was just being that selfish self he was, and really just didnt know how to appreciate something like this. He knew he was an awful person, and it hurt. But he couldn't help it.

     Mixed feelings bubbled inside of him, confusing him more than he currently was. Sunggyu clutched his head as he unsteadily sat down on the couch, knowing he was thinking way too much for such a small matter. Nevertheless, he knew he had to get out, out to where he belonged. Sunggyu burst out of the door, having felt suffocated inclosed within the walls of Woohyun's home. Or between any walls, really.
     Feeling the fresh air in his lungs again felt good, like the feeling you get when you're home for the first time in a long while. Sunggyu laughed at the thought. In a way, the outside had been like his home. It seems pitiful to most people, but he liked it that way. Something about the feeling that you had nothing to loose and that you had nothing tying you down like money or family appealed to him. But now, even that little thing was taken from him, and, to Sunggyu's horror, he didn't mind. It seemed almost reasonable to abandon freedom for that care and happiness that radiated from that man, and the comfort of somewhere to be when it was cold, raining. He couldn't help but feel guilt and shame from taking advantage of his kindness, but the greed in him killed it the moment it appeared.
     "Would you like to taste our new dish? We make it from all natural ingredients." An employee for a new resturant advertised, holding out some meat on a toothpick.
     "Yes, Thank you." Sunggyu took it from the girl's hand, savoring the tender beef as long as possible. Was it possible for something to taste so good that even the sky seemed brighter? He chuckled to himself at the thought. Perhaps it was.
     Sunggyu yawned, tired from all the events that happened that day. Though he had been alone, it felt fresh and good that he no longer had to worry about food or a bed or even loneliness anymore, yet could still feel free.
     "Sunggyu?" Woohyun's head popped into the room they shared. "Sorry about Taemin... He was new and needed help so..."
     "No, it's okay."
     Woohyun smiled, eyes thinning into crescents.
     Sunggyu stared at the ceiling, contemplating whether he should speak to Woohyun or not.
     "Sunggyu? You up?" He beat him to it.
     "Yeah... Can I ask you something?"
     "Sure, Shoot."
     "Why did you really help me? I know I asked before... But why did you take me in?"
     Woohyun chuckled softly. "You're really curious, aren't you? I'm not sure this would satisfy you, though."
     Sunggyu waited.
     "To be honest, when I found you, I though I had gone back in time. Or rather, that history had replayed itself in order for me to correct a mistake I had made in the past.
     "I was the raw age of 18 when it started. I was finally out into the world, fresh into college, and naive to the evils of life. A month into that-- I was crushed by the stress and pressure. He came then, drawing me in like the devil and I had no power to resist him. He was like you, rash and rough at the edges, never able to talk out of a fight for his life. Literally, as I found out later.
     "At the time, he was my escape, my paradise. Whenever things got tough, I would turn, and he would be right there, kissing me and teasing me for my nerdiness. I was happy, more than ever before. It was short lived, I shouldn't have really believed it would last. Not the way I acted.
     "Everytime he fought I would hide and cower, to afraid of hurting myself that I didn't know that although he was stronger, more experienced, he needed more help than I did. It went on one time too long, and he lost his life. It was one against one, but that morning, we fought, and he was upset. He didn't have the energy to fight back, and the other man easily beat him bloody and lifeless."
     He stayed silent for a while, deep in thought. "I was there." He said so silently it was almost not heard.
     "I saw it all, and did nothing. I walked away, hoping that they didn't notice me and bring me into it as well. But he did, and I still remember his betrayed expression as clear as day. I didn't want to make the same mistake again, not after what had happened."
     "I-I'm sorry... And thank you." Sunggyu looked into the other's eyes, surprised by the pure fondness in his eyes.
     "Thank you, too." He whispered, and kissed his head.
     "Table four needs to order!"
     "Got it!"
     Sunggyu rushed to the customers, putting the sweetest smile on and collecting their orders. He had decided early on that he needed a job to repay Woohyun and seeing how things were going, it worked out pretty well.
     Woohyun must bring me luck, chuckled Sunggyu, gathering his things after his shift had ended. The sky was turning dark already and Sunggyu could tell from his years of telling time with the sky that Woohyun would come home soon.
     "Sunggyu-ssi!" Sunggyu turned, only to be greeted by the smiling face of Taemin.
     "Oh... Hello." He awkwardly bowed.
     "Are you going home?"
     "Cool, let's go together." Taemin grabbed the elder's arm and half dragged, half walked with him down the street. The first few minutes were awkward, each side not saying anything, Taemin wondering what to say, Sunggyu wishing he weren't stuck in such a situation.
     "So, how are you going with Woohyun?" Taemin managed to say, trying to break the ice.
     "W-what do you mean?"
     "It's obvious he likes you," Taemin laughed, "and I get the feeling that it's neutral."
     "That's not it..." It's not me that he loves...
     "Hey, you're a good guy, and you seem likable enough to me."
     "Thanks." Sunggyu's mouth opened involuntarily,"I honestly didn't like you at first."
     "Hopefully that's changed?" Taemin offered.
     Sunggyu nodded rigorously, still horrified with himself that he actually said that.
     "Well, Woohyun's really lucky to know such awesome people like us." He winked, conjuring a smile from the former.
     "I wish that were true..." Sunggyu sighed, shaking his head.
     "I'm just some gangster that can't do anything on his own, other than cause pain to others. I don't know how I had the fortune of Woohyun picking me up, but I'm more than thankful and sorry that he puts up with me. Is this your house?" Sunggyu gestured towards the cozy looking home they were standing in front of.
     Taemin nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for walking me home."
     "No problem. See you later then." The elder waved and turned away, making his way down the road back to the apartment.
     "Sunggyu!" He turned back around at Taemin's outburst. "You're wrong about yourself. You aren't who you think you are." Taemin's face was unusually solemn, but Sunggyu didn't notice.
     "Thanks, Taemin. You really are the best friend I can ever have." He paused. "I really was wrong about you."
     Taemin watched his silhouette dissapear, smiling at Sunggyu's sincere words. You have no idea, Sunggyu.
A/N Sorry for that HUUUUUGGGEE hiatus so early in my story ;-; school has been awful.............. but I'm really really sorry to my 6 subbies and I promise I'll try to update more often but I'm a slow writer.... Mianhae for being a bad person. /bangsheadagainstwall/
I hope you liked this update anyways ^^  LOOOVVVEEE~<3
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Chapter 2: Hey,I'm a new reader! Your story is very interesting so far,I like it!!Please update soon!<3
Kp0paddict #2
Chapter 1: Please update soon ! :D I'll be waiting..
Sounds interesting! Please update soon~