
The Murders in Busan

Daehyun sat down in the cold room, Mun in front of him. The man were smirking and Daehyun was pissed. His friend, college and boss were once again in the hospital, this time not wakig up. The whole case was now on him and he had to do his absolute best to make Himchan proud. And the man infront of him, was not going to ruin that!

He sighed and they kept looking at each other. No one moved a muscle. They didn't need to. In their eyes and heads they were battling and killing the other, but in real life, they were both scared. One of getting caught, and the other to get hurt. But neither showed any signs of it, and the atmosphere was getting thicker and thicker. Mun started to chuckle and soon laugh. Daehyun looked at him.

Daehyun sighed and stood up. He picked up the file, looked it through and placed picture after picture on the table of the dead parents.

"One, two dead people Junhyuk! Two! Parents to one son. He lost his parents Mun! And you did it..."

Daehyun were screaming at him, his anger increasing for every passing minute. Junghyuk looked at the pictures then down at the floor. He sighed and looked at Daehyun. The look in his eyes made Daehyun unsure. He immediately toned down his voice and back one step. He took a deep breath and blinked one or two times.

"Where is he, Mun? You know you will get a less harsher punishment if you tell us where Lee Minwoo is..."

He were nearly pleading. Begging him. Daehyun had never felt this week in front of anyone. Not even his boss, Himchan. Or his boss, Mr. Song. Not anybody. But this man did. And he hated it. But if he so had to kill him, he is going to get the exact location of his college. The one they had found was the last known and when they went there, they found an old and empty apartment.

Just as Mun was about to answer him, someone barged in. Daehyun and Junhyuk turned to the door and saw the boy, The lonely rider, panting like he had just run a marathon. He didn't bother closing the door, and just walked in, punching Junhyuk in the face. The man fell to the floor and Daehyun stopped Kris who had followed him. 

"Where the is the little hiding!? Huh!? He ing killed my parents!"

Then it dawned on Daehyun. How the did Jongup know this? Know that they caught one of them? He looked at the younger and put a hand on his shoulder, etmpting to calm him down. He did and sat down on the chair Daehyun had used a couple of minutes before.

"Jongup, you're not suppossed to be in here..."

Daehyun whispered to him, listening to his breath. Jongup shrugged and folded his arms over his chest and stared at Junhyuk. Daehyun sighed and motioned for Kris to come in and close the door. The man did so and stood ready by the door if anything was to happen. Daehyun pinched the brim of his nose and sighed again. 

"Fine... *cough*.... I'll tell you! But don't let this motherer hit me again. ing hurt..."

Daehyun looked at him and listened. 


HImchan once again woke up in a hospital. But this time alone. Or that was what he thought. But what he didn't know was that he had a visitor. Behind the door. Watching the officers' every move. The unknown man opened the door and walked in, very quiet, and when the officer noticed him, he only wanted him out, but the man had aleady pulled out his gun...

Shorter update, sorry about that...

Still hope you like it ^^

Comments are loved :D (hehe, sound so desperate...-.-)

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rereading this~
yoontaehan #2
Chapter 18: Ended? Though it was quite vague... but I hope Himchan is okay and live happily with Yongguk?
Chapter 18: Thank you for finish this story ;)
Chapter 18: The end ? Really ?
Well, at least they caught the killer~ :))
Chapter 18: Omg!!!!!! Yes it's a little bit unclear but glad they caught the killer :)
Chapter 17: Wwwwwhat ???? Nooooo not himchan agaiiiin T-T
Chapter 17: geez it's getting nerve-wracking ><
((whispers my biases meet omg eric daehyun))
but why do i hope that the stranger is junjin or another members lol /finger crossed/
Chapter 16: don't say that you're also shcj bc i saw lee minwoo there :o
Chapter 16: Oh no oh no himchan :(
Chapter 16: omg Himchan :'(